Cost of Living Comparison by Country 2024

Cost of Living Comparison by Country 2024

Rizwan KHan

Gaining an understanding of the cost of living in various countries is essential for making informed financial decisions. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive cost of living comparison by country for the year 2024. We will take a closer look at the cost of living in four distinct countries: Pakistan, India, the USA, and Dubai. By examining key expenses and budgeting considerations, readers will be better equipped to evaluate their options and make smart financial choices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the cost of living is essential for making informed financial decisions
  • Pakistan and India offer more affordable living expenses compared to the USA and Dubai
  • Factors such as housing, transportation, food, and healthcare impact the cost of living in different countries
  • Comparing the cost of living in different countries can help individuals make informed decisions about where to live and work
  • Regular budgeting is crucial for managing expenses in a cost-effective manner

Cost of Living in Pakistan and India

When it comes to cost of living, Pakistan and India are two nations that offer a unique blend of cultural experiences and affordable living costs. In this section, we will take a detailed look at the expenses associated with living in these two countries.


While Pakistan and India offer a vast range of housing options, the cost of living in metropolitan cities such as Karachi and Mumbai can be relatively high. For instance, a one-bedroom apartment in Karachi can cost $190 monthly while the same apartment in Mumbai costs around $700. Overall, homeownership is more popular among South Asians, though renting is still prevalent in urban areas.


Transportation in Pakistan and India is relatively affordable, with a one-way ticket for local transportation costing around $0.28 and $0.32, respectively. Taxis, motorbikes, and rickshaws are the most common modes of transportation in urban cities, with fares varying from city to city.


Pakistan and India provide a plethora of affordable food options with a very diverse assortment of local and international cuisine. The cost of food staples such as rice, bread, and vegetables is generally low and can be purchased for around $1 a pound. A meal in an inexpensive local restaurant will cost approximately $3 to $5, while more upscale restaurants in major cities cost around $20 to $30 per meal.


Compared to Western countries, healthcare costs in Pakistan and India are significantly lower. However, there remains a significant discrepancy in the quality and availability of healthcare services between cities and rural areas. Basic checkups and medical consultation can cost as little as $5 to $10, while major surgeries may cost more and can vary in price based on the hospital.

In conclusion, the cost of living in Pakistan and India is relatively inexpensive when compared to other developed nations or even some developing nations. However, as with any country, the cost of living will vary based on the location and the lifestyle of the individual. By understanding the key expenses in these countries, one can make an informed decision when considering a move to South Asia.
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