Cosplay Jap

Cosplay Jap


Перевести · Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the …
Cosplay Complex (яп. こすぷれCOMPLEX Проблемы Косплея) — комедийное аниме, сделанное в формате OVA. Основные события концентрируются вокруг косплей-клуба в Восточной академии Ойдзуми. Центральная линия сюжета для аниме в целом отсутствует, каждая серия представляет собой отдельную небольшую историю. Первая — это к…
Cosplay Complex (яп. こすぷれCOMPLEX Проблемы Косплея) — комедийное аниме, сделанное в формате OVA. Основные события концентрируются вокруг косплей-клуба в Восточной академии Ойдзуми. Центральная линия сюжета для аниме в целом отсутствует, каждая серия представляет собой отдельную небольшую историю. Первая — это косплей-соревнование между Тяко и Дженни Маттэль. Вторая — работа клуба в косплей-кофейне на берегу пролива Микадзуки и «свидание» Тяко с Тамией. Третья серия, как и первая, является косплей-соревнованием.
Japanese Comic Con Cosplay 2018 compilation
Japan Weekend 2013 COSPLAY REVOLUTION Fanvideo
Перевести · 05.08.2019 · Western Origins of Cosplay. Although Japan is generally credited as the origin of Cosplay, and the Term “Cosplay” itself was originally coined in Japan (surprise, surprise) in 1984, it is NOT an entirely Japanese …
Перевести · C'était le Cosplay au Jap'in Tarn. Quelques clichés et quelques séquences pour une visite en touriste...!Caméra hésitante pour ce …
Although Japan is generally credited as the origin of Cosplay, and the Term “Cosplay” itself was originally coined in Japan (surprise, surprise) in 1984, it is NOT an entirely Japanese invention, however. Costume parties and Masquerade balls have been popular since the 15th century, actually.
Is there a Cosplay Summit in the world?
Is there a Cosplay Summit in the world?
Yes, it’s that time of the year again – the WCS – or World Cosplay Summit is once again underway, bringing with it incredible costumes, dedicated fans, and perhaps one or two questions of why people are into this unusual hobby.
Why is cosplay so popular in the Western world?
Why is cosplay so popular in the Western world?
The rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as a hobby since the 1990s has made the phenomenon a significant aspect of popular culture in Japan, other parts of Asia, and in the Western world.
Are there any Cosplay Conventions in the US?
Are there any Cosplay Conventions in the US?
Cosplay events are a common feature of various fan conventions these days; there are also dedicated conventions, local and international competitions, as well as social networks, websites, and other forms of media centered on cosplay activities.
РекламаНеужели в Японии ветер и вправду школьницам и студенткам постоянно задирает юбки?
РекламаКультура и жизнь в Японии. Аниме, косплей и реальные японки.
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Home Culture The Origins of Cosplay
And why is it so popular worldwide?
If you’re in Japan right now you might have noticed the hordes of Cosplay enthusiasts in Nagoya and also Tokyo this year. Yes, it’s that time of the year again – the WCS – or World Cosplay Summit is once again underway, bringing with it incredible costumes, dedicated fans, and perhaps one or two questions of why people are into this unusual hobby.
Derived from a combination of the words Costume and Play, Cosplay has become a world-wide phenomenon – and not just for young, comic/manga/anime loving otaku.
First of all, what is Cosplay?
At it’s core, it is a performance art in which participants, whether professional or amateur, wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent their favourite characters from comic books/manga, anime shows, TV series, or from popular video games, such as last year’s WCS champions from Mexico, playing Dhalsim and Chun Li from Streetfighter II.
The rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as a hobby since the 1990s has made the phenomenon a significant aspect of popular culture in Japan, other parts of Asia, and in the Western world.
Cosplay events are a common feature of various fan conventions these days; there are also dedicated conventions, local and international competitions, as well as social networks, websites, and other forms of media centered on cosplay activities.
Although Japan is generally credited as the origin of Cosplay, and the Term “Cosplay” itself was originally coined in Japan (surprise, surprise) in 1984, it is NOT an entirely Japanese invention, however. Costume parties and Masquerade balls have been popular since the 15th century, actually.
This might come as a surprise to many, but…
The first Cosplayer was actually not Japanese!
It was Myrtle Rebecca Douglas Smith Gray Nolan (June 20, 1904 – November 30, 1964), known in science fiction history simply as Morojo. She was a science fiction fan, fanzine publisher, and cosplay pioneer from Los Angeles, California. Together with her then-boyfriend Ackerman, she attended the 1939 1st World Science Fiction Convention (Nycon or 1st Worldcon) in New York City dressed in “futuristicostumes”, including a green cape and breeches, based on the pulp magazine artwork of Frank R. Paul and the 1936 film ‘Things to Come’, the costumes were designed, created, and sewn by Douglas herself. No one else wore a costume that first year, but all that changed at the 2nd Worldcon in 1940 in Chicago, where a parade and a short skit on stage were part of the festivities.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The term itself was coined by Nobuyuki Takahashi of manga Studio ‘Hard’, after he attended the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Los Angeles. He was impressed with the masquerade, reported on it in ‘My Anime’, coining the term kosupure in the process, and subsequently used the word in some Japanese magazines in 1983/1984.
These days, Cosplay is all the rage with thousands upon thousands of people dressing up and getting into character. The get-ups vary greatly, ranging from simple-themed to highly-detailed costumes.
When in costume, the cosplayers often seek to adopt the affect, mannerisms, and body language of the characters they portray. As many have commented,
it’s a great feeling stepping into a character and brining that character to life.
It is now big business in Japan – a whole world of conventions, events and dedicated stores have cropped up around this cultural and has turned it into an international phenomenon.
From a simple mask to an artful and painstakingly designed costume, cosplaying is endlessly adaptable. In anticipation of big events, many cosplayers will spend hours upon hours putting together an outfit, whether hand-making it or buying the components from a store such as Mitsubado in Akihabara.
To take part in an official cosplay competition, however, it is necessary that your costume be hand-made and totally original. In addition to clothing, accessories such as wigs, colourful contact lenses and temporary tattoos may also be incorporated into the cosplay.
Yes, the only time when it’s truly “acceptable” to display big tattoos (though fake ones) in public in Japan.
People put an incredible amount of energy, determination, creativity, and craftsmanship into their costumes – (not just in Japan) – and also into making their chosen character come to life.
With the surprising and interesting history out of the way, let’s take a look at the question which is probably already forming in the back of your mind at this moment…
Is it the camaraderie, the chance to become someone else, the sex appeal (of certain characters), the creativity, the community, or something else entirely, which makes this such a huge cultural phenomenon?
We asked cosplayers in two different countries on two different continents, and here’s what they had to say…
Arguably one of the largest and most important events in the world of Cosplay, the WCS helped to start and promote the current Cosplay trend worldwide. The annual event has been held since 2003 and is growing in size, scope, and significance every year.
From there the event grew each and every year in both size, but also in support. If you’re interested, you can read the full timeline and a plethora of other information about the WCS here…
… Camraderie, being able to express your creativity, a sense of community, making new friends and in some cases even finding the love of your life – these are all things possible through the world-wide appeal of cosplay. What started as a spur-of-the-moment idea in 1939 is now one of the most unique world-wide phenomenons of our time.
Where is cosplay heading from here? One thing is for sure.. this trend is not letting up anytime soon, and will only grow in popularity in the coming years, if the incredible growth of the WCS and other cosplay events is any indication. What amazing, interesting, scary, ingenious, funny, and entertaining character representations people have yet to come up with is something we’re definitely looking forward to at next year’s WCS in Japan.
For now, a big congratulations to this year’s champions, Team Australia , and thanks for reading, everyone.
Achim is a co-founder, Editor, and Photojournalist for JD. Having grown up in 3 different countries, on 3 different continents, he is an ecclectic mix of European, North-American, and Asian influences, with a natural passion for Photography, Art, Culture, and the Written Word. He loves Freelance Photography, Teaching, and Photo-journalism to promote multiculturalism and cross-cultural communication throughout the world.
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