Cosplay Babies

Cosplay Babies


Cosplay Babies
Those living in Nerd-dom know very well who the Cosplay girls are. They are seen everywhere there is a comic-con or any other sort of convention featuring the world of science fiction, fantasy, video and role playing games.
Cosplay is short for Costume Play and for many decades now people have been dressing up as favored fictional characters of those worlds and many, especially the women, have made careers out of showing up at the conventions and having their photos taken. Many have their own websites and their social media pages have more visits and likes that almost any other type.
Here are 17 of the hottest current cosplay girls in the world.
She hails from Quebec and seems to have started a true revolution in the cosplay world. Her Facebook page has over 170,000 “likes” and she had become a fan favorite since this fashion model began winning just about every cosplay contest ever held at any of the conventions in Canada. She designs all of her own costumes.
This native Los Angeles girl has been in the cosplay world since 2003 and has become quite the fan favorite. In college, she studied design and make-up and she has created over 50 costumes and characters in her career. Her following actually includes costume and fashion designers who are intrigued by her style. She is on the road most of the year attending conventions and judging cosplay contests.
This cosplay legend had more than 10,000 Twitter followers and more than 190,000 “likes” at her Facebook page. Designers and fans simply marvel at her ability to create detailed and intricate costumes and she is well known for her armor designs. Her real name, Svetlana Quindt, is as exotic as her designs. She has regular tutorials out on YouTube and is the author of many books on cosplay design.
Adrianne has a huge following both on social media and at the conventions where fans are often surrounding her. She has been looked to as a role model for thousands of female gamers and would-be cosplay girls and she was the very first winner on the America’s Next Top Model television show.
Monika has been immersed in the video gamer and cosplay world since the tender age of 13. She is a veteran gamer and designs all of her costumes to resemble favorite characters in many of her beloved video games. She has traveled, and is well known, all over the world and her Facebook page sports nearly 350,000 “likes” and her Twitter handle has over 65,000 followers.
When she isn’t deep in the cosplay world, she is a manager at a video game company. She loves anime and got into cosplay in 2001. She has achieved fame with her Saber character from the Fate/Stay Night novels and has 225,000 Facebook “likes” and her Twitter followers number around 8,000
Since she was five years old, and was taught to sew, Destiny has immersed herself in the costume play world. She is a perennial fan favorite with over 433,000 Facebook “likes”. She is well known for the detail and quality of her costumes and regularly sits on panels at conventions and has been a popular contest judge since 2003.
She has been a legend in the cosplay world for years and is a fully fledged fan girl. She is a regular at the conventions all over the world and is frequently asked to judge contests and to sit on discussion panels. Her constant theme is to do what you love regardless of your size or looks. Live your passion, she preaches.
This Italian beauty is also a working actress and a mad gamer. Her fame is attributed to the detail of her anime and manga characters. She travels the world and sits on discussion groups and is a much sought after judge at contests.
Kristen is a famed costume designer and frequently pays homage to her mother who she believes got her going as a young girl when she taught young Kristen how to sew. Her Facebook fans number almost 700,000 and she is a fan favorite where ever she shows up with her intricately stitched, and hand made, costumes.
Anime and manga fans know her well and she is “The Anime Princess of Burlesque”. She has a very unique style and air about her and her characters and she is instantly recognizable where ever she happens to be in the cosplay and convention world. Se has been a favorite for more than five years and has a half million “likes” on her Facebook page.
This native Canadian girl moved to the US to find a larger opportunity for her costume play and for her design work. Her real name is Riki LeCoty and she is most famous for being able to truly design costumes in real life that are so remarkably like those in the animated films and games her fans adore. She has more than 50,000 Twitter followers and her Facebook page lights up with more than 400,000 “likes”.
She hails from the Philippines where she is a noted actress, singer and performer. She is considered one of the most famous cosplay girls on the planet with over one million Facebook “likes” and more than 376,000 followers of her Twitter handle. She has been active in the cosplay world since she was 15 and has portrayed over 40 characters in her career.
This Asian looking beauty is actually a nice Southern girl from Georgia. Anyone who knows anything about the cosplay universe knows her and she has appeared many times as a guest judge on the King of the Nerds television show. In addition, she has been profiled on the SyFy channel’s Heroes of Cosplay and her costumes can actually be purchased at her website. Her fan base continues to grown as she currently has 96,000 Twitter followers and more than 1.2 million “likes” at her Facebook page.
Misa is from Taiwan and is quickly becoming one of the rising new stars in cosplay. She makes all of her own costumes and her following has been growing rapidly. She is an avid gamer and loves manga and anime and is always featured as some of the most famous anime characters currently out there.
The cosplay girl sensation with the three first names is a California girl from San Diego. She knew nothing about costume play until she attended her first convention in 2010 and fell in love with it all. This is her only career, her only job, and is often outfitted in characters from famous games and movies. She has recently begun to expand out into anime characters and she is one of the most popular stars out there with over 30,000 followers at Twitter and almost 900,000 “likes” at her Facebook page.
She may very well be the most famous cosplay girl of them all. She has truly reached the status of star and celebrity in the practice. She has almost 400,000 Twitter followers and an astonishing 2.7 million “likes” on her Facebook page. She is mobbed and adored everywhere that she appears and she was an instant sensation at 2009’s San Diego ComiCon when she showed up dressed as “Sexy Pikachu”. Warner Brothers has taken her on as a spokeswoman and she has won contests and renown for her portrayal of the video game Lollypop Chainsaw’s Juliet Starling.
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Those living in Nerd-dom know very well who the Cosplay girls are. They are seen everywhere there is a comic-con… Read more…

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We're not talking massive wardrobe malfunction or disastrous mix-ups, but a mere waste of aesthetic potential.
Everyone can appreciate the time and effort cosplayers put into their outfits. Not only are they dressing up as the characters, but they're embodying their personas to a tee, replicating their idiosyncrasies, bringing along sidekicks, and wielding weapons made famous in the movies or comics.
From the Super Smash Bros. roster, over to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Comics, The Hunger Games, and everything in between, there is no shortage of opportunity when it comes to cosplay. With that in mind, some cosplay girls still make the wrong choice. We're not talking massive wardrobe malfunction or disastrous mix-ups, but a mere waste of aesthetic potential.
These cosplay girls should have shot for the stars, yet instead, they barely left Earth.
We can't help by gawk at this particular Samus Aran cosplayer. Her choice to dress up at Nintendo's Metroid main character (and one of the beloved Super Smash Bros. characters) was a good one, as the tight-fitting bodysuit clearly highlights her features. However, she could have taken it up another level if she went a little more au naturale .
Whether her long, blonde locks are natural or dyed for the purposes of this outfit, we feel like this cosplayer could have chosen an outfit that would flaunt her features a little better. Some black leather, Katniss Everdeen-style would contrast her blonde hair beautifully, while something a little more flattering to the curves wouldn't go awry either.
After first appearing in the Marvel UK series, Captain Britain, Psylocke has become most known for her appearances in the world of X-Men. This cosplayer has plenty of potential, and seems to have done at least a fair job in replicating the character, but she could have delivered so much more in a Wonder Woman outfit, for instance.
With a rocking steampunk feathered hat, a frilly shirt and a mix of fur and metal sleeves, this cosplayer has done a commendable job on her outfit, to say the least. Despite the impressive costume, it doesn't really do her any favours in terms of turning a few heads. She could have pulled off a killer Black Widow.
This cosplayer could have taken any comic book, video game, or MCU character, and turned it into something drool-worthy. Instead, to the detriment of all wandering eyes in her vicinity, she made the conscious decision to suit up in a head-to-toe, obstructive Samus suit. To twist the words of Uncle Ben - with great assets comes great opportunity.
It takes more than just sliding into a costume to turn a wannabe cosplayer into a good one. Apart from donning the outfit, you need to embrace the character with authenticity and intent. This girl has had no issue with the costume, but she's clearly lacking enthusiasm when it comes to playing the part.
Princess Peach might indeed be a princess, but that doesn't mean that she needs to repel any wandering eyes by wearing elbow-length gloves and a dress down to her ankles. While this cosplayer has certainly done a job worthy of applause as far as accuracy goes, she's hiding plenty of talent with her choice of outfit.
While Daisy's gloves are at least only wrist-length, we're of the view that gloves and puffy below-knee dresses should be avoided entirely, that is, if the cosplayer is wanting to turn heads. The crown might be a nice touch, but overall the outfit seems rather childish - she could have been the center of attention if she wanted to.
This woman has slid in excellently into her Captain Marvel persona and even has a little bit of a resemblance to the MCU actress, Brie Larson, with her wavy blonde hair. While there's nothing wrong with her choice, per se, she has the piercing stare that could have turned a few other characters into serious eye-candy.
We love Zelda (the titular character in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda, of course), and this cosplayer has done a pretty darn good job at replicating her. While the long, blonde hair is clearly the main selling point for this cosplayer, the darting, pointed elf-like ears detract from the overall aesthetic. Not bad, but not the best.
Forgetting about the little black feline sidekick here for a second, this cosplayer's attempt at Hellgirl is actually rather impressive. Then again, how hard is it to slap on some red paint and a giant glove? Her eyes are piercing, but there is surely some more talent on display that another choice of costume would have better highlighted.
Queen Mera was played by Amber Heart in the recent DC film, Aquaman, so any cosplayer is going to have a might difficult time living up to the aesthetic presented by Heard. That being said, this cosplayer's attempt isn't all too terrible. However, it could have been elite if she'd forgone the headgear and kept the focus on the bodysuit.
Everyone loves when a cosplayer clearly puts in a significant amount of effort for an outfit and aces it - that we can agree on. Unfortunately, this Pikachu outfit, while it does present a little bit of eye-candy to the average onlooker, it seems extremely last-minute and budget-friendly. She would have aced it with some more time and dedication.
Just another friendly neighborhood spider-man at your service. Well, in this case, it's Spider-Woman, and a fully-covered one at that. Just like Samus Aran and Katniss Everdeen before her, this cosplayer could have turned plenty of more heads if she'd gone for something a little sheerer. She hasn't done a poor job by any means, but she's made the wrong choice.
There are just too many similarities between Gamora and the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz for Gamora to completely fall into the eye-candy category. While this cosplayer might not sport the big-nose or the boomstick, she could have been so much more than what she is.
We're all big fans of Katniss Everdeen and The Hunger Games, there's no doubt about that. While we admit that this cosplayer has done a formidable job in replicating the District 12 hustler, it seems a shame that she's wasted her potential on a full-body suit. She could have turned heads, but instead, she just blends in.
While we absolutely adore Iron Man as a Marvel character for his wit and intellect (or Iron Woman, in this case), the outfit certainly isn't the most flattering for any female cosplayers out there. This girl could have presented as a knock-out Pepper Potts, especially with her dramatic red hair.
There are two ways to replicate Harley Quinn: there's the jaw-dropping, psychotic Margot Robbie version that is guaranteed to drop jaws and turn heads, and then there's the slide-into-the-background full-body-suit type version like the one pictured above. There was a 50/50 chance to ace this costume, but unfortunately, she's made the wrong choice.
This cosplayer was spotted over at Gen Con at the Indiana Convention Center back in 2018. The handmade costume isn't the best we've seen, but we can appreciate the effort. If she wanted to turn a few more heads, she could have opted for something a little less, well, menacing.

Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture

The Best Cosplay Girls - HOT! (Top 100 Best Female Cosplayers)

These girl cosplayers has made the cosplay community more colorful with their awesome cosplays.
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Having jumped from one adventure to another, Erin tells stories about her travels in the magical world, the Seven Kingdoms, and more. She's very passionate about discovering new things in life.
Top 3 Favorite Games: Left 4 Dead 2, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Diablo
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