Cosmo Woman Orgasm

Cosmo Woman Orgasm


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Cosmo women's orgasm secret - линейка секс игрушек от компании "Лаборатория Биоритм". От того, насколько гармоничны интимные отношения зависит физическое и моральное здоровье человека. "Лаборатория Биоритм" на протяжении многих лет занимается созданием специальных средств, способствующих улучшению качества секса. Продукция компании отвечает всем российским и международным стандартам.
Интимная косметика от "Лаборатории Биоритм" - это абсолютно уникальные составы, гарантированная эффективность действия, максимально удобная упаковка, имеющая стильный современный дизайн. Ее использование поможет решить различные проблемы и сделать сексуальную жизнь полноценной, насыщенной и яркой!
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“It's like an electrical current running directly through my vagina."
Despite more than 75% of women needing more than penetration to orgasm, the trope of women climaxing immediately upon penetration in movies, tv, and porn, does not help A.) take the pressure off ourselves to orgasm within mere seconds, B.) redirect focus on what does help a majority of women orgasm, which is clitoral stimulation. With this “take-it-with-a-huge-grain-of-salt” orgasm narrative peddled by pop culture, it’s easy to wonder “Wait, was that really an orgasm?” even if you’re 99.999999% certain it was.
Some good news: the great thing about orgasms is that there are a ton of different kinds. You can have a really big, earth-shattering, makes you fall asleep right after, orgasm, or you can have a day where your climax results in the feeling of a mini-orgasm. The orgasm you might have in any particular situation can vary based on lots of things: intensity, sensation, situation, excitement, and possible fears or inhibitions. Maybe you experience a seriously fast heart beat when you’re going to town on yourself, but not when you’re with a partner… that’s totally normal!
With any orgasm, you may experience shaky legs, erect nipples, a tightness in or around your vagina, etc.—but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll happen every single time you orgasm. It’s also worth noting that just because your girlfriends talk about their orgasms doesn’t mean you’ll experience them the same way they do. (So don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you’ve got one vocal friend who brings up how they can orgasm vaginally and squirt when those two things haven’t ever really happened for you. Everyone’s body is different!)
Whether you’ve orgasmed more times than you even care to estimate or never at all, we can all use a reminder now and again to focus on our pleasure and just how important it is to know our own bodies to find out what makes us tick. Since female sex research notoriously sucks and there’s really no definitive way to tell if you did have an orgasm or what it’s supposed to feel like, we rounded up quotes from 39 women who describe what their orgasms feel like to better help you understand yours.

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“For me, an orgasm is a psychological and a physical experience. In my mind, it’s like I’ve been holding my breath and can finally exhale. This exhale is an intimate release that’s warm and comforting and invigorating Physically, I feel all my muscles contracting. When I finally climax my body is refreshed and my muscles, which were tightening throughout arousal, are finally loose.”—Nadège C., 30
“To me, an orgasm feels like really truly like letting go. It’s a rush like, whew, and then any and all tension I had disappears and I'm ready to either take on the day or get the best night of sleep ever.”—Sierra T., 24
“It feels like all the energy centers of my body are activated at once and I can feel an intense tension simultaneously in my brain and my limbs and whole body, sound coming through my throat. It’s a huge release.”—Brittany D.
“For me, an orgasm starts in the peripheral of my body, ie. the tips of my fingers, the inside of my knees, the tips of my toes, the top of my head. These body parts all begin to vibrate and hum with electricity, as the sensation then envelops my core and pulses through my stomach, chest and thighs. Finally the sensation crescendos with a full release of tension, stress and pain, then leaves you feeling as though there are thousands of tiny effervescent bubbles slowly gliding across your skin.”—Kaleah A., 33
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“There’s nothing else in the world like it. It’s the overwhelming feeling of what you’d imagine the core of a volcano feels before fully erupting. It’s that sense of indescribable and pure emotion that once released, makes you feel free and high on life.”—Violet O., 32
“My orgasm feels as if I'm a volcano in human form, like I'm slowly heating up and building up various feel-good sensations. When I reach my peak, I erupt and release all of those sensations.” —Mitanette C., 35
“Reaching orgasm is like climbing a tall mountain. I climb and climb, the sensation of pleasure growing and building on itself, until finally I go over the peak and slide joyously, breathlessly to the bottom.”—Ali W., 31
“It feels like an eruption you have no control over. For me, the climax is a lot longer than the actual orgasm. The build up feels like I'm running out of air in a good way, and longing for relief. The last seconds before I finish feels a bit like I'm going to wet myself. Sorry if that sounds gross! But my best orgasms feel that way.”—Roxanne C*., 26
“To me it feels like the release of tension, kind of like if you could cram the relaxing feeling of a massage that works a sore joint into nanoseconds. It’s the intensity of the feeling in such a short period of time that makes it so special.” —Jordan G.*,28
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"It feels like your vagina is squeezing and relaxing all at the same time. It's truly a sensation you can't really describe, but I imagine it to be like squeezing a kegel ball and then releasing it." —Ashley N., 34
"This is going to sound a little strange, but bear with me. You know that feeling when you've been holding in your pee for like 20 minutes and it feels almost like a tickling sensation? That's what an orgasm feels like...but more intense." —Michelle A., 21
“It feels like I have an electrical current running directly through my vagina. It’s just this crazy moment where every single cell is screaming Yes!” —Emily G., 22
“It feels like you’re on a roller coaster and you’re finally at the top, and then you feel that stomach drop. The anticipation and buildup ends, so you just feel a smooth release. It feels cleansing, almost like the warm feeling you get after taking a few deep breaths.” —Jen F., 24
“It feels like crying, sneezing, and laughing all at the same time.” —Katherine L., 22
“I picture it kind of like a waterfall bursting over a cliff when it happens. Even if that does sound a little like peeing. But it’s this intense pressure that eventually gets released, and it feels incredible.” — Suzanne T., 20
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“It’s hard to describe how it feels during the actual orgasm—aside from, like, amazing—but afterward, I almost feel a reverb bouncing through my clitoris. That’s how I know for sure.” —Christine A., 32
“It’s like when you scratch your back but you just can’t reach the right spot under your sweater, BUT THEN YOU DO!” —Sophie L., 27
“It’s like I’m SHOOK and I feel everything but nothing at the same time!” —Lara K., 19
“I would describe it as, like, a giant explosion that starts deep inside me, almost like...radiating from my belly button down through my clitoris.” — Sabrina S., 34
“The song ‘Bubbly’ by Colbie Caillat perfectly encapsulates the female orgasm. ‘It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose.’” —Victoria M., 24
“I know for sure I’m going to orgasm when my partner keeps up the same repetitive sensation until I get there. I can’t come if someone keeps changing up the rhythm unexpectedly. I have to get into a groove, then when I orgasm, it feels like water gushing out of a bathtub.” — Isabel R., 19
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“My mind goes totally blank when I’m orgasming. All I can think about is my body, like, pulsating and then letting completely loose. I injured my back once and had to take muscle relaxers. Having an orgasm is sort of like a giant dose of Prozac and muscle relaxers all at once.” — Carter C., 26
“You know how it feels to pee? Well, it’s honestly pretty similar to that for me. It’s like all this buildup and then when I release, it feels similar to when you really have to pee and all of a sudden can.” —Michelle T., 23
“When you eat a watermelon Sour Patch Kid after really craving one.” —Sophie L., 27
“I can tell I’m having an orgasm when I feel like my body is, like, approaching a cliff. It’s easy to get ‘stuck’ there on the cliff without going over, but when you do, it’s just a giant flood of sensation. This is maybe TMI, but I can also sort of feel my vagina pulsing afterward.” —Anna G., 28
“I have so much pleasure going on inside of me, the only thing I can do is feel my body react, whether I start shaking or feel a wave of hot and then calm wash over me. It’s almost confusing—something feels so good it almost hurts, so you want more and you want it to stop at the same time, and then you cross a line into an orgasm, and then when it’s a big one, it just totally consumes you.” —Alexandra L., 28
“I experienced one orgasm that almost made me feel like I blacked out. It started with that pulsating feeling, then my head was spinning, my body shaking uncontrollably. It was like a volcanic eruption...but down there. Then I collapsed beside him, unable to move, think, or speak.” —Haley B., 24
“I know when it starts because every muscle begins to tighten and my upper thighs begin to quiver. I break out in a light sweat and it feels as if a faucet is being turned on inside me. I know the big O is complete when I feel like I need a snack and a nap.” —Nina G., 29
“It feels like a release and is really great for the split second before it happens. And then it’s over way too soon and I want more. But sometimes, you can get lucky and feel these aftershocks if you position yourself right.” — Lexa P., 25
“I would describe it as every ounce of sexual energy being sucked from my body, starting at my toes and fingertips and working its way in until it pulses from my vagina. Then once it’s over, I’m a noodle.” —Jaclyn E., 22
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Carina Hsieh Sex & Relationships Editor Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 
Taylor Andrews Taylor is one of the sex and relationship editors who can tell you exactly which vibrators are worth the splurge, why you’re still dreaming about your ex, and tips on how to have the best sex of your life (including what word you should spell with your hips during cowgirl sex)—oh, and you can follow her on Instagram here.
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