Corset Punishment Stories

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My permanent Shackles

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I posted the pics of my shackles on my IAm page and have recieved numerous messages from people that are curious about them So I wanted to submit the story about them so that others can know the story behind them.
I was 18 when I had them put on by a very very dear friend of mine.
I had seen many pictures of women in other countries with permanent jewelry before,but none in the United States. I always thought to myself how that is a step way beyond what piercing could ever give me.
I had a few piercings at that time, nipples, tongue, lip, septum, my bridge, my genitals and was stretching my ears.
I have played around with bondage a little and found that it interests me but that finding a partner worth sharing that with was incredibly hard.
So most people I talk to think that I had the shackles put on by a Master and that I am someones slave. That is not the story even though I am reminded of the expierience of them being put on, and of my friend that helped me create and put them on, every time I look at them.

So in a sense I am bonded to him for ever and that doesnt bother me.
Now I wanted them to look girlie, nothing bulky, and too noticable. I just couldnt find anything that would work just right, and my friend came over one day, and said he had just gotten back from an antique yard. He put in front of me a long piece of shiny metal 1/2" wide and slightly rounded on both sides. It was purfect.
He told me the pieces came off a 1930's bi wing plane they were the cross beams that hold the wings on. To me that was really awesome I will have antique shackles. SO it was a done deal now, so he took a cast of my ankles about 4-5 inches tall and made a mold. then cut the metal in two pieces and molded it around the molds he had made of my ankles. Then filed the ends so that they met up perfect it looked like if you were to hold one hand face up and then lay'd the other on top face down they met up and made a thickness the same size of the rod. then he took a piece of stainless steel tubing and flattened it we were ready then to put the shackles on.
he opended the prebent shackle and places it sround my ankle, then slid the tube over. After that he used a welding mixture and put it on the metal and inside ithe tube. Then we put a huge c clamp on the shackle because it would not stay together, with a towel to protect the shiny shackle. One on each leg. I remained like this for a full 24 hours to allow the welding compound to dry.
I have to admitt I really enjoyed trying to walk around my house with the C clamps on my ankles. I also think my friend enjoyed watching me hobble around the house.
After 24 hours the compound was dry and we removed the clamps and the towel, there were a few scratches so I used a dremmel to polish them.
At first they bothered the back of my leg where the foot bends. They caused blisters but after the blisters went away there was a calous so the discomfort was small. I have a hard time finding tall boots that I can wear now also but most boots they fit in as long as I push the shackle up away from my ankle inside the boot.

I really like the fact that I chose to use a more discrete look for them because I can wear heels and a very nice dress and go out and even classy ladies will ask me about them because they find them beautiful. The women that do approach me have their own permanent mods that are commonly over looked and accepted in the mainstream... permanent toe rings. So in my mind I feel this type of adornment could be accepted and in my life has been.
On rare occasion I will have someone from the BD/SM world approach me and ask about them.. In hopes.
I have never used them for bondage purposes not saying if I met the right person I would'nt it just has not happened.
I have seen other shackles since mine but noone has had them on as long as I have. It has been 11 years now I am very proud of that actually. Most shackles I have seen since have been riveted or have screws and look very bulky I'm a ladie and I wanted something beautiful to adorn a ladie.
I have had problems with them but nothing that is so uncomfortable that I would ever take them off. they could be removed but not without great effort.
I love them they are unique and I do feel honored to be one of very few people in the world to wear true permanent adornments.
I hope this explains enough about my shackles and my expierience having them. If anyone has any other question feel free to contact me.
submitted by: Anonymous on: 25 Dec. 2006 in

Corsetry and Binding

Artist: William+J+Meyer+III

Studio: Home

Location: Denton%2CTX

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   Amy gradually woke from what could possibly have been the best sleep of her life. The morning sunlight beamed though her curtains as it danced though freshly frozen icicles hanging just outside her window. For the first time in months Amy realized that there was nothing she really had to do today.   Finally, Amy lazily opened her eyes and stretched her arms in front of her; her elbows and fingers popped as she clenched her fists. However, when Amy tried to arch her back into the air she let out a faint whimper in confusion when she realized that she could not clear her sheets. Even though Amy was still for the most part asleep, she realized that something was wrong.      Moments later, Amy dropped her hands to her stomach, but to her surprise her palms met with something hard beneath her covers. Slightly alarmed, she raised her head from her pillow and glared, with blurry vision, at her desk; where she had left the box the previous night. Almost a full minute passed before it dawned on her that the black leather box was not only open but the lid was lying beside it.    Amy ripped the covers off of her bed, throwing them to the floor, and locked her eyes on her now tiny waist as it had been squeezed into an hourglass shape, perfectly submitting to the demands of the corset. What was left of the small amount of air contained in her lungs exited in a short, high pitched screech that could have been heard from outside.    “I didn’t—how is this even…?” Amy stammered, short of breath, as she probed her waist with her index finger.   When Amy finally calmed herself enough to retain rational thought, she managed to wrench herself out of bed and stepped in front of her full length mirror. The corset itself didn’t scare her so much as the reason as to how it was on her, and while she didn’t have an answer, she did know that she wanted if off. She ran her hands up and down the now satin smooth surface that was her stomach and her fingers found the hook closures where she tried for just a moment to pry them apart. Without making a great deal of effort, Amy gave up on them and turned herself around so that her back was to the mirror.   Expecting to find a knot to untie she probed the closure but to her horror she found that the laces had been pulled tight from the inside, as if someone had put them in backwards.   “What the hell?” Amy muttered as she looked for a way to loosen the laces but she couldn’t even begin to figure out how she got into it in the first place.    Finally, Amy tried to wedge a finger under one of the lace crosses between the eyelets to see if she could pull out any amount of slack but was dumbfounded when she couldn’t even separate the lace from the fabric of the corset.   Growing more frustrated with each failed attempt to remove the corset, Amy finally retrieved a kitchen knife and returned to her mirror. Hands shaking, she reached behind her and pushed the thin blade into the extremely tight gap between the two ends of the corset and began sawing at the laces. Even though Amy was in an extremely awkward position, she could tell that she was applying a lot of pressure to the knife but laces simply refused to part.    Suddenly, Amy felt something move from within the corset itself, as if between the layers of fabric; from one side of the lace closure to the other. As the movement passed between the two halves, a sharp slicing, metal on metal, sound could be heard from the general location of the knife, followed by the distinct clatter of metal falling to a wood floor.   Amy was mortified as she sat on her bed and inspected a knife blade that had been cut clean in half, finally admitting to herself that this was no ordinary corset. Unsure of what to do or even think for that matter, she simply stared at the mysterious garment, too afraid to even touch it when the leather box that sat on her desk caught her eye.      Letting out a deflated sigh, due in part to the tightness of the corset, she approached her desk and peered through the open lid. There, sitting in the center of the dark velvet lining was an oddly shaped, thin piece of black obsidian glass. Amy knew for a fact she had not previously overlooked it, there was no way that it could have been inside the box when she opened it last but given her situation and concern for her sanity, she decided to overlook that detail.   As Amy turned it over she began to make out subtle movement just beneath the surface of the glass as it were filled with a dark liquid. Finally, bring the shard closer to her face she realized that it was actually pulsing to what Amy considered to be a very familiar rhythm.   Amy’s eyes widened and she reached her right hand across her chest and placed it directly on her heart and watched as the piece of glass pulsed at exactly the same rate her own heartbeat.   Amy looked back down at the corset. “What the hell is this thing?!” She squeaked in frustration; still holding the glass.   After just a few seconds the glass began to form little bright green streaks in the center which quickly formed letters and then words right in front of her eyes.   “I am, as I need to be.” The writing was a fancy cursive that Amy could just barely make out.   Amy’s jaw dropped as she read the words and reluctantly admitted to herself that she was going to have to talk to whatever the thing was she was holding. Standing there for a few minutes Amy gathered her thoughts and carefully considered her situation. She was alone in this and whatever this corset actually was it was intelligent; enough so that it knew when it was under attack as well as being able to defend itself. In that respect Amy understood that she would have to tread lightly because of what she done with the knife just minutes before.            Taking in as deep of breath that the corset would allow, she spoke in the most serious and fearless voice she could muster.    “What do you want?”    There was a short pause, but once again the green letters assimilated themselves for Amy to read. “Nothing that I do not already possess…”   Amy’s heart fluttered and her hands began to shake with fright; her own heartbeat betrayed her as it raced. The careful bluff had been easily called; the corset had her, and it knew it.   “What are you going to do to me?” Her heartbeat hammered against the crushing strength of the corset.   “You fear for your safety?”   Amy creased her brow in confusion. “What’s that supposed to mean?”   There was a short pause before the glass responded. “I promise I mean you no harm.” Amy shook her head in disbelief, as she read the words several times.    “It’s a little late for that.” Amy voice was heavy with sarcasm.    “You misunderstand my intentions.”    “What? What intentions?”    “I meant only to receive your attention.”   “Well you have it.” She hissed as she spoke, trying to conceal her own fear with a shroud of defiance but knew that her heartbeat would give her away.    “I believe I may be able to assist you, that is, if you are willing…”   “What ARE you?” Amy demanded, unwilling to continue the conversation on the glass shards terms, she wanted answers and was though playing games.    For a moment it looked as though Amy had stuck a cord as there was no response for several minutes but finally it answered her. “I can see that my actions have not left a favorable impression upon you.”   “You didn’t answer my question.”   “As you have not answered mine; I believe we have reached what you refer to as an impasse.”   Amy thought about that for a moment knowing that she wasn’t going to get anywhere if she didn’t at least hear it out.   “I suppose we have, I don’t suppose you are willing to compromise then?”    “Interesting thought, but I perceive much more effective and simple solution.”   “Which is?”   “I wish you to trust me.”   “I don’t think that is going to happen.”   “On the contrary, you do not realize I stand nothing to gain if you are not willing to at least give an audience to my request. So my question to you is what would you desire of me?”      There was no way this was for real, Amy thought. “You know what I want.” She muttered in detest.    The glass did not respond and Amy grew more anxious every second. “Hello?” Still nothing; the glass even stopped pulsing. Amy was beginning to think that she had just made a huge mistake when she began to feel more movement from inside the corset. Amy looked down and entered a state of complete shock as the laces began sliding though the eyelets, and more so as they fell to the floor. Slowly at first then quickly all 20 feet of cord unwrapped themselves from inside the corset and as soon as the last inch fell to the floor the corset fell from her body and landed with a thud at her feet.   Amy took a step back from the garment as it lay motionless on the floor. With the black glass still in her hands, Amy stared to feel very sick in the pit of her stomach. 5 minutes ago Amy would have done anything to get the corset off of her and all she had to do was ask? Something felt very wrong, and yet despite her distrust of the garment she found herself unable to simply throw it out.    Instead, Amy picked up the corset and the pile of laces and placed them back in the box along with the glass shard and closed the lid. Still a bit uneasy, she took the box and shoved it inside an empty drawer. She tried to convince herself that it was because she wouldn’t let someone else fall victim to it but even that sounded much too naïve to be her. Instead she admitted that she was curious, even intrigued by it.   Only an hour had gone by since she shoved it away but Amy found herself pulling the glass shard from the box and inspected it as she lay on her bed. As before the glass shard no longer pulsed to the rhythm of her heartbeat; most likely because she wasn’t wearing the corset anymore she thought. However the glass still appeared to have some kind of liquid within it as from time to time Amy noticed a thick substance pass from one side to the other.   “Are you in there?” She asked remembering how the shard had gone silent just before the corset unlaced itself; Amy idly wandered if she needed to be wearing the corset for it to work. However, to Amy’s relief the green letters once again formed for her to read.   “If your question is implying that I exist inside the glass than your answer is no I’m am not ‘in there’.”   “Then where are you?”   “I would have thought you would have guessed that by now…”   “The corset then?”   “Indeed; was there something else you needed?”   “Yea actually there was something I wanted, to make clear I mean. About last night, I don’t want you to do that again; just jump on me when I am asleep.”   “I understand, you wish me to respect your boundaries, and rest assured I will adhere to your request if only I am to make one of my own.”   “Go on.” Conversation, still civilized Amy thought it fair to at least hear it out, even if she didn’t exactly like where this might be going.      “If you do not intend to dispose of me you must, at the very least, be curious as to what I am and more importantly what I am capable of, but I must admit in my current state isn’t much. I will do as you ask and will from here on out respect your wishes as to when and what conditions the corset is worn. But you must first do something for me.”   Amy pondered what it meant by current state, but was still willing to compromise if it meant she would gain the upper hand. “What did you have in mind?”   “In order to sustain myself I must be joined to a host for a short time, however I believe this premise may frighten you. Therefore I offer an ultimatum; you willingly submit for only a single night or we simply part ways.”   “I don’t know if I can just go with that. I mean I still don’t even trust you yet.”   “I promise no harm will come to you.”   Amy let out a sigh; at this point she could easily wash her hands of the whole mess but she could have also done that an hour ago.    “I will
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