Corruption Of Champions Unbirth

Corruption Of Champions Unbirth


Corruption Of Champions Unbirth

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Manticore Venom

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Manticore Venom

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Vial of Ominous Red Liquid

Manticore Venom

Vixen Tea

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This page is written in an out-of-character perspective due to its content. It may be worded differently than the rest of the wiki. This is intentional.

The game logo, from the official wiki .
Corruption of Champions is a single-player text-based adventure game created by Fenoxo . The date it was created is unknown, but records indicate it was around at least in January 2011. It's a standalone game with an infamous reputation for its content, which includes controversial topics such as rape, incest, and slavery. Reception of the game is fairly mixed as a result, split between people who don't like that such content is romanticized and those who don't care.

The story follows the player character (who is known among fans as "the champion" due to the ability to freely name the player character), a young adult from the village of Ingnam who has been sent to the demon realm called Mareth as a sacrifice to keep Ingnam safe from demon raids. The player character starts as an ordinary human with the goal of taking down the demon empire, but based on the player's actions, this may not be the final outcome.

Corruption of Champions is a turn-based tactical role-playing game where most actions happen through clicking various buttons and reading the presented narration. The basic gameplay is to explore the different zones and places, and battle whatever enemy is encountered in order to train and get stronger. Combat is based around two major factors: health (shortened to HP) and lust. Reducing health to 0 or maximizing lust will cause a victory or loss, dependent on if the player or opponent hit one of the two first. Combat is typically followed by some sort of sex scene, though there have been exceptions.

Combat is affected by a few stats, called Strength, which determines the power of attacks; Toughness, which helps the player endure attacks; Speed, used to determine the player's ability to flee from combat; and Intelligence, which can increase the power of non-regular attacks and aid in evasion. Leveling and certain items can change these, and maximizing them is a frequent goal of players which keeps them motivated to continue playing. Stats are also heavily affected by perks and items. Finding and using the strongest weapons and armor available are another major hook in gameplay, since none are very easily obtained. Perks are mostly gained by leveling and can affect everything from health, to endurance, to critical hit chance, to seductive capabilities. Perks are extremely powerful and useful, with some feats near impossible without the proper perks, and many of the best ones are only obtained through certain requirements, so the player may need to devote a lot of time into getting them.

Another major portion of gameplay is interaction with non-hostile NPCs. There are several characters to interact with, each who have their own unique personality and backstory. Many NPCs can be romanced or befriended, recruited to join the player's camp, or feature their own mini-character arc through a quest. Quests often yield special items or scenes and majorly affect interaction with the character it's focused on. Several characters can be "purified" or "corrupted", and while irreversible through normal means, each expand on possible interactions or may advance the player. There are also many simple characters such as shopkeepers, but even for sparse interaction, many consider them interesting. There is a main plotline to follow whose outcome can differ based on the player's actions, though it's relatively linear and short, leaving most of the game's interest in the characters.

The final major portion of gameplay is character customization-- or more commonly known as transformations among players. Each body part has its own selection of types which change appearance and, occasionally, stats and attack moves. There's also a plethora of options regarding skin, fur, scales, hair length, and the colors of such, as well as miscellaneous factors like beards, femininity, muscle tone, and thickness. There's also the option for extra appendages, like tails and wings. Cultivating the exact appearance the player wants tends to take a large amount of time due to the item collecting and luck necessary, and is, perhaps, the most focused on aspect of gameplay.

This is the staff and contributors to the game as listed in the latest official release of the game. The staff here is not necessarily people who had contributed to the modification.

Disclaimer: These credits have been directly copied and pasted. As such, they fall under the official quote clause that pardons references of sexual material.

Marae is the goddess of the land of Mareth , where the game mainly takes place. She is found via the Lake Boat .

Marae will appear to be a feminine figure, trapped in or part of a tree on an otherwise abandoned island.

When the player meets Marae for the first time, Marae will explain how the demons of Mareth used to be humans who developed magic, initially in peace. Eventually, magic was carelessly used for hedonistic purposes and carnal desires, slowly corrupting its wielders, and spreading.

She also explains that the demons have constructed a factory in the mountains in order to pump corrupted sexual fluids into her lake, slowly corrupting her. She cannot hold on much longer if the factory is not shut down.

Note: If the player character approaches Marae before the Factory Quest has been initiated, and is too corrupted (Corruption score of 66 or higher), Marae will angrily send the character away.

After listening to Marae, players whose corruption and libido scores add up to 80 or more may notice a button labeled "Boob."
Clicking this will make the player character attempt to grope Marae, which will make the goddess lash out, lowering the character's hit points to almost nothing and knocking them back into the boat with no option but returning to their camp.

After explaining the backstory of Mareth's corruption, Marae will direct the player to seek out the Factory , where they must turn off the flow of corrupting fluids that the demons are dumping in the lake.

When the player goes to the Factory and reaches the control center, which can only be accessed by defeating the Omnibus , they will be presented with the choice of making the Factory explode by overloading the valves, or just shutting it down and smashing the controls. Either of choice will lead to different storyline outcomes:

Either decision will complete the quest, however no rewards or consequences will be revealed until the player visits Marae again.

By choosing to smash the factory controls instead of overloading the pumps, Marae will be saved from corruption and remain pure. Given how this seems like a more temporary solution, it is possible that the factory can be reopened in future versions of the game. Currently, however, this solution is as permanent as the alternative.

After shutting down the factory, the player may return to Marae, where they will receive a Pure Pearl as their reward. This is possible even if the player character is fully corrupted at this point.

Destroying the factory by overloading the valves will cause it to explode and release massive amounts of fluid into the lake, corrupting Marae completely.
If the player decides to visit Marae after that, she will have been corrupted, and will try to mate with the player.

The Corrupted Route consists of 2 different encounters with Marae. These are not to be confused with the initial encounters before the Factory Quest.

Note: If the player has wings after completing the first encounter, the second encounter will be skipped and cannot be triggered again. It is advised to remove wings before the first encounter.

After the Corrupted Route has been initiated, it is not possible to encounter or interact with Marae apart from within these stages. Each encounter can take place only once.

After the second encounter, Marae will no longer be encounterable in the game.

The first encounter will be triggered when the player uses the Boat to find Marae, after the factory valves have been destroyed, for the first time. It is recommended to save your game before doing this.

Marae will reveal that she has succumbed to corruption and initially wants the player to watch her masturbate, before inviting the player to have sex with her.

The player will then have 3 options:

There are 4 possible outcomes to that, depending on whether or not running away, or stealing the Lethicite, was successful.

Note: If the player does not successfully steal the Lethicite during this encounter, the Lethicite will be lost forever.

This scenario may be more likely to occur when the player's speed stat and evasion stats are high.

The player runs away, hearing Marae's laughter in the background.
No effects gained.

This scenario is unconfirmed to exist, but may require a low speed/evasion stat to trigger.

Marae stops the player and rapes them.

Note: It is fully possible to choose which perk(s) to gain, regardless of starting gender. More on that at the bottom of this page (" Choosing gender qualifications ").

This scenario is more likely to occur if the player has a high speed stat, as well as evasion stats.

The player manages to avoid Marae's tentacles and steals her Lethicite before running off towards the boat. Marae simply sighs.
The player obtains Marae's Lethicite .

This scenario is more likely to occur when the player's speed stat and evasion stats are low.

Marae stops the player and rapes them.

Note: It is fully possible to choose which perk(s) to gain, regardless of starting gender. More on that at the bottom of this page.

If the player has finished the First Encounter after destroying the Factory valves, they can once again use the Boat to find Marae, in which case the second, final encounter will take place.

Note: If the player has wings after the first encounter, this encounter will be skipped and the game will proceed past it. No effects will be gained.
It is recommended to remove wings before the first encounter.

When the player encounters Marae again, the goddess will immediately rape the player.
The player will then be granted another perk.

The perk given will depend on how what perk(s) the player already has, as well as the player's gender qualifications.

After this rape scene and perk reward, the player will return to camp and Marae can no longer be encountered. This is more or less the end of the Corrupted Route . However, there will be an "aftermath" event.

After the player has destroyed the Factory and then finished both encounters with Marae during the Corrupted Route , a plant sprout will eventually appear in the outskirts of the player's camp, after some time has passed.

The player can choose whether to destroy the plant, or let it be.
By letting it be and choosing to nurture it, the plant may eventually grow up to become Holli , a Camp Follower .

The plant sprout will appear regardless of how Marae's encounters progressed, or if the second encounter was skipped due to the player having wings.
However, it will not appear before they are both over and no longer triggerable.

Marae's Lethicite is an item that can be used for multiple purposes, but only a limited amount of times before fully consumed.

In the first and second encounters with Marae during the Corrupt Route , it is fully possible to choose which perks to gain, regardless of starting gender.
For instance, here is a tested and working way to make a female character qualify as male:

Once the character does not possess female endowments anymore, they will be able to gain the perks for males. The perks will be permanent, even if the character decides to change gender or grow new parts afterwards.

Vice versa, it is likely that removing all penises and balls, then growing a vagina and possibly also breasts, will let a male character gain the female-only perks.

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