Corrupted Warfare: Redux 1.0

Corrupted Warfare: Redux 1.0

Commander Centurion || Developer || 2/25/24


Wait, what's this? Incoming message, I believe we're receiving signals from Fleet X.. The missing fleet! We haven't had contact with them in aeons! Wait a minute... something's wrong...

New: Faction Selection

* Selecting and moving your Cursor unit over to select a faction gives you a starter kit of units and locks you into the faction of choice
* Disabled factions will show as Locked and unable to be played until they're completed in future updates

The 12 factions
Cursor zoom out icon making it easy to relocate if you lose track of it

New: Player Stats

* Player Level and Experience - Many actions increase Level and Experience including fighting and building new things. You'll need a high level to acquire some technologies
* Upkeep - If this gets low, you won't be able to make new ships
* KoreKeys - Archives generate these and they're required to build new ships containing modules
* Ylithium, Norsotium, Barbelum, Antimalium, Zynthium, Faustal, Segradion - Mineable resources that can be used for various aspects of gameplay
* Ship/Building Count - Keeps track of how many total ships you have in your fleet and bases

All of the main stats and resources

New: Combat

* Each class of ship has a different firing arc
* The attacking line indicates what module is firing and will even indicate specific modules being targeted on the enemy
* Weapons use a system similar to Energy in vanilla: AP
* Each weapon has a Max AP and a Current AP stat which it takes from the pool of AP the ship has available to fire

* If a ship loses too many modules, it automatically will explode

Two Caprice Cog partially too close to a Dronus Cruiser and not being able to utilize their weapons
An Opiuchus Destroyer and Sagitarrius Cruiser displaying their firing arcs and AP firing volleys

New: Shields

* Shields transfer AP and Shielding to all modules on the ship
* The Shields type the ship is equipped with will apply the resistances to all of the modules on the ship, meaning they all get the damage protection of that type. When shield type is changed it'll make a sound indicating that type has been retrofitted
* AP is also handled by the Shields and are how the Ship regenerates its various stats, so Weapons will not receive AP if your Shields are down on your ship, making Shields valuable targets to destroy first

A Ballistic Cruiser distributing its shields type to all modules on the ship and gaining weight from equipping a new Shield

New: Ship UI and New Ships

* Each faction has a handful of ships and buildings to play with
* But not every ship has modules that can be customized, however are less costly to build

Maestro, Bullpup, Ramfire, Holistic, Ballistic and Centurion from the Cerberus Empire

New: Shipbay Refitting and Building

* If you dock a ship with modules, you can customize the modules by refitting individual modules
* Only one ship can be in the Shipbay at a time
* A module won't be able to refit if you don't build the equipment first (from an Arms Factory) move it nearby the Shipbay to fit it
* Ship bay can also build ships from scratch like a factory using resources

* Destroyed modules can be recovered to operate once more, and damaged modules will autorepair when docked
* There's 5 types of modules: Shields, Weapons, Armor, Specials and Squadrons

Refitting a Ballistic Cruiser in a Shipbay allowing all damaged modules to heal while docked
Freighter carrying freight containing a Scowl Missile to refit onto a ship
Kores ready to be fitted into a ship that's finished building in a Shipbay, built from the Archive

New: Cursor Unit

The four Factions and team colors

* The Cursor Unit can only be seen by the player using it and can be moved around anywhere on the map quickly

* It changes to the faction that you are using, and changes to team color, too

* It's used in later updates for special commands

New: Improved Basebuilding

* Bases are started using a Cog ship, acts like the vanilla Builder; for Cerberus it's the Maestro Cog
* Citadel can create buildings on its own, but Fabrication Turrets can also be built to increase building locations and speeds
* Resource Depot Facility, Antimatter Containment Facility and more Citadel increase your maximum resource limit
* Shipbay builds ships with Resources and refits them if the ship is docked and you have the Module nearby to equip with
* VDR Archive produces 7 different colors of Cores, which change the playstyle of the ship. This is not finished yet as of writing
* Claymore Turret can be upgraded and customized to have a variety of different modules and arrangements
* Shield Walls block damage to a limited degree but will shut off its Shields get to zero
* Arms Factory builds Modules carried by small ferry ships that return back to the factory once their shipment is empty, moving these ferry ships to Shipbay while ship is docked allows you to equip the module if weight isn't capped
* Upkeep Quarters allow for your teams to rest raising the Upkeep stat which allows for more ships to be built

A base with all basic building types

Maestro Cog approaching Nebula that a base can be built around

New: Merchants

These neutral units will travel all across the map at random intervals traveling incredibly slowly and allowing you to dock into them so that you can buy Blueprints and Modules from them that you normally would not have access to. They cannot be attacked but their trades can make a big difference if you have what they need

Mirage Freighter passing through some Antimatter trails

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