Coronavirus, the W.H.O. and China Bioweapons Coverup

Coronavirus, the W.H.O. and China Bioweapons Coverup

How, when, and why the Chinese government worked hand in glove with the World Health Organization to coverup the worst man-made disaster of the century.

Dr. Francis Boyle holds a Juris Doctor degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law, a Master of Arts and a Doctor of Philosophy degrees in political science Harvard University. He wrote the U.S. Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. He has been blacklisted by the US government from media appearances since he exposed that Fort Detrick, the US military’s 1200 acre top bioweapons lab in Maryland, was the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks on 2 US Senators, one week after 9/11. The suspected researcher who supposedly created the deadly strain was alleged to have committed suicide in 2008. Since then Boyle’s led a quiet life at an University of Illinois college, teaching law. Boyle is your typical and highly intelligent, highly ethical, highly qualified and extremely credible whistleblower who has been silenced for decades. That is until he appeared on YouTube on Jan 30th.

Boyle states that the U.N,’s W.H.O. and C.D.C.’s of the world are political organizations not medical ones. They work on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, not public health. I can personally confirm as such because my father has worked as a patent lawyer in pharma for several decades after graduating from MIT for a PhD in chemistry. Another in my circle has a PhD from John Hopkins in medicine and has worked in VC for biotech, doing multi-million dollar deals on the regular. Although my contacts have differing opinions about the efficacy and validity of “medical” NGO’s, agencies, and the industry as a whole, I am very familiar with the machinery at hand. As a friend says, “Wealth before health. :(”.

Dr. Francis Boyle

You should know all major advanced nation states with strong militaries have bioweapons arsenals and according to Dr. Boyle, there are about 13,000 scientists who work daily on deadly versions of Ebola, SARS, Anthrax, Ricin, Botulism, you name it. It’s been that way since ancient times. In the modern age, anything goes, like the U.S. Navy poisoning all of San Francisco Bay by airplane in 1950 just to see what happens. (See Operation Sea-Spray.) Or the 239 admitted times the Army has sprayed the public with other biological agents. That’s only accounts up until 1969, the ones they fessed up, so one can only imagine the thousands of secret experiments on the citizens, prisoners, foreign nationals, and what happens daily even in 2020 that we are not even told about. But unlike nukes, agreements for bioweapons are not on the radar for non-proliferation and it’s very hard if impossible to detect bioweapons development, plus you can always claim it’s vaccine research. That’s rubbish because the private biotechs make the money, not government weapons labs. China has been a little late to this game, so let me share with you their strategy.

Some background first though. The United Nations’ W.H.O. has major vested interest in protecting China’s handling of the Coronavirus outbreak because they are the governing body that certified Wuhan’s top level clearance BSL-4 or P4 laboratory. (Biosafety Level 4, or Pathogen Level 4.) It was China’s first such sanctioned P4 in 2015 after Wuhan Institute of Virology, China Academy of Science, worked decades to catch up with superpower nations, and now it’s a crown jewel in China’s burgeoning military might. According to Boyle, all such BSL certified labs by the W.H.O. are weapons facilities with no humane benefit. Let that sink in. The W.H.O., an outfit of the U.N., certifies top level weapons plants. So the UN isn’t just for peacekeeping and bullying the southern hemisphere after all. 44 Xiaohongshan begins work on SARS, Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever, Ebola, other deadly animal pathogens, after 2015. Rewind ten years. In 2004, Beijing’s Chinese Institute of Virology, W. Beichen Road in the Olympic Village Science Park, a BSL-3, had accidents, releasing SARS into the general public twice, this is acknowledged by C.A.S. and Beijing.

Tedros Adhanom

Now, for a couple of decades, China has been sending researchers abroad as part of the communist party’s “Thousand Talents” program. China’s best and brightest academic stars are installed at research labs, private companies, and academic institutions around the world. But many of them are spies. In 2019 Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, who created an Ebola treatment, and her husband, another researcher in HIV-AIDS, SARS, E. coli, etc, get booted out of Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory, BSL-4, Canada’s sole top level lab in Manitoba province. Accused of stealing SARS samples from Arlington Street, Qiu and 3 others are physically bum-rushed out the building. Meanwhile, another thousand talent in Boston, MA, Zheng Zaosong, who worked at Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess on Brookline Av, was caught red-handed at Boston Logan Airport with 21 stolen vials wrapped in a sock, hopefully a clean one. (They don’t get much training or logistical support before going into theater, apparently.) Similar Chinese espionage has also happened in Ohio, Texas, all around the world. That is just 2019. Also recently, an American, Charles Lieber, the chair of Harvard’s Chemistry Dept. and expert in nanotech, plus two others, were arrested for leaking research to Wuhan University of Technology. You get the idea what the strategy is. Lie, cheat, steal, kill if you have to, on your way to the top of the bioweapons arms race.

Xiangguo Qiu

Enough intel, the real story. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS, is 14 clicks, half hour drive, from the so-called “wet market” at 207 Fazhan. But 44 Xiaohongshan is in fact the lab that genetically sequenced SARS-2 before any other, and quickly applied for a Chinese patent of an anti-viral named Remdesivir created by Gilead Sciences in February 2020. (Yes, they stole some foreign company’s intellectual property and patented it in China. Dick move, and say it with me again, wealth before health!) Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 6 N. Zhuodaoquan, is mere minutes, only 4 clicks from Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, plus it happens to be on the way from Wuhan Institute of Virology, right past Changjiang Tunnel. Yet many things just don’t add up. Patient Zero never went to 207 Fazhan, the market. Neither did a dozen of the first 40 patients. So it’s really most likely that there was a leak either at 24 N. Jianghan, or 44 Xiaohongshan. Did it leak at 207 Fazhan? Doesn’t really matter anymore.*

Wuhan Institute of Virology web pageHubei CDC web page

Just so you know, W.H.O. just completed an investigative report after an on the grounds visit inside China as of Feb 25th. They claim that the virus is 96% identical to SARS in bats. But look up the number of genetic bases SARS-1 has, it’s 29,751. SARS-2 has 29,903. That means they could overlap by 99.5%. Well, maybe that’s nothing. But having more bases could indicate what we say in the biz as “gain function”, that is to say extra bases appended towards specific military goals. Stunningly, W.H.O. claims that the virus jumped from bats to pangolins, THEN to humans, without any evidence, since the market was destroyed without a trace of virii or animals to be ever found again. Instead they give you “the power of genetics” routine so yea, better goddamn believe the new religion in science, right?

“The new virus is genetically 96% identical to a known coronavirus in bats and 86–92% identical to a coronavirus in pangolin. Therefore, the transmission of a mutated virus from animals to humans is the most likely cause of the appearance of the new virus.”

Sounds authoritative. Color me — very fucking impressed. Seriously, the human strain is closer in match to the older bat strain but less so to the intermediate strain? How could it mutate to be less of a match in pangolins — then de-evolve backwards in time when it jumps to humans so as to recombinate its gene structure back to the original bat virus? It’s almost like it was…engineered? This is the magic bullet theory of virology, frankly, sirs and madams. By the way any monkey can type in gene bases into BLAST or whatever and get matches. It’s like dumping quarters into a slot machine and pulling the lever, but with white coats and laptops.

More questions around this simpleton version of reality arise. Such as, WHICH bat coronavirus, and how old is this sample? Aren’t most bat coronavirus samples from Yunnan province, 2000 clicks away, 25 hours by car? If viruses mutate quickly, how is it such a high match, never mind the fact that W.H.O. claims it jumped two species. It’s almost like you got a bat coronavirus frozen in time…or in liquid nitro, off the shelf, at a lab. Or did you happen to go bat hunting last week around the market? The same market that was evacuated, sanitized and then demolished this week, because, hey, why bother with actual evidence? This is garbo.

Subreddit on W.H.O Investigation

So I hope this makes things clearer. Everything from the W.H.O. handling, the coverup in China for two months, the unusual pathology and symptomatology, cracked up epidemiology, specious phylogenetic claims, endless copious Chinese espionage, past Umbrella Corp-like accidents, immediate blame on circa 2003 bats that lived 2000 kilometers away, the two stepper genetic bullet u-turn from pangolins, the gross lies about number of infected and dead scream “MASSIVE SILLY COVERUP”.

This is all somewhat substantiated by the fact China’s communist party is spreading propaganda to their public that it was actually the USA who weaponized SARS and released it in Wuhan. Many Chinese believe it because they are completely brainwashed after 70 years of Party rule. It is often a tell card to pre-emptively accuse others of what you are doing. The thing is, we ARE doing it too. We gave you Lyme Disease and West Nile Disease. Sorry we had a couple accidents in past decades on Plum Island, off the shores of Old Lyme, Connecticut. Check it out. By the way, we’re moving offices to Manhattan, Kansas, check out our new shiny BSL-4 opening in 2023. All militarized countries have similar things, similar accidents. Kidding aside, perhaps it is time to ban biological warfare research. For good, forever.

So that’s the deal, civvie, buckle up. I expect Wuhan to lose 10% of its population this year, or 1.1 million people in one city alone. No way, you say? Watch it happen.

*It’s worth noting that the recently promoted mere lab researcher to Executive Director of the entire Wuhan Institute of Virology is a young woman in her 30’s named Wang Yanyi, who is much younger and less experienced than her deputies. A high ranking member of the Party, she is rumored to be the illegitimate child of Wang Qishan, Vice President of China’s Communist Party, Xi Jinping’s right hand man, a guy with a combover that beats any white guy’s, and one of China’s most corrupt men overall, who has many mistresses, smuggles billions out the country through Hollywood actresses such as Fan Bingbing, who starred in 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past. Fan was fined by Chinese authorities in 2018 to the tune of $127 million USD for “tax evasion” and secretly imprisoned for 3 months, all as payback for charging too much to launder money, 35%. It is kind of stiff, Bingbing. She is also a rumored mistress of Wang Qishan, as reported by exiled Chinese billionaire, Miles Kwok, who runs GNews and Guo Media in the U.S. these days. There’s a lot more that Wang Qishan is involved in, your routine Chinese Communist Party activities such as operating mass organ harvesting from political prisoners and ethnic minorities, sex trafficking, shaking down China’s biggest companies, murdering CEO’s, etc. China’s CCP is quite the wild gang and makes Kim Jung-un look like amateur night at the Apollo. I could sit here and tell you a lot of stories that would be far better than a lot of Alibaba Pictures or Tencent Pictures movies. But by far, this is their gravest error. Forget if it was an accident or intentional, focus on the truth.

Wang YanyiWang QishanFan BingbingGuo Wengui, a.k.a. Miles Kwok

The truth is, instead of telling the truth, the Chinese Communist Party blames wild animals and unknowing citizens shopping in a food market, the very people they are sworn supposed to protect and uphold. Instead citizens are falling dead in the street or committing suicide out of apartment windows by the dozens every day. My heart goes out to those suffering in Wuhan and elsewhere, even if I know too much for my own good.

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