Coping with Spring Allergies

Coping with Spring Allergies

Johnson County Chem-Dry

Coping with Spring Allergies

Advice from your local professional carpet cleaner

When winter comes to an end, opening the windows to let some fresh air in can feel luxurious. However, for many of us, a nearly invisible enemy is waiting just outside. If you suffer from springtime allergies, you’re not alone. Our carpet cleaning service is here to help you find relief from common non-living allergens and enjoy a more comfortable home environment.

Understanding Allergy Symptoms

When plants blossom in the spring season, they produce and release tiny particles of pollen to fertilize other plants. The pollen produced by different varieties of trees, grasses, and flowers can be carried long distances by the wind and trigger symptoms in those who are allergic.

When you have an allergy to pollen, your immune system perceives those tiny pollen grains as a foreign substance to combat. In an effort to repel the particles, your body may react in a way that generates the following symptoms:

  • Frequent sneezing
  • Congested or runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • An itching sensation in the mouth, eyes, or nose
  • Skin irritation or a rash

Finding Relief From Spring Allergies

If allergies are affecting your quality of life, it’s important to make an appointment with a board-certified allergist who can design a treatment plan for your specific allergy. Following your doctor’s recommended treatment plan can definitely help relive allergy symptoms.

But did you know there are also several things you can do to limit your exposure to allergens and improve how you feel during allergy season. For example, you may choose to spend your time outdoors in between peak pollen times. Pollen counts are generally highest in the morning and at dusk, and are especially high on warm, windy days. When you do go out and about, opt to wear sunglasses and a hat to prevent having pollen come in contact with your eyes and getting stuck in your hair.

Because pollen can be tracked from the outdoors into your home environment, a space that should be your safe haven from allergens, it is important to take precautions throughout the spring season. We suggest taking the following steps to minimize allergens circulating in your home:

  • Avoid opening windows, especially on high pollen count days
  • Take off your shoes before entering the house
  • Shower and wash your hair after going outside
  • Change clothes after being outdoors
  • Wash bed linens on a weekly basis
  • Towel down pets before they come indoors
  • Utilize a professional upholstery and carpet cleaning service

It’s important to keep in mind that your carpets and upholstered furniture act like an air filter in your home. When they are clogged with too much dust and dirt, more airborne particles will be left to circulate in the air. As a result, ensuring your carpets and upholstery are regularly deep cleaned can help boost their performance and minimize airborne allergens in the space where you spend most of your time.

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