Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

Saeid Ahmadi Jazani

برگشت به منوی اصلی

برگشت به منوی قبلی

8.1 Aeration and DO Controls

8.2 Airhandler and Building Conditioning Controls

8.3 Batch Control Description, Terminology, and Standard S88

8.4 Batch Processes and their Automation

8.5 Blending and Ratio Controls

8.6 Boiler Control and Optimization

8.7 Centrifuge Controls

8.8 Chemical Reactors: Batch Sequencing

8.9 Chemical Reactors: Basic Control Strategies

8.10 Chemical Reactors: Control and Optimization

8.11 Chemical Reactors: Simulation and Modeling

8.12 Chiller Control

8.13 Chiller Optimization

8.14 Clean-Room Controls and Optimization

8.15 Compressor Control and Optimization

8.16 Cooling Tower Control

8.17 Cooling Tower Optimization

8.18 Crystallizer Controls

8.19 Distillation: Basic Controls

8.20 Distillation: Calculations of Relative Gains

8.21 Distillation: Optimization and Advanced Controls

8.22 Dryer Controls

8.23 Evaporator Controls

8.24 Extruder Controls

8.25 Fan Controls

8.26 Fuel Cell Controls

8.27 Furnace and Reformer Controls

8.28 Header-Supplied Distribution Control

8.29 Heat Exchanger Control and Optimization

8.30 Inert Gas Blanketing Controls

8.31 ORP Controls

8.32 pH Control

8.33 Power Plant Controls: Cogeneration and Combined Cycle

8.34 Pump Controls

8.35 Pump Optimization

8.36 Rolling Mill Controls

8.37 Separation Controls, Air

8.38 Steam Turbine Controls

8.39 Wastewater Treatment Controls

8.40 Water Supply Plant Controls

8.41 Well-Supplied Underground Gas Storage Controls

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