Contextual alternations in English

Contextual alternations in English


and Finnish: the role of word structure, lexical diversity, and syntactic complexity.

-learning children: the role of non-native phonological representations.

Contextual alternation is one of the most common ways in which words are rearranged in speech.
The most obvious form of contextual alternation involves changes in the order of parts of speech in a sentence. For example, the sentence "I have a cat" can be modified to "I've got a cat," or "I got a cat."

-language adult learners: the role of word-level features.

-language and Chinese-language children's reading.

-language learners: the role of phonological awareness and phonemic awareness.

a case study of language change.

A contextual alternation in a sentence is an alternation between the same two words in the subject and the object of a verb, such as the following:
The man saw the dog.
There are many kinds of contextual alternations. For example, in the above sentence, the verb was in fact in the wrong tense—it should have been in the present tense, which would mean that the sentence would be changed to the following. There are also cases where the sentence has multiple verbs.
The dog saw the man.
evidence from a new paradigm.

reading and spelling: a case study.
A case is reported of a severely dyslexic child who was able to acquire the English vowel sounds by means of contextual alternations. These were produced by a series of brief exposures to the target sound, without any accompanying phonological cues. The results are consistent with earlier findings of the same phenomenon in other languages.
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