Conservative Porn Stars

Conservative Porn Stars


Conservative Porn Stars
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Porn star Kenna James has come out of the closet — as a conservative — and confirmed to Breitbart News that she is voting for Donald Trump in November.
California’s adult entertainment industry has been somewhat hostile to Trump, partly in reaction to an assertive anti-pornography plank in the Republican Party’s 2016 platform , which declares porn to be a “public health crisis.” Trump also signed an anti-pornography pledge, promising to enforce obscenity laws. (Hillary Clinton did not sign it.)
James, however, is on the Trump train. “I absolutely am voting for Trump,” she said. “I am a conservative.”
James spoke to Breitbart News from her family home in the Midwest, where she is recuperating from an emergency appendectomy.
She explained: “I want somebody who is not purely a politician … I want someone who I actually feel is going to do what they say.”
She agrees with many of Trump’s views, including low taxes — “everybody works for what they have” — and opposition to radical Islam. “Not every Muslim is a radical,” she said, “but if push comes to shove, whose side are they going to be on?”
Surprisingly, James also shared Trump’s opinion on the porn industry. She said his anti-porn pledge did not change her mind about him.
“It honestly reinforced my views. Because he’s right … He’s not trying to ban porn, he’s trying to make it harder for our youth, people that aren’t of age, to get to it. I agree 100% — I don’t make my scenes for 14-year-old boys. I make them for consenting adults. And it is a problem that needs to be addressed, finally. And, honestly, all it will do is help the industry.”
James was not shy about her opinions about Clinton, either.
“Hillary should be under a prison, in my personal opinion … After all her email scandals, and lying — that is just definitely someone I would prefer not to see in office, running our country.”
She added: “The [porn] industry was widely [for Vermont Sen. Bernie] Sanders for a long time, but I don’t know how many of them switched over … I know there are quite a few Trump supporters, but I really don’t hear anybody talking about how they support Hillary.”
She acknowledges that some conservatives are not quite comfortable with Trump, including social conservatives. James, who grew up Catholic but no longer practices a religion, says she is not a part of the “religious right.” As if to emphasize the point, she confirms that all of her scenes over two years in the industry have been with other women.
But James has some socially conservative views, such as on abortion, which she favors only in limited cases: “If you’re doing it as a form of birth control, I very, very much have a problem with it.”
As for Trump’s electoral prospects, James is optimistic about his chances in November — provided he makes a few changes in tone.
“I really do think he can pull through. I think he’s got to calm down, and stop being so loud and brash … But I believe he’s got a really good chance at it. ”
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. His new book, See No Evil: 19 Hard Truths the Left Can’t Handle , is available from Regnery through Amazon. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak .
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Jessica Drake says Trump offered to pay her $10K for sex
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Published: 16:07 BST, 26 June 2017 | Updated: 23:42 BST, 26 June 2017
Porn stars who have endorsed Donald Trump (seen above in the Oval Office last week) fear for their jobs
It’s not easy being a supporter of President Donald Trump – especially if you work in the porn industry.
Actors who make their living in adult films say they are facing discrimination for their avowed backing of the current president, according to The Daily Beast .
In fact, those who openly endorsed Trump during the election campaign say that they are so scared of being denied roles that they have essentially kept silent.
‘This is so intense, my friends have lost work over this… you should know the industry is biased and no one will admit it,’ said one porn actress who insisted on anonymity.
‘It’s not safe for me to speak,’ she said.
This was not always the case. A number of porn performers made their pro-Trump views known during the election campaign.
Jenna Jameson, who is now retired, Amy Lindsay, and Franziska Facella are among the notable names who have gone on record as backing Trump.
Actors who make their living in adult films say they are facing discrimination for their avowed backing of the current president. The above image is a stock photo of a man directing a pornographic film
Industry insiders say that the turning point came in late October, when porn star Jessica Drake became the 11th woman to come forward and publicly accuse Trump of making unwanted sexual advances.
Drake said Trump offered to pay her $10,000 to spend the night with him a year after marrying his current wife, Melania.
The actress said she and Trump met at a 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe where he repeatedly asked her to return to his penthouse suite after she visited with two other women.
The 42-year-old, who started out as a dancer at an El Paso strip club that often featured porn stars, also produced a photograph of them taken at the event in an attempt to verify her story.
A number of current and former A-list porn performers like Brandi Love (left) and Jenna Jameson (right) made their pro-Trump views known during the election campaign 
‘When we entered the room, he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission,’ Drake said.
‘He was wearing pajamas. A bodyguard was also present. He asked me about details on my job as an adult film star - about shooting porn - and he also asked us about our personal relationships and whether we were married or single.
‘We answered his questions. It felt like an interview. About 30 or 45 minutes later, we left his room.’
Trump vehemently denied the allegations, insisting he did not know the woman and would have 'no interest' in getting to know her.
Since Drake went public with her allegations, the Trump supporters within the adult film industry have kept quiet about their political allegiance for fear of being branded as disloyal to one of their own, according to The Daily Beast. 
‘I haven’t heard a peep from the people who once supported him,’ says porn director/performer TarantinoXXX. 
‘People in the industry are afraid of who might speak out against them; they’re afraid of the backlash. Once you get backlash from prominent people in this business you’re out of a job. You’ll stop getting work and it’ll push you down.’ 
The situation has become so tense that agents for porn stars are strongly urging their clients to keep quiet about Trump.
Industry insiders say that the turning point came in late October, when porn star Jessica Drake (seen above last October) became the 11th woman to come forward and publicly accuse Trump of making unwanted sexual advances
Drake accused Trump of offering her $10,000 for sex. She also claims he held her 'tightly in a hug and a kiss' without permission. Trump has denied the allegation
‘Being a Trump supporter would not be beneficial in any way for a girl’s career,’ says one prominent agent, Mark Spiegler. 
‘This is show business, and if you want to get hired you give them a show.’ 
The most prominent porn star to declare her support for Trump was Brandi Love.
Love said that she cried ‘tears of joy’ when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the election this past November. 
But in recent months, her Twitter feed has featured far fewer and less frequent posts in support of the president. 
Despite the fear that has gripped pro-Trump adult film stars, one producer says he couldn’t care less about politics. 
‘I cast very carefully,’ says Glenn King.
‘I look for performers who are reliable and don’t bring drama to set. 
‘As long as the performer gives a great performance and doesn’t cause problems on set, I’m not concerned with political views.’ 
But one director says pro-Trump porn stars are not welcome on his set. 
‘To me, most Trump supporters show an incredible lack of character,’ said Brad Armstrong, who has worked with Drake on past projects. 
‘I’d have a hard time dealing with them on a personal level if they were on set voicing their warped sense of values. 
‘And when you’re naked on set things have a tendency to get kinda personal.’ 
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Some days ago, Adult film star Brandi Love was kicked out of TPUSA’s political conference. On the basis that she’s a porn star at a kids’ event. She had a VIP ticket and all! TPUSA is an organization that has a history of revoking tickets. Maybe, they don’t do the proper cursory research on VIPS. Possibly, its just the optics. Afterwards, it sparked a huge debate online. Interestingly, I saw countless tweets about whether porn stars can be conservatives . So, it begs the question: What does conservative actually mean?
It’s important to differentiate between conservative and right winger . Because words have meaning. A right-winger is just someone who aligns right. A conservative is both conservative and a right winger. However, a right-winger is not necessarily a conservative too. Obviously, the litmus test is their stance on certain issues. Surely, the Overton window has shifted… The side of the Constitution and family values has changed over the past five years. Truly, Donald Trump’s MAGA movement has brought many people to the Right. Social deviants, white nationalists, and porn stars too.
Frankly, far too many conservatives are just sanctimonious pedants. They love to judge others but never help the people they criticize. I bet these same guys wacked off to Brandi’s videos, yet are the main ones aggrieved by her presence. Sadly, these types excelled in school but not socially. The thirty year-old virgin types. Y’all know what I’m talking about! These same guys get into politics and do very lackluster. They lose elections repeatedly and struggle to gain traction with their causes.
That’s because they undermine the power of human connection. They forgo human connection for academics and factoids. Hence why again, they repeatedly run for office and fail. If they have the balls to run in the first place. Porn stars of today understand the power of human connection. Literally, they have the know-how to make millions orgasm without even touching them. Let that sink in. However, pornography has existed for a long time. There’s even hieroglyphics from ancient Kemet (Egypt) of illustrations of sex. Certainly, porn is far from new. But make no mistake, porn is still taboo.
What do porn stars conserve? That’s a question I see and hear often. Truthfully, I have no idea. But, what do conservatives conserve besides liberalism?…Clearly, today’s world, filled with secular humanism and moral relativism is proof enough. Whatever happened to free-market capitalism, conservatives? Nothing says free-market capitalism like capitalizing on the “horny singles” market by monetizing sex for public consumption.
Do we completely delineate “conservative” from Libertarianism or patriotic centrism? Conservatism is an ideology. It is not pigeonholed to any one party. Thus, no one party or its ideas has a monopoly on it. Not even the GOP, with all the family values in the world. Although, I will concede that most Conservatives do adhere to the family values dogma and religious premise of the GOP.
Conservatives lament about “cancel culture”. Constantly! So, the irony of them doing this is unlost on me. They bitch about Big Tech and cancel culture. Then, in the same breath they do this. You can’t have it both ways! That’s it. That’s all.
Can someone possibly sit Brandi Love down and explain to her the meaning of “conservative”? She can be patriotic or a nationalist without being “conservative”. Notably, neither of which are synonymous with conservative . Just like how in church, imperfect people strive to improve by learning better life guidelines, the Right should with open-minded people. Sinners come into the church to turn away from their wicked ways. The pastors aren’t supposed to reject them!!
Instead, they teach them better. Remember, Jesus Christ hung out with the prostitutes and tax collectors! Who are we to judge? Moreover, there’s also an element of hypocrisy here. Albeit, a private affair, Trump famously cheated with a porn star, Stormy Daniels! He even bragged on camera about “grabbing women by the pussy”. So, why the double standard? The rules only seem to apply for certain people.
Warning: However, there’s a catch-22. If the GOP becomes a big tent party, it will become obsolete. A party of freaks and prudes alike with no standards or barriers to entry is futile. So, the moral of the story is 1.) One can be a right-winger without technically being a conservative because the terms aren’t mutually exclusive 2.) Conservatism is an ideology and one not monopolized by the GOP. 3.) Stop judging this woman because we all have a past.
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