Consequences - Lying About Your Car Insurance

Consequences - Lying About Your Car Insurance

One of the most important lessons you should learn about consequence lying to your car insurance company is that it may come back to haunt you later on. You see, whenever you lie to the car insurance company about one particular claim that they have had to make they will investigate it. What happens when they do the investigation on you? They will review your driving record and determine if you are indeed a bad driver. If so they will probably raise your rates.

However, what if the result of the investigation turns out to be "no fault"? What then? You are now assessed as having a reasonable claim. That's a result that could cost your insurance company a lot more than raising your rates, if you decide to admit you were not really all that truthful about your claim.

Why would you want to knowingly and intentionally cause your car insurance company a lot more money by not telling them the whole truth about your claim? If you knew for a fact that you were at fault for an accident that caused the other person to get hurt, would you tell the insurance investigator? No! You would not. You may think you are saving money by not mentioning this fact, but if the result turns out to be "no fault" and you are hit with a high premium anyway, isn't it worth it to save yourself some trouble by not mentioning something that could have saved you money in the end?

If you lie on your insurance application you will receive a denial from the insurance company. This will cost you a fee, but if you are late on making the payment of the penalty increases. So, if you know that the person who was hit will not be covered by your policy you might as well lie on your application to get that person's name off your policy.

When Insureinfoq know that you cannot legally make an insurance claim because of a prior accident, do not mention this fact to your insurance agent or anyone else for that matter. This is a lie and will cause you many problems in the future. The last thing you need right now is to get into a heap of trouble because you didn't tell the truth and got penalized for it. When you know the outcome of an investigation and you still try to fib, you are already behind the eight ball and your chance for saving your policy has been taken away.

If you know that you have done something illegal, did you really mean to do it? This is another important question you need to ask yourself if you are thinking about lying to your car insurance company. Did you really intend to run someone over and cause them a wreck so they need to file a claim? Or did you just forget to pull over and cause the accident that caused the other person to get hurt? These are all questions you need to answer to avoid getting yourself into a heap of trouble with your insurance company.

You can lie to your friends and family, but if you are telling them the truth, who is going to believe you? Will your friends and family think you are being serious when you tell them the truth about what happened? People tend to be more trusting of someone who tells the truth. If you want to avoid getting into trouble with your insurance company, lying to them will not help you. Lying to your friends and family is not nearly as bad as telling the truth, but it is still a crime and should be avoided.

You may be wondering what other consequences lying to your car insurance company will have. Yes, there are many and they can range from getting in trouble with your company to being sued by the other driver. You could end up having to pay a large fine and you could even lose your license. In extreme cases, your insurance could terminate your driving license all together. Think of the consequences carefully before you decide to lie.

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