Consecration of PPG

Consecration of PPG


Welcome to the PPG and our main mission.

Go where the sinners are.

Find non apostate churches in all denominations.


Every year, new Christians are welcomed into the Church through the sacrament of baptism. In order to consecrate these new Christians and their families to the Church, a special prayer is said.

A prayer to consecrate a new church might include expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve God in this new space. It also might petition for God's blessing on the church, its congregation and its leaders. The prayer might also ask for God's guidance as the church is used for his glory.

O God, who hast made of one blood all nations of men, and hast sent thy Son to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them that are nigh; Grant that all who have been baptized into his Name may abide in him, and follow him in the fellowship of his sufferings, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A new church is a fresh start for any congregation, and there are many prayers that can be said to consecrate it. Here are just ten of the many prayers that could be said to bless a new church and its mission to find non-apostate churches in all denominations:

1. Heavenly Father, we thank You for this new church that You have blessed us with. We pray that You would consecrate it as a house of prayer and worship, and that it would be a light in the darkness, drawing people to Yourself.

2. Lord, we pray that You would bless our pastors and leaders as they shepherd Your flock in this new church. May they be faithful to Your Word and obedient to Your will.

3. We ask that You would raise up godly young people in this church who would be willing to boldly proclaim the Gospel and reach out to others with the love of Christ.

4. Heavenly Father, we pray that You would watch over and protect this new church from false teachers and apostasy. May it be a place where Your truth is proclaimed and loved.

5. We ask that You would use this new church to reach those who are lost and searching for meaning in their lives. May they find hope and salvation in Jesus Christ.

6. Lord, we pray that You would bless the finances of this new church, that it would have all the resources it needs to carry out Your mission.

7. We ask that You would grant wisdom and guidance to our church leaders as they make decisions about the future of this new church.

8. Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Spirit would dwell in this new church, and that it would be a place where people can experience Your presence.

9. We ask that You would use this new church to bless the community around it and be a light of hope in times of trouble.

10. Lord, we pray that all who come to this new church would be drawn closer to You and find a deeper relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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