


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moral philosophy or values of an individual
For other uses, see Conscience (disambiguation) . "Scruples" redirects here. For other uses, see Scruples (disambiguation) . Not to be confused with Consciousness or Conscientiousness .
Further information: Origins of morality and Morality
Further information: Psychology and Sociology

^ Ninian Smart. The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations . Cambridge University Press. 1989. pp. 10–21.

^ Peter Winch. Moral Integrity . Basil Blackwell. Oxford. 1968

^ Jump up to: a b Rosemary Moore. The Light in Their Consciences: The Early Quakers in Britain 1646–1666 . Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA. 2000. ISBN 978-0-271-01988-8 ,

^ Jump up to: a b United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights , G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc A/810 at 71 (1948). accessed 22 October 2009.

^ Jump up to: a b Booth K, Dunne T and Cox M (eds). How Might We Live? Global Ethics in the New Century . Cambridge University Press. Cambridge 2001 p. 1.

^ Jump up to: a b c Amnesty International. Ambassador of Conscience Award . Retrieved 31 December 2013.

^ Wayne C Booth. The Company We Keep: An Ethics of Fiction . University of California Press. Berkeley. 1988. p. 11 and Ch. 2.

^ Jump up to: a b Langston, Douglas C. Conscience and Other Virtues. From Bonaventure to MacIntyre . The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania, 2001. ISBN 0-271-02070-9 p. 176

^ Ninian Smart. The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations . Cambridge University Press. 1989. p. 382

^ Shankara. Crest-Jewel of Discrimination ( Veka-Chudamani ) (trans Prabhavananda S and Isherwood C). Vedanta Press, Hollywood. 1978. pp. 34–36, 136–37.

^ Shankara. Crest-Jewel of Discrimination ( Veka-Chudamani ) (trans Prabhavananda S and Isherwood C). Vedanta Press, Hollywood. 1978. p. 119.

^ John B Noss. Man's Religions . Macmillan. New York. 1968. p. 477.

^ AS Cua. Moral Vision and Tradition: Essays in Chinese Ethics . Catholic University of America Press. Washington. 1998.

^ Jayne Hoose (ed) Conscience in World Religions . University of Notre Dame Press. 1990.

^ Ninian Smart. The Religious Experience of Mankind . Fontana. 1971 p. 118.

^ Santideva. The Bodhicaryavatara . trans Crosby K and Skilton A. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1995. pp. 38, 98

^ Lama Anagarika Govinda in Jeffery Paine (ed) Adventures with the Buddha: A Buddhism Reader . WW Norton. London. pp. 92–93.

^ Ajahn Thate . Steps Along the Path. Thanissaro Bhikkhu (trans) Theravada Library 1994. (last accessed 11 May 2013)

^ Marcus Aurelius. Meditations . Gregory Hays (trans). Weidenfeld and & Nicolson. London. 2003 pp. 70, 75.

^ Sachiko Murata and William C. Chittick. The Vision of Islam . I. B. Tauris. 2000. ISBN 1-86064-022-2 pp. 282–85

^ Ames Ambros and Stephan Procházka. A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic . Reichert Verlag 2004. ISBN 3-89500-400-6 p. 294.

^ Azim Nanji. 'Islamic Ethics' in Singer P (ed). A Companion to Ethics . Blackwell, Oxford 1995. p. 108.

^ John B Noss. Man's Religions . The Macmillan Company, New York. 1968 Ch. 16 pp. 758–59

^ Marshall G. S. Hodgson. The Venture of Islam, Volume 1: The Classical Age of Islam . University of Chicago Press. 1975 ISBN 978-0-226-34686-1 . Winner of Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize.

^ Tillich, Paul (1963). Morality and Beyond . New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. p. 69 .

^ Calvin, Institutes of the Christian religion , Book 2, chapter 8, quoted in: Wogaman, J. Pilip (1993). Christian ethics: a historical introduction . Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press. pp. 119, 340 . ISBN 978-0-664-25163-5 . the enemies who rise up in our conscience against his Kingdom and hinder his decrees prove that God's throne is not firmly established therein.

^ Ninian Smart. The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations . Cambridge University Press. 1989. p. 376

^ Ninian Smart. The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations . Cambridge University Press. 1989. p. 364

^ Brian Moynahan. William Tyndale: If God Spare My Life . Abacus. London. 2003 pp. 249–50

^ Ninian Smart. The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations . Cambridge University Press. 1989. p. 353

^ Guthrie D, Motyer JA, Stibbs AM, Wiseman DLJ (eds). New Bible Commentary 3rd ed. Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester. 1989. p. 905.

^ Robert Graves. The Greek Myths: 2 (London: Penguin, 1960). p. 380

^ Catechism of the Catholic Church – English translation (U.S., 2nd edition) (English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Modifications from the Editio Typica, copyright 1997, United States Catholic Conference, Inc. – Libreria Editrice Vaticana) (Glossary and Index Analyticus, copyright 2000, U.S. Catholic Conference, Inc.). ISBN 1-57455-110-8 paragraph 1778

^ Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1992. Gaudium and Spes 16. Cfr. Joseph Ratzinger, On Conscience , San Francisco: Ignatius Press 2007

^ Pope Francis "Jesus Always Invites Us. He Does Not Impose". 30 June 2013 Whispers From The Loggia (accessed 11 December 2013)

^ Catechism of the Catholic Church , paragraph 1782

^ Catechism of the Catholic Church , paragraph 1790–91

^ Catechism of the Catholic Church , paragraph 1792

^ Samuel Willard Crompton, "Thomas More: And His Struggles of Conscience" (Chelsea House Publications, 2006); Marc D. Guerra, 'Thomas More's Correspondence on Conscience', in: Religion & Liberty 10(2010)6 < >; Prof. Gerald Wegemer, "Integrity and Conscience in the Life and Thought of Thomas More" [21 aug. 2006]< >;

^ Cfr. his Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent [1870], p. 105-106; 109vv. < >

^ Cfr. his Letter to the Duke of Norfolk (1874), part 5: "Conscience" < >

^ Harold H Schulweis. Conscience: The Duty to Obey and the Duty to Disobey . Jewish Lights Publishing. 2008.

^ Ninian Smart. The Religious Experience of Mankind . Collins. NY. 1969 pp. 395–400.

^ Levi Meier (Ed.) Conscience and Autonomy within Judaism: A Special Issue of the Journal of Psychology and Judaism . Springer-Verlag. New York ISBN 978-0-89885-364-3 .

^ Gilkes, Peter (July 2004). "Masonic ritual: Spoilt for choice" . Masonic Quarterly Magazine (10) . Retrieved 7 May 2007 .

^ Manning Clark. The Quest for Grace . Penguin Books, Ringwood. 1991 p. 220.

^ Aylmer Maude. Introduction to Leo Tolstoy. On Life and Essays on Religion (A Maude trans) Oxford University Press. London. 1950 (repr) pxv.

^ Jump up to: a b Najm, Sami M. (1966). "The Place and Function of Doubt in the Philosophies of Descartes and Al-Ghazali". Philosophy East and West . 16 (3–4): 133–41. doi : 10.2307/1397536 . JSTOR 1397536 .

^ Jump up to: a b Nader El-Bizri. "Avicenna's De Anima between Aristotle and Husserl" in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed) The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming . Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht 2003 pp. 67–89.

^ Jump up to: a b Henry Sidgwick. Outlines of the History of Ethics . Macmillan. London. 1960 pp. 145, 150.

^ Jump up to: a b Rurak, James (1980). "Butler's Analogy: A Still Interesting Synthesis of Reason and Revelation", Anglican Theological Review 62 (October) pp. 365–81

^ Jump up to: a b Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ethics . Eberhard Bethge (ed.) Neville Horton Smith (trans.) Collins. London 1963 p. 24

^ May, L. (1983). "On Conscience". American Philosophical Quarterly . 20 : 57–67.

^ Lawrence Kohlberg. "Conscience as principled responsibility: on the philosophy of stage six" in Zecha G and Weingartner P (Eds). Conscience: An Interdisciplinary View . D. Reidel, Dordrecht. 1987 ISBN 90-277-2452-0 pp. 3–15.

^ Wurgaft, LD. (1976). "Erik Erikson: from Luther to Gandhi". Psychoanalytic Review . 63 (2): 209–33. PMID 788015 .

^ Martha Stout. The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus The Rest of Us . Broadway Books. ISBN 0-7679-1581-X . ISBN 978-0-7679-1581-6 . 2005.

^ Childress JF. Appeals to Conscience . Ethics 1979; 89: 315–35.

^ Erich Fromm. Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought . Jonathan Cape, London. 1980. pp. 126–27.

^ Sigmund Freud. "The Cultural Super-Ego" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994

^ Damasio, Antonio (1999). The Feeling of What Happens . Harcourt. ISBN 978-0-15-100369-3 .

^ Michel Glautier. The Social Conscience . Shepheard-Walwyn, London. 2007. ISBN 978-0-85683-248-2

^ Compare
Rachels, James (1990). Created from animals: the moral implications of Darwinism . Oxford paperbacks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 160–62, 245. ISBN 978-0-19-217775-9 .

^ Milton Wessel. Science and Conscience . Columbia University Press, New York 1980

^ D'Arcy, Eric. Conscience and Its Right to Freedom . Sheed and Ward, New York 1961.

^ Eva Fogelman. Conscience & courage: rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust . New York: Anchor Books, c1994

^ George Kateb. Hannah Arendt: politics, conscience, evil . Martin Robertson, Oxford. 1984.

^ Friedrich Nietzsche "The Origins of Herd Morality" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994

^ Jeremy Bentham. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation . (Burns JH and Hart HLA eds), Athlone Press. London. 1970 Ch 12 p. 156n.

^ Hannah Arendt. Eichmann in Jerusalem . Penguin Books, New York. 1994 ISBN 0-14-018765-0 . pp. 95, 103, 106, 116, 126.

^ Anonymous. "Wild Justice and Fair Play: Animal Origins of Social Morality" (PDF) . Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 June 2007 . Retrieved 16 January 2007 .

^ Linden, Eugene (2000). The Parrot's Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity . New York: Plume. ISBN 978-0-452-28068-7 .

^ Von Kreisler, Kristin (1999). The Compassion of Animals: True Stories of Animal Courage and Kindness . Prima. ISBN 978-0-7615-1808-2 .

^ Gisela Kaplan. Australian Magpie: Biology and Behaviour of an Unusual Songbird . CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. 2004. pp. 83, 124.

^ Susan Greenfield. The Quest For Identity in the 21st Century . Sceptre. London. 2008 p. 223.

^ Richard Dawkins. The God Delusion . Bantam Press. London 2006 p. 215-216.

^ Tranel, D. 'Acquired sociopathy': the development of sociopathic behavior following focal brain damage. Prog. Exp. Pers. Psychopathol. Res. 1994; 285–311.

^ Greene, J. D., Nystrom, L. E., Engell, A. D., Darley, J. M. & Cohen, J. D. The neural bases of cognitive conflict and control in moral judgment. Neuron 2004; 44, 389–400.

^ Jorge Moll, Roland Zahn, Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, Frank Krueger & Jordan Grafman. The Neural Basis of Human Moral Cognition Archived 22 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine . Vision Circle 10 October 2005 accessed 18 October 2009.

^ Libet B, Freeman A and Sutherland K (eds). The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will . Imprint Academic. Thorverton. 2000.

^ AC Grayling. "Do We Have a Veto?" Times Literary Supplement . 2000; 5076 (14 July): 4.

^ Batthyany, Alexander: Mental Causation and Free Will after Libet and Soon: Reclaiming Conscious Agency. In Batthyany und Avshalom Elitzur. Irreducibly Conscious. Selected Papers on Consciousness, Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg 2009, pp.135ff

^ Pitrat, Jacques (2009). Artificial Beings: The Conscience of a Conscious Machine) . Wiley. ISBN 978-1-84821-101-8 .

^ Oxford English Dictionary , second edition, 1989.

^ Little, W, Fowler HW, Coulson J, Onions CT. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles . 3rd ed. Vol 1 Clarendon Pres. Oxford. 1992. pp. 402–03.

^ Peter Singer. Practical Ethics . 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1993 pp. 292–95.

^ Peter Singer. Democracy and Disobedience . Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1973. p. 94

^ Ninian Smart. The Religious Experience of Mankind . Collins. New York 1969 pp. 511–12.

^ Jump up to: a b Langston, Douglas C. Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure to MacIntyre . The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania, 2001. ISBN 0-271-02070-9 p. 34

^ Campbell Garnett A. "Conscience and Conscientiousness" in Feinberg J (ed) Moral Concepts . Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1969 pp. 80–92

^ A.J. Arberry (transl.). The spiritual Physik of Rhazes (London, John Murray 1950).

^ Ninian Smart. The Religious Experience of Mankind . Collins. New York. 1969. pp. 511–12

^ Ceri Sullivan. The Rhetoric of the Conscience in Donne, Herbert, and Vaughan . Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2008 ISBN 978-0-19-954784-5

^ Jump up to: a b c Thomas Aquinas. "Of the Natural Law" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994 pp. 247–49.

^ Saarinen, R. Weakness of the Will in Medieval Thought From Augustine to Buridan . Brill, Leiden. 1994

^ Brain Davies. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas . Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1992

^ Thomas A Kempis. "The Imitation of Christ". Leo Sherley-Price (trans) Penguin Books. London. 1965 Bk II, ch. 6 On The Joys of a Good Conscience . p. 74.

^ Anonymous. The Cloud of Unknowing . Clifton Wolters (trans.) Penguin Books. London 1965 ch. 28 p. 88

^ John of Ruysbroeck. The Kingdom of the Lovers of God . Kegan Paul. London. 1919. ch. III pp. 14–15 and ch XLIII p. 214

^ Spinoza. Ethics . Everyman's Library JM Dent, London. 1948. Part 2 proposition 35. Part 3 proposition 11.

^ Spinoza. Ethics . Everyman's Library JM Dent, London. 1948. Part 4 proposition 59, Part 5 proposition 30

^ Roger Scruton. "Spinoza" in Raphael F and Monk R (eds). The Great Philosophers . Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. 2000. p. 141.

^ Richard L Gregory. The Oxford Companion to the Mind . Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1987 p. 308.

^ Georg Hegel. Philosophy of Right . Knox TM trans, Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1942. para 137.

^ Joseph Butler "Sermons" in The Works of Joseph Butler . (Gladstone WE ed), Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1896, Vol II p. 71.

^ Henry Sidgwick. Outlines of the History of Ethics . Macmillan, London. 1960 pp. 196–97.

^ John Selden. Table Talk . Garnett R, Valee L and Brandl A (eds) The Book of Literature: A Comprehensive Anthology. The Grolier Society. Toronto. 1923. Vol 14. p. 67.

^ Arthur Schopenhauer. The World as Will and Idea . Vol 1. Routledge and Kegan Paul. London. 1948. pp. 387, 482. "I believe that the influence of the Sanskrit literature will penetrate not less deeply than did the revival of Greek literature in the 15th century." p xiii.

^ Kant I. "The Noble Descent of Duty" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994 p. 41.

^ Kant I. "The Categorical Imperative" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994 p. 274.

^ Kant I. "The Doctrine of Virtue" in Metaphyics and Morals . Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 1991. pp. 183 and 233–34.

^ John Plamenatz. Man and Society . Vol 1. Longmans. London. 1963 p. 383.

^ Hill T Jr "Four Conceptions of Conscience" in Shapiro I and Adams R. Integrity and Conscience . New York University Press, New York 1998 p. 31.

^ Roger Woolhouse . Locke: A Biography . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2007. p. 53.

^ John Locke. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding . Dover Publications. New York. 1959. ISBN 0-486-20530-4 . Vol 1. ch II. pp. 71-72fn1.

^ Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan (Molesworth W ed) J Bohn. London, 1837 Pt 2. Ch 29 p. 311.

^ William Godwin. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice . Codell Carter K (ed), Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1971 Appendix III 'Thoughts on Man' Essay XI 'Of Self Love and Benevolence' p. 338.

^ Adam Smith. The Theory of Moral Sentiments . Part III, section ii, Ch III in Rogers K (ed) Self Interest: An Anthology of Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge. London. 1997 p. 151.

^ Jump up to: a b John Stuart Mill. "Considerations on Representative Government". Ch VI. In Rogers K (ed) Self Interest: An Anthology of Philosophical Perspectives . Routledge. London. 1997 pp. 193–94

^ John K Roth (ed). The Philosophy of Josiah Royce . Thomas Y Crowell Co. New York. 1971 pp. 302–15.

^ Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ethics . (Eberhard Bethge (ed) Neville Horton Smith (trans) Collins. London 1963 p. 242

^ Jump up to: a b Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ethics . (Eberhard Bethge (ed) Neville Horton Smith (trans) Collins. London 1963 p. 66

^ Simon Soloveychik . Parenting For Everyone . Ch 12 "A Chapter on Conscience" Archived 16 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine . 1986. Retrieved 23 October 2009.

^ Hannah Arendt. Crises of the Republic . Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. New York. 1972 p. 62.

^ John Stuart Mill. "Utilitarianism" and "On Liberty" in Collected Works . University of Toronto Press. Toronto. 1969 Vols 10 and 18. Ch 3. pp. 228–29 and 263.

^ Jump up to: a b Hannah Arendt. The Life of the Mind . Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York. 1978. p. 191.

^ Hannah Arendt. The Life of the Mind . Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York. 1978. p. 190.

^ Einstein, A. (1940). "Science and religion" . Nature . 146 (3706): 605–07. Bibcode : 1940Natur.146..605E . doi : 10.1038/146605a0 . S2CID 9421843 .

^ Quoted in Gino Segre. Faust in Copenhagen: A Struggle for the Soul of Physics and the Birth of the Nuclear Age . Pimlico. London 2007. p. 144.

^ Simone Weil. The Need For Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind . Routledge & Kegan Paul. London. 1952 (repr 2003). ISBN 0-415-27101-0 pp. 13 et seq.

^ Hellman, John. Simone Weil: An Introduction to Her Thought . Wilfrid Laurier, University Press, Waterloo, Ontario. 1982.

^ Simone Weil. The Need For Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind . Routledge & Kegan Paul. London. 1952 (repr 2003). ISBN 0-415-27101-0 p. 13.

^ Charles Darwin. "The Origin of the Moral Sense" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994 p. 44.

^ Émile Durkheim. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life . The Free Press. New York. 1965 p. 299.

^ AJ Ayer. "Ethics for Logical Positivists" in P Singer (ed). Ethics . Oxford University Press. NY 1994 p. 151.

^ GE Moore. Principia Ethica . Cambridge University Press. London. 1968 pp. 178–79.

^ Simone de Beauvoir. A Very Easy Death . Penguin Books. London. 1982. ISBN 0-14-002967-2 . p. 60

^ Michael Walzer. Ob
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