Connecting Things - Steve Jobs and Tim Berners-Lee 

Connecting Things - Steve Jobs and Tim Berners-Lee 

Experience in research and developing the investigation website has enables Web researchers to model collaboration and connection. Desire to of that is to connect all the research that every person has completed with research of others. This enables each person to get in touch with work they would like to have done themselves or can see they need to did, or should get involved with, but haven't had time. This can help business by allowing the business to clarify what it will focus on while knowing who can provide the othre services it needs. The advantages with this understanding of connections are most obvious in software and web development. This idea of connecting research via web links fits in with this quote from Steve Jobs of Apple "Creativity is just connecting things" (Jobs, 1996).

Further research will become necessary into providing a linking mechanism for 'snippets' of information. People need answers to particular questions they're asking. To be able to get the reality they require it is essential for the returned information to contain this. Return of the info as factual snippets which can be pieced together into a written report with links to the multiple sources would aid this. The task with semantic technologies and languages such as RDF (Resource Description Framework) (World Wide Web Consortium, 2006) and RSS can assist in this. RDF, and Web Ontology Language (OWL) add a coating of hidden wiki of semantics, above the standardised syntax of XML (extensible Markup Language) (Bechhofer and Carroll, 2004).

Structuring information helps it be easier to export it to different software systems to make his possible. It also makes it possible to provide visual navigation menus with a tree or graph structure. RDF may be searched using SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language) (World Wide Web Consortium, 2006). Because a source can represent anything, knowledge from any domain can theoretically be represented in RDF. This, and its standardised syntax which allows it to be machine understandable, are reasons why RDF is this type of useful and important technology for the Semantic Web. RDF includes a resource, a house, and a house value. This triple corresponds to subject, predicate, and object in logic. Each RDF triple represents a fact. A Resource is anything that will have a URI (uniform resource identifier). A URI will look like a net address and can be a web address, but this isn't always the case, it is just a means of representing an entity. A URI contains the name and precise location of the entity. An RDF Resource is described through a collection of properties and property values called an RDF Description. RDF provides a mechanism for describing collections, which are special kinds of resources, and a sequence is definitely an ordered collection. An assortment does not need to possess its own URI but it can. RDF information can link to further RDF information elsewhere, providing connectivity. This allows resources to be linked to each other indefinitely, which explains why it's this kind of important technology for the Semantic Web. Because it's XML based, an RDF Website can be linked to an XSL stylesheet to make a visual representation of the structure This really is also explained by (Cayzer, 2004) who uses RDF to provide structure for Semantic blogging. Oren et al (2006) also use this method of combining RDF and Semantic Seb use effortlessly of editing in a Semantic Wiki.

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