Conker's Bad Fur Day Berri Porn

Conker's Bad Fur Day Berri Porn


Conker's Bad Fur Day Berri Porn
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NA : 5 March 2001 EU : 13 April 2001 AU : 25 May 2001

^ Jump up to: a b ONM 2001 , p.Β 16.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k Casamassina 2001 .

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f IGN Guide ("Basics") 2001 .

^ Manual 2001 , pp.Β 10–11.

^ Manual 2001 , p.Β 12.

^ Jump up to: a b IGN Guide ("Multiplayer") 2001 .

^ Jump up to: a b Manual 2001 , p.Β 19.

^ Jump up to: a b Manual 2001 , p.Β 21.

^ Manual 2001 , p.Β 20.

^ Jump up to: a b Manual 2001 , p.Β 23.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 6.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 22.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 53–54.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 52.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 29.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 29–30.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 25.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Dung beetle : Hey, alright there. How you doing? / Conker : Hi, how ya doing? / Dung beetle : Would you like to come in now? Yeah, sit down. Wa d'ya want? / Conker : Ahh! This place really smells. / Dung beetle : Yeah, we're like [censored] dung beetles, and we roll the poo around [censored] knows what for. / Conker : Oh, really. / Dung beetle : Do you want some poo? Get your [censored] arse in there. There's these [censored] cows. Get 'em in there. Get 'em to crap and I'll make ya a ball of poo, and you can do the what the hell you like with it.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , pp.Β 26–27.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 32.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Berri [answering message] : Hi. You've reached, like, Berri's place. I'm not available to answer the phone... obviously! However, if you leave your, like, name and number, and sound cute, I may ring you back. Ciao! / Conker : Hi Berri! Hello... Berri, if you're there, pick up. Hello! Oh anyway, look... I'm going to be a bit late.. Met up with a couple of guys... and they're off tomorrow to some... I dunno, fight some war somewhere. Anyway... I'll see ya. Love you! I think she bought it.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : I don't feel so good now. You guys enjoy yourselves and all that, and I'll probably see you sometime next week... I gotta go home. I'll go this way. Eh no, that's the toilets... I'll go this way! Yep. That's better. [Transition into Cock and Plunder exterior] Doesn't look too good tonight. Ugh ooh, hang on a sec. Ah ha, sorry about that, old chap. Gotta go.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Birdy : Uh, who are you? / Conker : Hello, can you help me? I need to get home and go to bed, 'cause I don't fell very well at all. / Birdy : Er... Home? No! / Conker : So you can't help me at all. / Birdy : Eh actually, yes I can, maybe! / Conker : OK, what's your name? / Birdy : Birdy.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Birdy : You see those buttons... Actually, you'll find that eh, eh, they're called context sensitive. And eh, well, actually, they eh, press B. / Conker : Press B / Birdy : Oh yeh, the light comes on, and it makes this noise, ting! Ting noise... There you go, ting... That's it. / Conker : That's it? / Birdy : Yeh. / Conker : OK, I'll press B. [Presses B and a beer appears in Conker's hand] / Birdy : I don't mind if I do! / Conker : So, what does that mean? / Birdy : It means context sensitive... It's sensitive to context! Try it over there. / Conker : Okay. / Birdy : Or you could try it again! [Presses B and a helium bottle is in Conker's grasp]. / Birdy : [Snatches bottle and drinks] Really nice helium!

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : Wow, just what I needed. In fact, it would seem to me, that these give me just what I need, at that moment in time! Oh, I see what he means, context sensitive. Clever! And I feel loads better! Right, let's get outta here!

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Windy Part 1. Panther King : Ah. Professor. I have a job for you. As you can see, the table... / Von Kriplespac : Ze table! Ah yes. So, you have spilt ze milk again? That's not gut. Not gut! Let me have a look at it for you. Yes. I... I think I see the problem. I vill see vat I can do. You must give me a moment, though. I vill come back later.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Windy Part 1. Panther King : Hmm. Yes. Squirrel. I've heard of them. Yes. So? / Von Kriplespac : So it is simple, my liege. Ve need a squirrel, and ve put him here. You no spill your milk, ve don't get duct tape. / Panther King : Hmm... Gentlemen. / Guards : Yes, my liege? / Guards : Yes, my liege? / Panther King : Get me one of these red squirrels.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , pp.Β 23, 31.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 35.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Death : Oh! You again! Why don't you piss off? Can't you see I'm busy? I suppose you want to go up there now, do you? Where there's lots of money, no doubt. One of those rich ancestors of yours. Bloody undead! Unbloody dead! I mean, it's even worse than bloody cats. Undead! What's the bloody point? Um. You may be needing a bit of help. So I've got this! [Conjures up shotgun] I hate the undead, hate them. It's the only thing that kills them. Shot through the head. Nothing more, nothing less. It's better than that pissing frying pan, that's for sure! Take it! That's it! Piss off!

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 68.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : And what was that about ancestor? Undead ancestor! Well, if he's undead, then technically, that makes him kinda dead. Which means I should get the inheritance.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Count Batula : Welcome to vy house. Please, enter of your own free will. And bring vith you some of the happiness that is so evident in your face, and so lacking in my own. / Conker : Huh, he's not kidding there! Okay, I'll just cross this threshold here. I'm sure that's of some significance, but can't think of what it is. Anyway, nice hairdo. / Count Batula : Vat? / Conker : Nothing! / Count Batula : So? Ve seldom have visitors in these parts, vat being out here, in ze middle of nowhere, on such a cold and gloomy night. Pray, follow me. You look as if.... you are in need of sustenance, and I have many things to eat... and drink! Pray, follow. / Conker : Oh, okay. Food, yeah... Getting a bit sick of chocolate, anyway. / Count Batula : As you can see, the house is in somevat a state of repair. Ve are having a few refurbishments doing at ze moment and... ...I vas going to have all this knocked through, to make one big eh... but anyvay, I think ve'll just stick to ze conservatory, for the present. Ah, my dining room.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : So, em, who's this guy here? He looks, eh... He looks like you! / Count Batula : Mmm... my forefather. He vas a crusader in a war of long ago. When ve were allies... vit ze squirrels and ze panthers. Zat union, alas! Vas not successful.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Count Batula : Vat is that noise? [banging noises] / Conker : Sounds like someone's braying on the door! They don't like you either, I take it. / Count Batula : Ah, shit. Ze villagers again. Sounds like there is more of them zis time. Zis could be your lucky night, Conker. I vas going to kill you and drink your blood. But now I think I vill be needing your help. Pray, come here. / Conker : Eh, can we just go back a bit there? The drinking-my-blood bit. What's all that abou... / Count Batula : I said, come here! [Villagers break in through the door. Game transitions to when Batula and Conker turn into bats]

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Count Batula : Ah, delicious and familiar. I think you are my great, great, great, great, great grandson, Conker. Velcome to the family. Velcome indeed. I have a little task for you. These little villagers.... occasionally pop into my establishment, to have a little fun... and see if they can kill me! Never vorked yet! As you can see, I've had a few.... minor alterations to the house. Ve have the grinder! And ve have ze pumps. And ve have some other bits and pieces. It is your duty, your errand, indeed, the whole point of your existence, as of this day, to fetch me the villagers, put them in the grinder, and let me feed. You may feed too, if you vish, but only later! Vell? Ah yes, I forgot. You can only speak, like vat you are... a bat!

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , p.Β 74.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : OK, I've done what you asked. / General : Well done, soldier. What the hell is that? [Conker faces the other way, and is knocked out by the general. He wakes up on a ship with the other soldier squirrels.]

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , pp.Β 76–79.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Tediz : So then, any last requests? / Rodent : Could you untie me and just let me go, please? / Tediz : No! Present arms! Take aim! Wait for it, wait for it, choose a target, and... fire!

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : Hey! Hey fella! Fella! C'mon. This is not the place you wanna be hanging around. / Rodent : What do ya mean? Oh! Oh! Hey! You killed them. That's great. Thanks for that. Conker! / Conker : What? Oh! Hey! Hey, it's rodent, isn't it? How ya doing? / Rodent : Umm... not too good at the moment. They wanted to kill me.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : Say, I noticed that your outfit is a little bit different to the usual army regulation attire. What it is? / Conker : Oh yeah, it's experiment number G7224. I'm the first to be fitted with this. It's an indestructible, erm, titanium laminate. / Conker : Right, so what does that mean? / Rodent : Oh! It means that if somebody shoots me, I don't die. / Conker : Really, that's a pretty good idea. I'll get me some of them. / Rodent : It's the only one. Very expensive. Stick behind me, and you should be alright. I can be your Operation Squirrel Shield.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , pp.Β 80–82.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Little Girl : I'm so happy. I'm going to see my mummy and daddy again. / Conker : Yep, OK, come on. Let's try and get you out of here. [A tank falls to the area] What the... Uh, it's you guys. [Rodent pops out of the tank just as Conker is about to grab the Little Girl.] / Rodent : Conker... Nooo!!! [The girl's head starts spinning, and her voice turns demonic] / Little Girl : Do you know what your [censored] daughter did? / Conker : What? I don't have a daughter. [The ground opens and a big Tedi with the girl on his hand comes out from the ground.] / Little Girl : Yes! I haven't been a little girl for some time now. [Her voice turns normal] Yes, mr. squirrel, I'm the brains and the eyes, and he's the brawn.

^ Nintendo Power 2001 , pp.Β 82–84.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Conker : Oh no! Where did the windmill go? I was sure that was the final level. Ah well, obviously not.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Don Weaso : Okay, since your little escapades with those cavemen kinda put me outta business, now I need to replenish my funds. Here we have it, the Feral Reserve Bank! / Conker : Okay, but I'll do it on one condition only. / Don Weaso : What? / Conker : That I get an outfit that's as cool as hers! / Don Weaso : Deal!

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Panther King : Hmmm, yes, at last... a red squirrel... ...good! / Conker : A red squirrel! Oh, I think he means me. I don’t recognise this guy! Unless, he’s the fabled Panther King! But he lives just in stories, like my mum used to tell me to get me to sleep! Looks like he was real after all. The fairy Panther King! / Panther King : Who are you calling a fairy? / Conker : No, as in, like, fairy, as in ephemeral... like a fable, like a legend, you know, that doesn’t exi... doesn’t matter. / Panther King : Oh, no, doesn’t matter, not anymore, not for you. Weasel! / Don Weaso : Right here, boss. / Panther King : Your bounty.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Von Kriplespac : Ah! Come here! Ah! Such a beautiful animal! Even though he is about to... annihilate you, squirrel! Rip you limb from limb! You cannot help but admire... zis... beauty! His... power! His... poise! He is not a vonderful creature... is he?

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Von Kriplespac : Since this squirrel got rid of my Tediz, bastard, I zink ze latest addition to my plans is about to take shape. The incubation period is just about complete! Not a moment too soon! Yes, my liege, let us kill two birds vit one stone!

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Conker : Hello? What's going on? Is this a joke? The game's locked up! Ha! I don't believe it! What! Is it the testing department's day off or somethin'? Hmmm... this gives me an idea. Um! Hello... Eh! If there are any software engineers that can hear me? Just eh. Type something in.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Heist. Conker : What? But I, no, you don't understand. I don't really wanna be king. Oh no, I forgot to, I should have brought Berri back to life. Oh no! Hello, programmer. Ah, they're gone.

^ Rare . Conker's Bad Fur Day . Level/area: Ending. Conker : So there I am. King. King of all the land. And who'd have thought that? Not me. I guess you know who these guys are now. I certainly do. I don't want to know them. And, yep, I may be king and have all the money in the world, and all the land, and all that stuff, but, you know, I don't really think I want it. I just wanna go home, with Berri, and... I don't know... have a bottle of beer. Hmm. It's not gonna happen. It's true what they say. The grass is always greener, and you don't really know what it is you have until it's gone. Gone. Gone.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 0:12–0:24.

^ Destructoid interview 2014 , 28:34-29:24.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 20:22–21:00.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013a , 10:01–11:30.

^ Jump up to: a b IGN 1997 .

^ GamePro 1997 .

^ Jump up to: a b c d Ultra Game Players 1997 .

^ Nintendo Power 1997 .

^ Jump up to: a b c VSixtyFour 1998 .

^ 64 1998b .

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f ONM 1998 .

^ Jump up to: a b Dransfield 2017 .

^ Jump up to: a b c d Total 64 1998 .

^ Jump up to: a b c McDermott 1998 .

^ Jump up to: a b 64 1998a .

^ Next Generation 1998 .

^ 64 1998c .

^ IGN 2000a .

^ Destructoid interview 2014 , 29:34-29:41.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Dransfield 2017 , p.Β 83.

^ Destructoid interview 2014 , 39:09-39:37.

^ Rogers 2012 .

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 0:25–0:29.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Gamikia .

^ Dransfield 2017 , p.Β 82.

^ Destructoid interview 2014 , 39:22–39:41.

^ IGN 1999a .

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 0:53–1:20.

^ Destructoid interview 2014 , 40:57–41:14.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 1:20–2:20.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013a , 9:53–10:20.

^ Hickey Jr. 2020 , p.Β 159.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 15:40–15:54.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 21:11–21:23.

^ Jump up to: a b Hall .

^ IGN 1999b .

^ Gerstmann 2000 .

^ IGN 2000b .

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013e , 5:08–5:48.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013a , 7:36–8:04.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013c , 11:02–12:02.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 4:25–4:47.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 16:18–16:32.

^ @GoryDetail 2019d . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019d ( help )

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013h , 8:15–8:36.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013b , 4:51–5:13.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013a , 7:08–7:36.

^ Dransfield 2017 , p.Β 84.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013c , 6:00–6:12.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013f , 8:15–9:06.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 2:18-2:55.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 2:56-3:07, 4:10–4:17.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 3:49–4:10.

^ Jump up to: a b Cottee 2001 , p.Β 75.

^ Seavor et al. 2013c , 1:29–1:49.

^ Hopper 2005 .

^ Jump up to: a b c d Yim 2001 .

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013b , 9:15–9:39.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013c , 9:24–10:50.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013e , 6:09–7:07.

^ Seavor et al. 2013b , 12:00–12:16.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013b , 6:31–7:12.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013e , 10:01–10:25.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013d , 10:00–10:42.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013b , 9:28–11:08; Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013e , 2:58–3:04

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013c , 13:33–14:07.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013d , 8:10–8:49.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013d , 10:10–10:20.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013d , 9:10–9:14.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013f , 0:40–2:27.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 15:18–15:37.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 13:51–15:05.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 28:28–29:11.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013g , 12:12–13:10.

^ Seavor et al. 2013a , 9:26–10:24.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 14:00–14:04.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 27:13–28:23.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013a , 3:30–3:56.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 24:50–24:59.

^ Seavor et al. 2013c , 3:15–3:34.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 13:38–13:43.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 23:16–23:45.

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013e , 4:19–4:21; Seavor & Beanland 2013a , 2:38–2:50

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013e , 7:12–7:33.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 26:11–26:46.

^ Seavor et al. 2013b , 6:37–7:11.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013a , 7:30–7:46.

^ Hickey Jr. 2020 , p.Β 161.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 15:54–16:19.

^ Hickey Jr. 2020 , p.Β 160.

^ IGN 2001c .

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 36:07–36:29.

^ Chris Marlow, Shawn Pile (3 December 2019). Conkers Bad Fur Day Development - The Retro Hour @ Retrospillmessen Norway 2019 . 23:54–24:27: YouTube. {{ cite AV media }} : CS1 maint: location ( link )

^ conkerhimself 2016 . sfn error: no target: CITEREFconkerhimself2016 ( help )

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 33:57–34:10.

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 5:09–5:34.

^ Seavor et al. 2013d , 10:26–11:22.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013a , 10:47–11:55.

^ seaofthieves 2015 , 39:16–39:56.

^ Hochschartner 2017 .

^ Rare Replay 2015 , 6:43–6:50.

^ Seavor et al. 2013b , 6:11–6:37.

^ @GoryDetail 2019e . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019e ( help )

^ Seavor, Pile & Marlow 2013a , 0:33–0:55.

^ @GoryDetail 2019c . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019c ( help )

^ @GoryDetail 2019a . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019a ( help )

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013d , 10:41–11:06.

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013e , 4:42–5:43.

^ @GoryDetail 2019b . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019b ( help )

^ @GoryDetail 2019f . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019f ( help )

^ Seavor & Beanland 2013c , 8:06–9:19.

^ @GoryDetail 2019g . sfn error: no target: CITEREF@GoryDetail2019g ( help )

^ ESRB .

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Saltzman & Pham 2001 .

^ Newsweek 2000 .

^ Jump up to: a b IGN 2001d .

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j Mike 2001 .

^ Marrujo 2013 .

^ Jump up to: a b Adweek 2001 .

^ Jump up to: a b c Brockenbrough ("Nintendo Print") .

^ Campaign 2001 .

^ Brockenbrough ("TV / Guerilla") .

^ Jump up to: a b AdAge 2004 .

^ McGlothlin 2001b .

^ M
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