Confirmed WARS cases with her Wuhan parents, director of Chinese-funded Company said sorry via Wechat, admitted bringing troubles to Hong Kong when handling her infected parents

Confirmed WARS cases with her Wuhan parents, director of Chinese-funded Company said sorry via Wechat, admitted bringing troubles to Hong Kong when handling her infected parents


There have been 13 confirmed cases of WARS in Hong Kong so far. One of the confirmed cases was Deng Xi, the managing director of the investment department of Haitong Securities, a Hong Kong based Chinese-funded financial company. Deng Xi might be infected by parents who came from Wuhan and have been the first local transmission case in Hong Kong. Allegedly, Deng Xi has first brought her parents to the W Hotel and then went to both the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Four Seasons Hotel. She was criticized due to her refusal to disclose her parents’ whereabouts. Deng Xi has posted on WeChat that she is sorry for causing so much trouble, public anxiety, and social disturbance. Deng Xi also mentioned that she had made wrong judgement in dealing with this incident and she hoped for forgiveness from everyone.

Parents having low fever and resting in hotel room

Deng Xi said their parents came to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year. The original purpose was to reunionbecause of the traditions of New Year.  Parents arrived in Hong Kong on 22 Jan.She had mentioned her parents have had bronchitis and were sometimes coughing. Because of getting high blood pressure medicine for parents,  She went to a clinic on 24 Jan. At that moment, they had some “low fever”, and they stayed in a hotel for rest after taking medicine. 

Deng Xi said his father has reported to the hotel that he flew from Wuhan. Because they came from Wuhan, the hotel immediately “requested these two elders to leave the hotel or get medical certification in hospital.” Deng Xi said parents didn’t feel sick and didn’t want to go to the hospital. She was rush in arranging Four Season Hotel for them. Deng Xi said, “ Because of entangling with different hotel and emotional of my parents, I thought they had a bias, and it affected my judgement. I shouldn’t ignore social responsibilities. I feel sorry about that.”

Seeking for treatment in Queen Mary Hospital after six days arriving Hong Kong

On 28 Jan, Parents of Deng Xi were convinced to have therapy in Queen Mary Hospital. She kept calling the Centre for Health Protection more than 10 times next day and requested “quarantine pro-actively”. After parents’ cases were confirmed, Deng Xi was hospitalized in Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 29 Jan. After staying in the hospital, she explained to the staff of the Centre for Health Protection parents’ itinerary in Hong Kong. Deng Xi said she communicated in English and Mandarin. “However, this kind of communication is rather difficult for my parents.” Thus, she acted as a translator. She believes her parents are kind. “Elders are stubborn, but it doesn’t mean they don’t cooperate. They wore masks outside since they arrived in Hong Kong.”

She mentioned again that she felt “self-accusation and guilty”. She described this week was turmoil and chaos, and she needed to respond and make a decision quickly. “I should inform the Centre for Health Protection in the beginning and arrange the parents to go to the hospital.” She thought she didn’t have public awarenessand her parents insisted they were not sick. She would like “accommodate elders and also had a fluke in her mind.” She hoped people could understandshe was in significant disorder. She mentioned that her parents were sick themselves and their conditions were more severe now. “Their emotional are affected”. Lastly, Deng Xi expressed “everyone has parents. I sincerely asked for tolerant and understanding.

Source: Stand News

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