Cones, Bosko, Hashish Saidiya

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Saidiya

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Saidiya

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Saidiya



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Cones, Bosko, Hashish Saidiya

An Illustrated, Comprehensive Radical Bibliography. Due to limitations of space in the print edition, we were not able to include the references which helped to create Free Radicals: War Resisters in Prison. The complete bibliography, the most comprehensive in its field, is available as a separate publication which may be ordered from TrineDay here:. The bibliography attempts to provide activists, peace movement strategists, the general reader, academic researchers and scholars with useful references to conscientious objectors and political prisoners throughout the world. Books have always been seen as dangerous to those in power and subject to book-burnings and book-bannings. Authors, to this day, continue to be charged with treason, sedition, disloyalty, and espionage with sentences of decades or even execution. Such dangerous books of historical precedent, philosophy, strategy, struggle, and activism are thus an invaluable resource for opposition to war. COs and military resisters should certainly find in this body of work inspiration in making their own decisions of conscience and strengthening their resolve. We hope you explore some of these books thoroughly, according to your interests, to sharpen your knowledge and viewpoint:. It is hoped that readers of this book will not let their interest end here, but go on to access the vast literature in related fields which is available thanks to the Internet. Some of these books were published before the advent of International Standard Book Numbers ISBN in ; an author and title search should be sufficient. Nearly all of them may be available via inter-library loan or secondhand via online booksellers and antiquarians. It is completely impossible to create an objective bibliography; I have left out what I consider less than important. In any case, I have read nearly all of these books. We welcome your input! A good bibliography should be a collaboration. And David L. Johnson-Weiner, and Steven M. Nolt, and David L. James and Paul G. Au, William A. Bamba Nobuya and John F. Barr, Amelia B. Bergen-Cico, Dessa K. Berghahn, Volker R. Berokoff, John K. Bing, Anthony B. Bowker, Lee H. Editor , Masculinities and Violence, London: Sage, Bracken, Patrick J. Breyfogle, Nicholas B. We are fortunate in having historical scholarship of such pacifists, none as prolific as Peter Brock Brock was a Guernsey-born University of Toronto historian who came from a military family. He was introduced to pacifism at Oxford and was imprisoned as a conscientious objector in World War II. He walked the walk and his scholarship is most fascinating to anyone contemplating a life of resistance. Brock and Thomas P. Brock, The Riddle of St. Maximilian of Tebessa , Toronto: University of Toronto, Brock and John L. Brown, R. Butler, Smedley D. Clouse, Robert G. Cooper, Sandi E. Crowell, Daggett, Stephen, Costs of Major U. Wars , Washington: U. Congressional Research Service, Laszlo 1st edition, Dekar, Paul R. Trump: Can the Neighborhood of Make-Believe help us through this? DuBois, W. Dyck, Harvey L. Elshtain, Jean Bethke. Epstein, Alek D. Evans, G. Thomas, Hills, Fogarty, Robert S. Foner, Eric, Give Me Liberty! Fry, Ruth A. Goeckel, Robert F. Hamel, Elsie W. Hathaway, Oona and Scott J. Howes, John F. Humphries, Charles W. Studies No. Hunt, Nigel C. Keim, Albert N. Kelman, Herbert C. Keren, Michael, Zichroni v. Kraybill, Donald B. Kuznetsova, Miriam R. Eerdmans, Lichti, James Irvin, Houses on the Sand? Peace Movement , Charlotte: Information Age, McCoy, Alfred W. Martin, David A. Horak , Mayer, What Can a Man Do? Henry Smith , Scottsdale: Herald, Staples, and John B. Jacob D. Epp, , Toronto: University of Toronto, Oats, William N. Pauling, Linus, No More War! Dent, Povinelli, Elizabeth A. Offord, Ramanauskas, David A. Rogers, J. Sanborn, Joshua A. Schatz, Robert T. Lanham: Lexington, Hocknell, J. Meacham, and Lucy Wright , Charleston: Nabu, Shubin, Daniel H. Sider, E. New York: Bloomsbury, Honors thesis. Socknat, Thomas P. Sutton, Constance R. Tanner, Thomas W. Taylor, Nancy M. I, Wellington: Historical Publications Branch, Barnes, Wise, Volo, James M. Weitzel, R. White, William, A conscientious objector of A controversy between S. Blanchard, J. Phillips and Son etc. Wurgaft, Lewis D. Alexander, Myrl E. Brockway, A. Bryan, Helen, Inside , introduction by Henry J. Cadbury, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Camp, Jordan T. Carter, Charles F. Norton, Brown Die? Die from Drug Withdrawal. Welcome to the Criminal Justice System. Pillai, Gaddis, Thomas L. Hallinan, Joseph T. Harding, Christopher, et al. How can prison librarians handle that? Hobhouse, Stephen and A. Keve, Paul W. Morris, Norval and David J. Norris, J. Lippincott, Ross, Jeffrey Ian and Stephen C. Rule, Sandra R. Sanders, J. Santos, Michael G. Shepard, Dean and Eugene S. Tyler, Tom R. Weiner, Martin J. Bessler, John D. Brewster, John, Sermons for Prison, To which are added prayers for the use of prisoners in solitary confinement , Stockton: R. Christopher, Collins, Peter A. Boruchowitz, Matthew J. Paul: University of Minnesota Press, Hall, Dee J. Jeffreys, Derek S. Lieber, Francis, A popular essay on subjects of penal law, and on uninterrupted solitary confinement at labor, a letter to John Bacon , Philadelphia: Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, Lyon, Andrea D. Owens, Erik C. Carlson, and Eric P. Recinella, Dale S. Richards, Stephen C. Schieber, Vicki, Trudy D. Smith, George Washington, A defence of the system of solitary confinement of prisoners adopted by the state of Pennsylvania,: with remarks on the origin, progress and extension of this species of prison discipline , Philadelphia: Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, Toersbijns, Carl R. Turner, Glenn T. Abu-Jamal, Mumia et al. Allen, Charles R. Aptheker, B. Aptheker, H. Blum, Edward J. Bosworth, Allan R. The enormous room , New York: Liveright, Davis, Benjamin J. Debs, and J. Debs, Writings of Eugene V. Petersburg: Red and Black, Diouf, Sylviane A. Hartman, Saidiya V. Altadena: Intentional, Kohn, Stephen M. McGuire, Danielle L. Martin, Dannie M. Prison Regime , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Sayers, Daniel O. Scheffler, Judith A. Martin and the Situationist International , Berlin: Sternberg, Soffiyah, Elijah, J. Vance, Laurence M. Blight, David W. John Brown , Cherry Lane, Jacobs, Cook , New Haven: Yale University, Genovese, Eugene D. Hogan, Wesley C. Joseph, Peniel E. King, Martin Luther, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King, William S. Kly, Y. Levine, Ellen S. London, Samuel G. McKissack, Patricia C. Meier, August and Elliott M. Nash, Gary B. Nokes, R. Nobody ever helps me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me any best place! Robertson, David M. Smith, Mark M. Theoharis, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks , Boston: Beacon, Moses, Washington, Booker T. Woodson, Carter G. Paul: University of Minnesota, Gobson Editors , Biko Lives! Martin Jr. Newton , New York: Random House, Blain, Keisha N. Cone, James H. Farmer, Ashley D. Kelley, Robin D. McDonald, Peter D. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, Baton Rouge: House of Songhay, Robinson, Cedric J. Spencer, Robyn C. Van Deburg, William L. Williams\\\\\\\\\\\\\] Tyson, Timothy B. Bowie, Katherine A. Koller, Jeffery W. Maxwell, Goyer, K. Gramsci, Antonio, Prison Notebooks Vols. Those who protest injustice are people of true merit. When the prison gates are opened, the real dragon will fly out. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Talese, Persecuted for refusing to serve in the Nazi army. An autobiography , Copenhagen: Gramma, Kariuki, I. Nerenberg, Ellen V. Solomon, Jr. Vassen, Robert D. Adams, R. A supplement to the Pacifist handbook , Philadelphia: Peace Section, Amnesty International, Out of the margins: the right to conscientious objection in Europe , London: Anderson, Gary M. Avant, Deborah. Axelrad, Albert S. Balancie, J-M. Barbey, C. Baskir Lawrence M. Beattie, P. Bernstein, J. Bet-El, Ilana R. Paul: Paragon House, Blum, Albert A. No, really. Brett, R. Brown, Frederick L. Kohn, and Michael D. Caverley, Jonathan D. Cawthra, G. Kraak, G. Choi, S. Clifford, J. Garry and Samuel R. Spencer, Jr. Cohen, Eliot A. Corcoran, Amy F. Cowie, Jim A. Middle East Book Review, Drescher, John M. Dolan, Edward F. Eberly, Donald J. Sherraden, The Moral Equivalent of War? Ellis, Barbara G. Engram, J. Field, G. Flynn, George Q. Flynn, Lewis B. Hershey: Mr. Friedman, Robert P. Goldman, Nancy and David R. Grab, Alexander. Graaf, Michael, et al. Graham, John W. Grantstein, J. Gale, Thomas, G. Gray, Wilbur E. Hammer, Leonard M. Heath, Gordon L. Heisey, M. Hershey, Lewis B. Hinde, Robert A. Hirshbiel, Henry H. Horowitz, Michael C. Niederlande , Frankfurt: Haag und Herchen, Jolly, Ruth A. Keairns, Y. Tauris, Kennedy, Thomas C. Kessler, Jeremy K. Kestnbaum, M. Kidron, Peretz, Refusenik! Kotwall, B. Krehbiel, Nicholas A. Krebs, Ronald R. Larson, Zelle A. Lecoin, Louis, De prison en prison , Antony Seine, Lee, Dwight R. Fromme, McNeil, J. McNitt, William H. Marcus, Emily N. Michel D. Millan Garrido, Antonio, La objecion de conciencia al servicio militar y la prestacion social sustitutoria: Su regimen en el derecho positivo Espanol , Madrid: Tecnos, Miller, Melissa and Phil M. Mulligan, Casey B. Navarro Floria, Juan G. Noone, Michael F. Oosthuizen, Anthony J. Palomino, Rafael, Las objeciones de conciencia: Conflictos entre concienciay le en el derecho Norteamericano , Madrid: Montecorvo, Pepper, Rollin E. Richardson, Len, Sixty Years a Christadelphian , Russell, R. Smith, T. Oscar and Derrick A. Rutherford, Robert S. Sawicki, Nadia N. Seidler, Franz W. Sherraden, Michael W. Silva, Ruth C. Simon, Rita J. Smith, Solom C. Stigers, Katy Morrow and Mark R. Stoker, Donald J. Blanton, and Frederick C. Swalm, E. Publishing, Toney, Raymond J. Heidebrecht, and Gerhard I. Friesen, n. Wallenberg, Harry A. A study of the treatment of conscientious objectors in the United States during World Wars I and II and its relation to the concept of freedom , Libertarian, War Resisters International, Conscientious objection in Israel: an unrecognised human right , London, Wilson, Peter H. Department of Defense, Yoder, Anne M. Zuses, Rachel S. Cart land, Fernando G. Geary, James W. Graybill, R. Lehman, James O. Ruane, Michael E. Allatini, Rose \\\\\\\\\\\\\[A. Fitzroy\\\\\\\\\\\\\], Despised and Rejected , London: C. Daniel, Baldwin , November , New York, Dutton, Bell, E. Bibbings, Lois S. Cook, Brocklesby, John H. Chamberlain, W. Cooper, John F. Edmund Harvey, M. Daniels Early, Frances H. Evans, John H. Finney, Torin R. Barker, Friedrich, Ernst, Krieg dem Kriege! War Against War! Oorlog aan den Oorlog! Brown, New York: Harper, Gullace, Nicoletta F. Hartzle, J. Holland, H. The conscientious objectors of New Zealand and the process of their conversion , Wellington: Maoriland Worker, Hunter, Ernest E. Jannaway, Frank G. Jones, L. Juhnke, James C. Kennedy, David M. Kniss, Lloyd A. Kohls, Gary G. Kornweibel, Theodore Jr. Kraft, Barbara S. Lane, Winthrop I. Leatherman, Noah H. Martin, Mick, England, Arise! Allen and Unwin, Meyer, Ernest L. Miller, Ernest H. Milne, A. Moore, Howard W. Moran, John J. Moskos, Charles C. NCLB, Why should there be an amnesty? Nearing, Scott, defendant. Nichols, Beverley, Cry Havoc! Peet, Hubert W. Peterson, H. Shaw, Amy J. Simons, H. Sprunger, Keith L. Standing, Arthur C. Stoltzfus, Duane C. Huebsch, Thomas, Is conscience a crime? Stokes, Tomlinson, Augustus J. Voth, Albert C. Waldner, Jakob S. Walker, Joyce A. It only takes one to refuse Sieg Heil , Allen, E. Anderson, Richard C. Arnett, Edward M. Axford, Roger W. Bennett, Scott H. Siegrist, and Daniel P. Umbel, Bonhoeffer the Assassin? Boisen, Anton T. July-August Brubaker, John W. Buerger, David John, et al. Bussey, Barry W. Coffin, Lesley L. Cookson, J. Cornell, Julien D. Cottrell, Robert C. Dalfiume, Richard M. Dasenbrock, J. Henry, To the beat of a different drummer: A decade in the life of a World War 2 conscientious objector, Winona: Northland, Davies, A. Doss , Tampa: Pacific Press, Foote, Will J. Franzen, David W. Frazer, Heather T. Hancox, Phil, Cavalry or Calvary? Hirsch, Charles B. Hockley, Robert L. Hopkins, Mary R. Hunsberger, Willard D. Joad, C. Kellam, John R. Kelley, Ray R. Klassen, A. Klassen, John C. Lifton, Robert J. Lonsdale, Kathleen, et al. Muller, Eric L. Nunnally, Joe Frederick, I was a C. Owen, Douglass J. Pescor, Michael J. Rammerstorfer, Bernhard, Unbroken Will. The Extraordinary Courage of an Ordinary Man. The Story of Leopold Engleitner. New Orleans: Grammaton, Reeves, George B. Richards, Edward C. Satterthwait, Charles S. Sibley, Mulford J. Sibley and Philip E. Spring, Ernest C. Swain, Henry, Why Now? Tarasoff, Koozma J. Thomas, Norman and Bertram D. Toews, John A. Van Dyck, Harry R. Wadge, Herbert W. Wallace, Charles E. Wilding, Percy G. Wilhelm, Paul A. Thomas Taylor, Wilson, Robert E. Anderson, Terry H. Baez, Joan, Sr. Barsocchini, Robert J. Berrigan, Daniel, S. Bingham, Howard L and Max Wallace. Evans, Castellani, John J. Culhane, Claire, Why is Canada in Vietnam? Curry, G. Daly, James A. Dellapenna, Joseph W. Epp, Frank H. Franklin, H. Gioglio, Gerald R. Grace, Thomas M. Griggs, Walter S. Halstead, Fred, Out Now! Hasbrouck, Edward, Resisters. Heineman, Kenneth J. Hunt, Andrew E. Janning, Hans, et al. Jones, Douglas W. Lorimer, Neer, Robert M. Niebanck, Richard J. Palaeologou, M. Parsons, David L. Pera, Marcus D. Louis: Concordia Tract Mission, Rohr, John A. Ruth, Richard A. Sherman, Ben, Medic! Simpson, Craig S. Skolnick, Jerome H. Small, Melvin et al. Streissguth, Thomas, Clay v. Surrey, David S. Tollefson, James W. Tribble, William D. White, Ralph K. Williams, Roger N. Zimmer, Timothy W. Military Spending vs. Which country is the greatest threat to world peace? Baldor, Lolita C. Barash, David P. Basevich, Andrew J. Beier, J. Branum, J. Breslow, Jason M. Coles, T. Conroy, Denis A. Crocker, H. Davies, Nicolas J. Denson, John V. Dower, John W. Freier, Nathan P. Frohlich, Thomas C. Gee, David, Informed Choice? Military Bases , Brooklyn: South End, Gillem, Mark L. Glen, Patrick J. Invasion of Haiti , Brooklyn: Soft Skull, Hartung, William D. Henning, Charles A. Hutto, Jonathan W. Hynes, H. Knopf, Lapham, Lewis H. Laufer, Peter, Mission Rejected: U. Love, David A. Murdough, Robert E. Drive for Global Hegemony , Detroit: Mehring, Philips, Joshua E. Break the silence. War Resisters in Canada , Toronto: Iguana, Takemura, H. Journal of Military Ethics Vol. Bartkowski, Maciej J. Berrigan, F. Blackburn, Judith A. Powers, and William B. History , Chicago: Haymarket, Sue, The. Coy, Patrick G. Fox, Richard G. Friedland, Michael B. Gross, David M. Hallie, Philip P. Hathaway, William T. Hoare, Richard J. Kauffman, L. King, Martin Luther Jr. Laffin, Arthur J. Lynd, S. Mailer, Phil, Portugal: The impossible revolution? Chelsea Manning — Hero of democracy. Mitchell, W. Nagler, Michael N. Pilisuk, Marc and Michael N. Rich, David N. Riegle, Rosalie G. Ross, F. Scenes from an Occupation , New York: Verso, Shifferd, Kent D. Weber, David R. Weiss, Meredith L. Willson, S. Wittner, Lawrence S. Edinburgh: AK Press, Anderson, Gary L. Barash and Charles P. Best, Steven and Anthony J. Odet de la Noue, Vive Description de la Tyrannie, et des Tyrans, avec les moyens de se garantir de leur joug\\\\\\\\\\\\\] , Bondurant, Joan V. Chappell, Paul K. Chenoweth, Erica and Maria J. Collyer, Charles F. Zepp, Jr. Denham, Diana and the C. Earth First! Elam, Harry Justin Jr. Garcia, J. Geimer, William S. Paris: Albin Michel, Godin, Entartons, entartons les pompeux cornichons! Gottlieb, Roger S. Gregg, Richard B. Hallward, Maia Carter and Julie M. Norman, Understanding Nonviolence , Cambridge: Polity, Holmes, Michael L. Irwin, Robert A. Building a Peace System , ExPro, Johansen and John Y. Johnpoll, Bernard K. Johnson, Dean J. Kezer, Robert A. Korostelina, Karina V. Kunstler, William M. Kurtz, Lester R. Lafayette, Bernard Jr. Lee, Michael E. MacNair, Rachel M. Martin and Patrick G. Martin, Whatever happened to social defence? Chinese , ; Russian , Mayer, Peter ed. Meyer, David S. Muste , Indianapolis, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, Muste, A. Muste , New York: Macmillan, Muste\\\\\\\\\\\\\], Robinson, Jo Ann O. Muste , Temple University, Amrit Kosh, Pim, Benjamin Peters, et al. Reed, T. Anthony Messenger, Romero , New York: Winston, Rubin, DO IT! Schlabach, Theron F. Schultz, Kayla, Democracy in America, Yippie! Sibley, Mulford Q. Walker, Charles C. Webel, Charles P. Wilcox, Fred A. Zunes, Stephen, Lester R. Berrigan, Philip, S. Gandhi, M. Kher, Ahmedabad, India: Navajivan, Lerner, Jimmy A. Murphy, P. Parsell, T. Trupin, James E. Alvarez, Steven J. Carr, Paul R. Ciborowski, Paul J. Lang, Freire, and A. Mariner, Military Affects You and Your Community , North, Connie E. Voices from the Front Lines , Boulder, Paradigm, Marciano, John and William L. Albright, David H. Atherton, Kelsey D. Howes, Pacifism in Japan , Kyoto: Minerva, Bergeron, Kenneth D. Birch, Douglas and R. Busby, Chris and Alexey V. Cirincone, Jon B. Day, Samuel H. Denborough, M. Drell, Sidney D. World Socialist Web Site , January 19, Edwards, A. Eichstaedt, Peter H. Findlay, John M. Fradkin, Philip L. Gibson, James N. Gould, Jay M. Graff, Garrett M. Harris, John F. Horton, Roy E. Hoffman, David E. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu, Jacobs, Robert A. Johnstone, Paul H. Keeney, L. Kristensen, Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Laforge, John M. LaForge and Arianne S. Energy Policy , Bandon: Robert D. Reed, Malloy, Sean L. Mangano, Joseph J. Miller, Richard L. Pabian, Frank V. Paul, T. Powaski, Ronald E. Reed, Thomas C. Reif, Kingston, U. Rose, Kenneth D. Sagan, Scott D. Sherwin, Martin J. Solomon, Fred, et al. Sprey, Pierre M. Thompson, E. Venter, Al J. Walsh, John V. Zeman, Scott C. Allen, Theodore W. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, Paul: Borealis, Byrd, Jodi A. Collier, George A. Holloway, John and Omali Yeshitela, Zapatista! Jacobs, Margaret D. Josephy, Alvin M. Marcos, Ya Basta! Miller, J. Milloy, John S. Nash, June C. Neihardt, John G. Nichols, Roger L. History , Norman: University of Oklahoma, Stannard, David E. Stephen, Lynn, Zapata Lives! Wager, Stephen J. Warren, Kay B. Wells, Julia C. Womack, John Jr. Yakubu, Owusu, A Commune in Chiapas? Beers, Diane L. Nocella Editors , Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals , Herndon: Lantern, Camosy, Charles C. Charlton, Anna E. Francione, Gary L. Jasper, James M. Nibert, David A. Nocella, Anthony J. Sunstein, Cass R. White, E. Supporters Group Magazine , Warcry, Adorno, Theodor W. Adorno, et al. Albarelli, H. Foreign Policy , London: Verso, Herman, Edward S. Leab, Daniel J. Liddy, G. Gordon, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy , New York: St. McCuen, John J. Mounk, Yascha, The People vs. Pollard, John F. Artists and intellectuals back our cause. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors. Saunders, F. Sweeney, H. Whitehead, John W. Ambinder, Marc and D. Cockburn, Alexander and Jeffrey St. Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship in the U. Dorsey, Herbert G. Dubrofsky, Rachel E. Enloe, Cynthia H. Farivar, Cyrus, Habeas Data: Privacy vs. Goodman, Melvin A. Igo, Sarah E. Kinsella, Stephen N. Kinsman, Gary, Dieter K. Saucier, P. Khalil and Tryon P. Adams, Matthew S. Cornell, Andrew, Unruly Equality: U. Bookchin, Which Way to the Ecology Movement? Kaczynski, Theodore J. Kaczynski, a. Richardson, John H. Scott, James C. Sumner, David Thomas and Lisa M. Zerzan, Why Hope? Carey, Elaine and Alfred J. Cooper, Portland: Oni Press, Cooper, London: Austin Macauley, Cooper , New York: Crown, Cooper , Norjak Project, Cooper, Where Are You? Cooper Story , Bloomington: AuthorHouse, Cooper Hijacking , Minneapolis: Essential Library, Cooper Case Exposed: J. Edgar Hoover Cover Up? Cooper , Vol. Cooper , Seattle: Adventure Books, Cooper: Dead or Alive? Cooper , North Charleston: CreateSpace, Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Just kick it till it breaks. Dartnell, Michael Y. Eckstein, Arthur M. Leonard, Aaron J. Obadele, Imari Abubakari, Free the Land! Sanguinetti, Gianfranco, Red Army Faction. Red Brigades. Chronos, Smith, J. Chando, Janvier T. Involvement in the Coup in Chile , Lanham: Lexington, Driver, C. Norwood, Stephen H. Debray, Revolution in the Revolution? Horkheimer, Max and Theodor W. Harrap, MacIntyre, Alasdair C. MacIntyre, Whose Justice? Which Rationality? Laing , Library Press, Others are underground samizdat issues produced in single copies to be passed from hand to hand at great personal risk. Direct Action, founded by David Dellinger, A. Wormwood Scrubs, London, Seventeen issues were produced. London, Central Board for Conscientious Objection , Over issues were produced. War Resistance , ibid. It happened that a fire broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to inform the public. They thought it was a jest and applauded. He repeated his warning, they shouted even louder. So I think the world will come to an end amid general applause from all the wits, who believe that it is a joke. PDF: Specialist bibliographies. There are simply not enough pages in any book to include every reference and source. We are including these specialist bibliographies for those readers who wish to explore each topic in more depth. No Nukes! London, Breazeale, Kennon. Chanakan Arthornprachachit. Chawis Worason. Feeny, David. Held, David, Anthony G. Henderson, David R. Hinke, C. Labuguen, Florida C. Valenzuela City: Mutya, Lau, Morten I. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 68 No 4, Murdoch, John B. Epp, , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Bussey Editor , Should I Fight? Kellner, Mark A. Kramer, Helmut H. Jahrhunderts , Leipzig: Evangelische, Tarling, Lowell R. Richard L. David H. Theodore W. Baines , A virtual community? Hilda Bernstein, No. Bizos, No One to Blame? Rachel K. Kenneth S. Judith M. The universe created by God, the nature itself, Is the earthly church for us Non-Church believers. Its ceiling is the blue sky. And the stars are scattered on its board. Its floor is the green pasture. Its tatami mats are filled with multitudes of flowers. Its musical instruments are the pine branches. Its cantors are the little birds in the forest. Its pulpit is the high mountain peaks. Its preacher is God himself. This is the church for us, Non-Church believers. Ker, Honors thesis Socknat, Thomas P. Revell, Johnston, James A. Wilde, Oscar, De profundis , London: Methuen, Davis, Angela Y. Lindqvist, Desert Divers , London: Granta, Williams, Robert F. Danzig, Drawings from the Gulag , London: Fuel, Gorgen, Carol Perry, Catholic conscientious objectors , ?. Zahn, Gordon C. Lynde, Francis, Conscientious objectors and others , Outlook, Moore, Albert B. Wilson, G. Bales, James D. Doss, Frances M. Hayes, Conscription Conflict , London: Sheppard, Parker, Malcolm, Prison Privilege! Swift, Charles R. Tatum, Lyle, Vignettes of an Antiwar Vet , Geyer, Alan F. Norris, Robert W. Osborne, J. Schelling, Thomas C. Pigasus for President! Jones, J. Freeman, Swanson, When the World Outlawed War , Swanson, The Military-Industrial Complex at 50 , Swanson, War Is a Lie , Tagore, Nationalism , London: Macmillan, Tolstoy, Resurrection , Glasgow: Heritage Press, Zahn, Gordon, What Is Society? Fuller, John G. Sternglass, Ernest J. Ho Chi Minh, Down with Colonialism! Marcos, Zapatista Stories , London: Katabasis, Walker, Charles F. Hotdogs are the cigarettes of the future. Stone, Gene, The Awareness , Stone, Chomsky, Noam, Who Rules the World? The opposite party alone is guilty of war. The enemy is the face of the devil. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary. The enemy uses forbidden weapons. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. Our cause is sacred. Vitale, Alex S. Berkman, Alexander, What Is Anarchism? Berkman, What Is Communist Anarchism? Bookchin, Listen, Marxist! Tucker, Newman, Postanarchism , Cambridge: Polity, Woodcock, Anarchism and Anarchists , Kingston: Quarry, Trotsky, Leon, , London: Penguin, CBCO Bulletin , ibid. The C. Court-Martial W. Joyland Journal , Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, ?. Prison Newsletter , Washington, D. A complete bibliography. A selected bibliography. Robinson, D.

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