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Electronic Book for Adults - Ateneo de Madrid. Electronic Book for Adults — European Network. Cypriot Literature Greek Literature Italian Literature Lithuanian Literature Spanish Literature Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania. In this section of the e- Book some project partners wanted. In their experience, this was a great opportunity for teachers and stu de nts. It was also a great chance to meet. Another partner un de rlines that the participation in the ELBA project has given the. This has given a great. Furthermore, for a female non-profit association, partner in the project, this was a real,. Not only each member of the staff was involved. The final reflection addressing cultural issues. Working in groups needs a. It started an intercultural. Our meetings. The feelings that we all in our team shared extend not only to the satisfaction of. Friends and partners, for whom we share the same feelings of having promoted a. We are plunged into a world of de ep changes, which affect the way to communicate. Ways and means closely tightened to un de rpin the. At present key elements as. Knowledge Society involve an increasing amount of in for mation and highly dynamic. We agreed that the Collection would contain. A mutual knowledge to un de rpin the European common which. In or de r to obtain an homogeneous. In this respect it should facilitate the cultural. Hitherto we have focused our work on the de finition of the realization of the electronic. Firstly, the electronic book took us. Secondly, to learn prior the. And to experience which were the most a de quate means. Thus, we have suggested a subject to lifelong. Actually in the for thcoming future most of the in for mation will circulate on a digital. We think that the qualification on these techniques hence will be the cornerstone of the. It becomes easier to install. The tasks un de rtaken in the last. The structure was de termined by splitting the material in five chapters - one for each. Each section was ma de up of an Introduction which shows the. Besi de s it contains other sections de dicated to Prologue,. The navigation throughout the book is ma de through series of links hyperlinks which. Besi de s the specific final product which was the main goal of ELBA project and the. This issue should be inclu de d as a learning topic within the. The de velopment of the electronic book apart from the technical aspects of our work,. In addition, as the process of. For the casual rea de r, the following selections might seem at first glance random;. I try to remember how the qualities of the mind, consi de red in the West as young. Poetry—as we have observed—is a medium best suited for. Content and for m are inseparably interwoven. A poem can create a mood, picture, or. Poetry usually for ms words or messages. A poem can tell stories similar to a folk tail. A poem written in any style often resembles the rhythms of speech. A poem written. Poetry treats a serious subject sometimes. Poetry which holds the principles and i de als of beauty which are characteristic of. A poem speaks to a listener. A poem written in honor of the people of all nations and cultures. A short lyrical poem can contain poetic thoughts. Thoughts and themes are usually connected. The closing signature often inclu de s the poet's meaning of life as. Poetry, a peaceful and i de alized scene, tells stories about heroes of a bygone age. Cyprus was un de r the British occupation and most of poets were into myth, Cypriot tradition,. Vasilis Michaeli de s was born in small village called Leukoniko in and he died in. Most of his poems are about love and freedom. He writes in the Cypriot. Andreas Christophi de s was born in Nicosia in and died in He studied. He was also a regular contributor to dailies and. His first collection of poetry,. Little Blue Rings , was de dicated to Palamas. The lyricism that characterizes his poetic. Kyriakos Charalambi de s was born in Famagusta in He studied History and. Ambassador of Cyprus to Greece. He wrote poetry, prose, literary criticism, essays, etc. Klitos Ioanni de s was born in Moutoulas village, in He studied in Cyprus and. Andriana lerodiaconou was born in Nicosia in , and atten de d The English School. After graduating from Ox for d University with a de gree in Biochemistry, she pursued a career. She lives in France with her family. She has been publishing. Her work has appeared in a wi de range of literary magazines in Cyprus. Josef Josefi de s was born in Larnaca in He studied Economics and Mathematics. He has been awar de d the Cyprus State Prize for Poetry. He was awar de d the Cyprus State Prize for Poetry. Among other distinctions for her writing, she has received. His de ep in lyrics he. In she received the Cavafy. He works as a journalist, and as a inurnalism teacher at a college in Nicosia. He received the Cyprus State Prize for Young. He has published poetry, prose, studies and. He has translated Russian Poetry into Greek. He received the Cyprus State Prize. He has received numerous honors and. University of Athens. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize, and in he was. He received the. He has published numerous collections. He has received the Cyprus State Prize for Poetry. Myrianthi Papaonisi for ou was born and lives in Paphos. She studied Social Sciences. Department of Social Services. She has published several collections of poetry, and received. He has published collections of poetry, as. He received the Cyprus State Prize for Poetry. Nasa Patapiou was born in Rizokarpaso. She studied Drama, Byzantine and Mo de rn. She received the State Prize for Poetry in She has received the State Prize for. She has published seeral works of poetry, prose, theatre and criticism. He wrote poetry, and was a regular contributor to literary magazines and newspapers. He was. And what is actual s actual only for one time And only for. He writes articles on politics, literary criticism, studies and essays. He has. She has been a columnist for. She has written the lyrics. The lines of this poem 'My country has been dive de d in. Nowadays she is a lecturer at Cyprus. Cypriot Literature. She has repeatedly received the Cyprus State Prize for Poetry. She was. She has published collections. Two of her short stories were. In new Greek state was created and during the 19 th. After the 1 st World war a tragic historical event blasts the Greek nation: the. Asia Minor Disaster. He had published twenty-one books of poetry, including a collected edition. Batallia Letteraria in and the Second State Prize for His work has been translated. During the Civil War, he spent about eight and a half years in various. He took his de gree in radiology at the University. During the Greek civil war and same years after , he was incarcerated for. His poetry has been influenced by his political i de as. The basic themes of his poems are. In addition to his poetry he has written many essays and. She received her de gree in archeology from the University of Athens in , then studied the. History of Art at the Sorhonne, and published seven books and many articles on art in various. In collaboration with her husband and a group of painters and art editors, the. In , she went to Italy to visit its museums; in she toured the United States on. Athens on He came to Greece in , took his de gree classics and literature from the. He has written two books. From that point on, his poets were to become increasingly polemical, satirical, and. Yioryos Vafopoulos was born on in Gevgelija, now on the Yugoslavian si de of. In his early poems Vafopoulos struggled to. Moving to Athens in , he studied for a year at the university there, but left to. Ministry of Labour, as a customs official in Piraeus. Vrettakos is a pure singing voice, writing. Paris and southern France, but has lived the rest of his life in Greece. Here the practice of surrealism, the rhythms of the Bible, and the traditions of. And de scends from the hillsi de s with a favorable northeaster. His poetry is innovative, mo de rnistic. He also wrote some essays about. His books of. He was a bank worker and during the 2o World War he. He has published eleven books of poetry, won the Second State Prize for , and has been. State Prize of Poetry for , a joint award with Yannis Ritsos. He also did an excellent. He translated a great number of very important for eigner writers. Because of his political activities he spent about three and a half years. He resigned in disillusionment when Russia inva de d. In June he left for Africa where he worked as plantation supervisor and. Dhrakontae de s Philippos was born in In addition to his poems he has written. His grandfather was killed during the siege of that famous city in the Greek War. He was one of several poets Kostis Palamas, Ioannis. Polemis who trans for med Greek poetry, during the s, from the overly-romantic,. Exhibition of Mo de rn and Fantastic Art in Venice in He became Professor of Art in the. In and again in he won the First State Prize in Poetry, and. His ef for t is toward self-expression, no matter. If he finds himself without colors, he will turn to word, to action. He there for e believes in revolution in the name of tradition. In the future, the. For he was given the First State. His experience. This later phase. His subsequent poetry shows him. August 5, Brought to Athens in infancy, he eventually worked in the London offices of. Returning to Greece in became the first Greek surrealist poet. His poems are often inspired by a frenetic, orgiastic, Dionysian ecstasy in an ultimate triumph. The initial for m woman took was the brai de d throats of two. In he atten de d the Poetry Festival in. Strouga, Yugoslavia. The author of three books of prose sketches and essays, he has written. In He received his de gree, in literature from the University of Tessaloniki in In addition to his. Themelis's early poetry revealed a complexity of. What is impressive about this mature poetry is the distillation of his. Outsi de of us begins de ath's de solation. He wrote his first poems as a pupil at the elementary school. In , he started working as a. At World War II started, he became a soldier. His collection of poems. His short stories. On his father's de ath the family emigrated to Liverpool and London but returned to. Alexandria where he remained for the rest of his life working in the Department of Irrigation. His is the undisputed foun de r of. He took his de gree in law at the University of Athens in ,. Wrote his own epic poem, The Odyssey; a book of. For brief periods he served as General Director of the Ministry of Public. Welfare, ; as minister without portfolio, ; and as Advisor for Literature for. For he was given the State Prize for Drama, in the International. Peace Prize, and was several times nominated for the Nobel Prize. His novel Zorba the Greek. Karelli has been remarkably consistent in her existentialist attitu de. Whatever, she has written. He received his de gree in law from. Interior, sent unwillingly to posts in various parts of Greece. In was sent to Preveza. Some of his poems have been set to music. Kotsiras Yioryis was born on in Athens, took his de gree in law and political. He has traveled in many European countries, and has translated poems, plays and novels from. European countries. During the 2nd world war he was arrested by the Italians and he stayed in. In addition of his poetry he wrote many essays about Greek literature. Palamas is the greatest mo de rn Greek poet, second only to Solomos. With his twenty-volume,. He began studying Greek and for eign poets and writing verse at the age of. His poetry is multifaceted and leaves no subject, be it lyrical or contemplative,. Everything moves him; history, philosophy, life. Palamas is a great lover of Greece. To the amazement of the. National Anthem as they went. Angkelos Sikelianos ba de him farewell with the words 'On. Tear off your veil and throw asi de That gown that hi de s your. He took his de gree in medicine at the University of Athens and he continued his studies at the. University of Munich. His mo de rn poetry has received many honors, among others the First. State Prize for Poetry for and for His poems have been translated in English and. Arrested by Greek collaborators in , he was set up against a church wall to be. As one of the foun de rs of. Epitheorisi Tehnis Review of the Arts , he served on the editorial board for five years, but at. He left for Paris in ,. Ecole Ptatique de hautes Etu de s. French, then in English, Russian and Spanish. After the fall of the dictatorship, he returned to. In his poems reveals the hid de n human de sires, the. He died in He was a Greek poet, part of the s revivalist. Polemis' poetry is written in straight for ward, simple language and. They are of a romantic and or. For his left-wing activities. His entire life. Haunted by de ath, driven at times to the edge of. When broke from for mal poetry into free verse, he. His short poems become. Loneliness, de ath and de cay remained some of. Lately he has turned to classical myth in which ancient situations are. It insists on. Deep, de ep the fall, de ep, de ep the ascent, the airy.

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