Cones, Bosko, Hashish Kopaonik

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Kopaonik

Cones, Bosko, Hashish Kopaonik


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Items where Year is 2012

Abdel-Hamid, Sameh and Betz, Gabriele. Pharmaceutical development and technology, Vol. Abeyrathne, P. In: Comprehensive biophysics, Vol. Burlington, pp. Abgottspon, Daniela and Ernst, Beat. Chimia, 66 4. Abiodun, O. Parasitology research, Vol. Pacific health dialog, Vol. Abrell, Jan and Weigt, Hannes. Networks and spatial economics, Vol. Nature medicine, Vol. Journal of cellular physiology, Vol. Achi, Y. Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa, Vol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37 9. Ackermann-Liebrich U. The European respiratory journal, 40 5. Ackumey, M. BMC public health, Vol. Ackumey, Mercy M. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 1 6. Adalid, S. Adam, M. Environment international, Adam, T. Health policy and planning : a journal on health in development, Vol. Adam, Taghreed and de Savigny, Don. Adam, Y. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, Vol. Adams, Cassandra J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1. Adler, T. Clinical anatomy, Vol. Aeberhard, Simon. Reihe Litterae Freiburg i. Sexual abuse, Vol. Afonso, A. Family practice, Vol. Aggett, Peter J. European journal of nutrition, 51 Suppl 1. Agius, Silvan and Tobler, Christa. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender identity and gender expression. Agnes, Everton J. Berlin, pp. A, Theoretical and statistical physics, 3. Aguilar, Lita Beatriz Patty. Effects of grazing and fire on herbaceous species in the Bolivian Altiplano. Arrays of gold nanoparticles as a platform for molecular electronics. An experimental study with economists and physicians. Health economics review, Vol. Ahmad, S. Ahrend, Thomas. In: Hanns Eisler : ein Komponist ohne Heimat?. Wien, pp. Hofheim am Taunus, pp. Aiken, Linda H. Akbar, F. Virology journal, Vol. In: Corrstown: A coastal community. Excavations of a Bronze Age village in Northern Ireland. Oxford, pp. In: Die Burg Marmels. Basel, pp. Al Kabary, Ihab and Schuldt, Heiko. New York, p. Alam, Sadaf R. Albrecht, C. Albrecht, Peter. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, Albrecht, Thomas and Vetter, Thomas. Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. Albrich, W. Der Mikrobiologe, Alkhatib, M. Biogeosciences, Vol. Alkhatib, Mohammad and Schubert, Carsten J. Lawrence Estuary. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, Vol. Alshihabi, Firas M. Focused beam reflectance measurement as innovative process analytical technology tool in fluid bed granulation process control. Altdorff, Daniel. Combination of hydro-geophysical methods for delineation of characteristic structures in subsoil. Altwicker, Tilmann. Baden-Baden, pp. Regio Basiliensis, 53 Amar, Rajeev K. A descriptive epidemiological study of interstitial lung disease in the United Kingdom general population. Respirology, Vol. Respiration, 84 3. Amari, K. Frontiers in plant science, Vol. Amek, N. Parasites and Vectors, 5 Metallomics, 4 4. Methods in ecology and evolution, Vol. Physical Review Letters, 6. Physical review letters, Anderson, K. Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. Andorno, Roberto. In: Human dignity in bioethics : from worldviews to the public square. New York, pp. Anetzberger, H. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, Vol. European Surgical Research, 48 4. Ang, Rebecca P. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 43 1. Jahrhunderts : Bielefeld Angehrn, Emil. Bern, pp. In: Offenbarung - verstehen oder erleben? Neukirchen-Vluyn, pp. In: Macht und Ohnmacht der Sprache : philosophische und psychoanalytische Perspektiven. Weilerswist, pp. Schwabe reflexe, In: Formen kulturellen Wandels. Bielefeld, pp. Dordrecht, pp. In: Was ist ein Bild? In: Zur Negation der psychoanalytischen Hermeneutik. Angela Obrist,. Angenendt, J. Angouri, Jo and Locher, Miriam A. Journal of pragmatics, 44 Global Health Action, 5. BMC Public Health, First results and future perspectives. Estrat Critic, Revista d'Arqueologia, 6. Rubricatum, 5. Antusch, S. Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation and cosmology, Vol. Journal of High Energy Physics, Antusch, Stefan and King, Stephen F. Nuclear physics. B, Particle physics, Vol. Antusch, Stefan and Nolde, David. Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics: Jcap, Vol. Anzinger, Joshua J. Journal of Lipid Research, 53 1. Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian. Trends in Cell Biology, 22 5. Arber, Silvia. Neuron, Vol. Archetti, Marco. Evolution : international journal of organic evolution, Vol. Evolution : international journal of organic evolution, 66 3. Journal of theoretical biology, Vol. Aregger, M. PLoS Pathogens, Vol. Aregger, Regula Helena. The impact of the linker in the catalytic core of the DEAD-box protein YxiN from Bacillus subtilis on substrate binding, enzymatic function and conformation. Arici, B. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 3 7A. WWZ Discussion Papers, Arn, Stefanie. Jahrhundert: Die Erziehungsschriften von J. Campe, Ch. Salzmann und E. Diabetes, Vol. Arnet, I. International journal of clinical medicine, Vol. Arnet, Isabelle and Walter, Philipp N. Journal of patient compliance, Vol. Arni, Caroline. In: Robert Grimm. History of the Present, Vol. NZZ, Historische Anthropologie, Jg. In: Biopolitik und Geschlecht : zur Regulierung des Lebendigen. Arnold, Andreas W. Journal of investigative dermatology, Vol. Journal of visualized experiments, H. Arnold, B. Arnold, Patrik. Bioinformatics, Vol. Arquint, Christian and Sonnen, Katharina F. Journal of Cell Science, 5. Arras, Margarete and Glauser, Daniel L. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32 Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26 5. Askin, Ridvan. Heidelberg, pp. Danielewski's Differential Novel House of Leaves. In: Revolutionary leaves : the fiction of Mark Z. Cambridge, pp. Basler Renaissancekolloquium 'Wissensordnungen' : am Mai Aste, Andreas. Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 6. Attioua, B. Pharmaceutical biology, Vol. Aubert, Etienne. In: Eddy covariance : a practical guide to measurement and data analysis. Stuttgart, p. Aurich, Hagen Matthias. Carbon nanotube spin-valve with optimized ferromagnetic contacts. Aus der Au, Christina. Praktische Theologie, 47 4. In: Evolution der Offenbarung - Offenbarung der Evolution. Freiburg im Breisgau, pp. Ausserhofer, Dietmar. High-reliability in healthcare : nurse-reported patient safety climate and its relationship with patient outcomes in Swiss acute care hospitals. Pflegewissenschaft, 14 3. Swiss medical weekly, Ophthalmology, Aydin, D. Environmental health : a global access science source, Vol. EMF Spektrum, 1. Bad Honnef. Aydin, Denis. The use of mobile phones and the risk of brain tumors among children and adolescents. Podoces, Vol. Helm field guides. Azakir, B. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. Azzedine, H. Molecular syndromology, 3 5. Bacca, S. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. Bachmann, Alexander and Woo, Henry H. Current opinion in urology, Vol. Medical oncology, Vol. Badovinac-Crnjevic, T. Baer, Magdalena M. Journal of cell science, Vol. Bahlburg, Heinrich and Spiske, Michaela. Sedimentology, 59 3. Baier, Simon. Malevics Blinde Architektur. Antworten in Bildern. In: Art Povera. Der grosse Aufbruch. Ostfildern, pp. In: Tatlin : new art for a new world. Baier, Simon and Kernbauer, Eva. In: Utopie Gesamtkunstwerk. Bailer, Stefanie. Climate Policy, 12 5. Bailer, Stefanie and Schulz, Tobias. Swiss Political Science Review, 18 1. Baleva, Martina. Die Erfindung von Nationen auf dem Balkan in der Kunst des Visuelle Geschichtskultur, 6. In: Image Match. Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, V lice i v grab. Kultura, 18 Neue Indizes einer globalen Bildtheorie. Human brain mapping : a journal devoted to functional neuroanatomy and neuroimaging, 33 5. Baller, Susann. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36 3. Ballif, M. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, Vol. BMC microbiology, Vol. Ballif, Marie. Physical Review Letters, 5. Ballo, Marco. Mit dem Fahrrad von Chicago nach Los Angeles. Balwierz, Piotr J. Inference of gene regulatory interactions from deep sequencing data. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, Vol. Bandschapp, O. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. Banerjee, M. European journal of medicinal chemistry, Banfi, A. Baranek, Constanze and Atanasoski, Suzana. Bioinformatics , 28 7. Barna, Elisabeth. Synthesis and characterization of scratch resistant polyurethane clear coatings by incorporation of surface modified nanoparticles. Barquilla, A. Barrera, Borja and Otero, Jon A. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56 7. Bartsch, Cornelia. Musiktheorie, 27 1. Basagana, X. Atmospheric environment, Basak, O. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 Baschong, Clemens. Agricultural and forest meteorology, Vol. Basler, M. Science, Nature, Battegay, Caspar. Stuttgart, pp. Stuttgart ; Weimar, pp. Ein Essay. Kultur- und Medientheorie. Bamidbar : journal for Jewish thougt and philosophy, Vol. Science, Vol. Bauer, M. Baumann, U. Baumgarten, Diana. Giessen, pp. Dental traumatology, Vol. Baumgartner, T. Human brain mapping, Vol. Baur, B. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. Bayer, T. Journal of hand surgery. American volume, Vol. Bech, Morten L. Bechir, M. EcoHealth, Vol. Sociology study, Vol. Bechir, Mahamat. Bechtel, N. Epilepsia, 53 2. Beck, Andreas. On the interaction of cationic compounds with ABC-transporters and lipid membranes. Beck, Jan. Climatic change, , online. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. Ecography, Vol. Beck, Jan and Holloway, Jeremy D. The American naturalist, Vol. Becker, Anna. L'Homme, 23 2. Becker, Philipp M. Klaus Spremann zur Emeritierung. Beckmann, Jan. Teneurin evolution and brain-specific functions. Beckmann, Michael. Basler Zeitung. Beckmann, Michael and Escher Clauss, Sandra. HR Today. European economic review, 56 4. Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter. Frontiers in microbiology, Vol. Beesdo-Baum, K. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, Vol. Journal of psychiatric research, Vol. Behnisch, Urs and Opel, Andrea. Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, Jg. Behrendt, S. Drug and alcohol dependence, Vol. Behrens, Heike. In: The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden, pp. Ecological letters, Vol. Belcik, J. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 60 7. Journal of Immunology, 3. Benazet, J. Development, Vol. Basler Renaissancekolloquium 'trading zones — contact zones — entanglement. Oktober Bennett, M. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. Benson, J. Bentley, S. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. Bentz, D. In: Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie, Bd. Western journal of nursing research, 34 5. Estudios en homenaje a la profesora Beatrice Schmid. Journal of monetary economics, Vol. European radiology, Vol. Berger, C. Current opinion in organ transplantation, Vol. Cell reports, Vol. Berger, Simone. Cicero konstruiert den Griechen. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette. Education as Change, 15 Sup. Bergman, Manfred Max and Kanji, Shireen. Bergquist, Robert and Tanner, Marcel. Geospatial health, Vol. Berihuete, M. Cypsela, Beringer, J. Berkmann, S. Swiss Medical Weekly, Acta Neurochirurgica, 4. Berner, Daniel. Ecology and Evolution, 2 8. Bernhard, Thomas. Digitale Sportspiele und realer Sport. Bernhardt, Reinhold. Religions, 3 4. Wiesbaden, pp. Regensburg, pp. Frankfurt a. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 22 1. In: Die christliche Rede von Gott in fundamentaltheologischer, homiletischer und liturgischer Perspektive. Hannover, pp. Theologische Rundschau, 77 3. Fribourg, pp. Freiburg ; Br. In: Handbuch der Religionen der Welt, Bd. Nordhausen, pp. Theologische Literaturzeitung, 5. In: Christentum und Judentum. In: Evolution wohin? Theologische Literaturzeitung, Jg. Bernoulli, D. International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. Berry, Elliot M. Rambam Maimonides medical journal, 3 2. Berti, F. Vaccine : the official journal of the International Society for Vaccines, Chemical Communications, 48 Bertschi-Kaufmann, Andrea. In: Literaturdidaktik im Zeichen von Kompetenzorientierung und Empirie. Perspektiven und Probleme.. Besmer, Christina. Schweizer Volkskunde, Jg. Besse, Marie and Doppler, Thomas. Besthorn, Florian Henri. Hans Werner Henzes zehn Symphonien. In: Die Symphonie. Individuelle Charakteristika einer musikalischen Gattung, 5. Tropical medicine and international health, 17 Betz, Charles. Beutter, Anne. Beyene, N. Tanzania journal of health research, Vol. Beyer, Andreas. Jeff Koons und die Summe der Kunst. In: Jeff Koons. The Painter and the Sculptor, 2, The Sculptor. Monopol, , Ausgabe April. In: Pierre Bonnard. Karl Friedrich Schinkel. In: Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Geschichte und Poesie ; das Studienbuch. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In: Weimarer Klassik : Kultur des Sinnlichen. In: Intuition und Institution. Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. Bhattacharjee, M. Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. Biccard, B. Anaesthesia, Vol. Krankenpflege, 2. Bickel, Susanne. Bickel, Susanne and Paulin-Grothe, Elina. Kmt : a modern journal of Ancient Egypt, Vol. Egyptian archaeology, No. Biehlmaier, Oliver and Neuhauss, Stephan C. In: Neuromedia: Art and Neuroscience Research. Bieler, Andrea. In: Feministische Theologie, Politische Theologie. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. Sulzbach, Taunus, pp. Bieri, F. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, Vol. Bieri, Franziska. Hoboken, NJ, p. Bieri, Kathrin. Bierl, Anton. Agonistic performativity and cultural metapoetics. Leiden ; Boston, pp. Electra, 2. Berlin ; Boston, pp. Atene e Roma nuova serie seconda, 6 In: Donum natalicium digitaliter confectum Gregorio Nagy septuagenario a discipulis collegis familiaribus oblatum : a virtual birthday gift presented to Gregory Nagy on turning seventy by his students, colleagues, and friends. Washington, DC. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Vol. Munich, pp. Binder, Florian. E- and P-selectin : differences and similarities guide the development of novel selectin antagonists. Binder, Florian P. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51 Binder, J. Neuroimage, 63 1. Arch-Gynecol-Obstet, Vol. Birnstiel, Klaus. Zu einer Schreibweise von Theorie in Literatur. In: Literatur und Theorie seit der Postmoderne. Kritik und Entfaltung einer Intuition. Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft — Arbitrium, 30 1. Arbitrium, 30 2. Birnstiel, Klaus and Schilling, Erik. Bishop, Stephanie. May Der Grosse Durst. Afrika Bulletin. May Kampf um Reichtum und Macht. Afrika Bulletin, 37 May Ungleicher Zugang zu Wasser auf Haushaltsebene. Massnahmen fokussieren in erster Linie auf Frauen. Blaich, A. Transfusion, Vol. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. Transformation groups, Vol. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim, p. Blaser, Susanne. Bloch, Giorgio. Jeff Wall und das Detail. Blum, J. International health, Vol. Blum, Mathias. Molecular characterization of cellulose synthase CesA genes and impact of mutations on fungicide resistance in oomycetes. Blum, Mathias and Gamper, Hannes A. Fungal biology, Vol. Blum, Yannick. Cellular mechanisms during vascular development. Blumhagen, Jan Ole. Parkanlagen als Planungs- und Marketinginstrumente. Cell Metabolism, 15 4. Molecular and cellular biology, 32 Bochud, P. Hepatology, Vol. Bodenheimer, Alfred. Die Juden in der Beschneidungsdebatte. Leipzig, pp. Bodenheimer, Alfred and Bossert, Sabina. In: 'Nicht irgendein anonymer Verein Bodmer, D. Developmental Neuroscience, 34 4. Lung Cancer, 78 2. The American journal of gastroenterology, 4. Journal of critical care, 27 5. Boehm, Gottfried. In: Medienbewegungen: Praktiken der Bezugnahme, In: Iconoclastia: la ambivalencia de la mirada. Madrid, pp. Die Bilder der Maria Lassnig. In: Maria Lassnig. Der Ort der Bilder. Bogen, Christian and Pichler, Sandra. Halle, pp. Bogoch, I. Belin, pp. Bohus, M. In: Psychische Erkrankungen : Klinik und Therapie. Bolander, Brook. Journal of Pragmatics, vol. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 Boller, Thomas. In: Receptor-like kinases in plants : from development to defense. Boller, Thomas and Flury, Pascale. In: Plant signaling peptides. Bolliger, D. Bolliger, Daniel and Seeberger, Manfred D. Transfusion medicine reviews, Vol. Bondarev, Anton. Economics of Innovation and New technology, 21 8. Bonfoh, B. Bonilla, Weldy V. Bonnon, Carine and Atanasoski, Suzana. Bonvin, A. BMC pediatrics, Vol. Boonmann, C. Autisme Centraal, 31 6. Politiewetenschap, Een onderzoek naar psychiatrische stoornissen, verstandelijke beperkingen, toerekeningsvatbaarheid en behandeladvies. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 67 1. Bopp, Micha. Bora, Debajeet K. Hematite and its hybrid nanostructures for photoelectrochemical water splitting: how do properties affect functionality? Current Applied Physics, 12 3. Advanced Functional Materials, 22 3. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology, 64 2. Bordoli, Lorenza and Schwede, Torsten. New York, USA, pp. Hove, pp. Allergo Journal, 21 2. Borm, K. Swiss Medical Forum, 12 Bosch-Capblanch, X. Tropical medicine and international health, 17 6. PLoS medicine, Vol. Physical Review B, 86 Bouabene, Ghazi. Greedy routing and virtual coordinates for future networks. Bouamaied, Imenne and Constable, Edwin C. Dalton Transactions, 41 European Heart Journal, 33 Muscle and Nerve , 46 3. Bouquet, Corinne. Conditional expression of Pim1 and c-Myc in murine B lineage cells and their functional consequences. Bourbonnais, A. Biogeosciences discussions, Vol. Bourbonnais, Annie and Lehmann, Moritz F. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, Vol. Carnitine : analytical and physiological aspects. Bousquet, R. Braendle, Rudolf. Lausanne, p. Braendle, Thomas. Braendle, Thomas and Stutzer, Alois. In: Conflict of interest in global, public and corporate governance. Brancher, Dominique. In: Adam, le premier homme. Firenze, pp. Brancucci, N. Cellular microbiology, Vol. Neuropsychobiology, 65 3. Brandt, S. The European respiratory journal, 40 2. Responsiveness to missed chances in successful and nonsuccessful aging. Bratschi, M. British journal of cancer, 3. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Braunschweig, Sabine. Zwischen Aufsicht und Betreuung. Breidthardt, T. American Journal of Medicine, 2. Breitenmoser, Stephan. Breitenmoser, Stephan and Dannacher, Philipp J. Breitenmoser, Stephan and Piras, Chiara. Breitenmoser, Stephan and Weyeneth, Robert. In: The area of freedom, security and justice, including information society issues. Tallinn, pp. Brenner, Andreas. In: Animal law - Tier und Recht : developments and perspectives in the 21st century. In: Leben schaffen? Paderborn, pp. In: Religions-Politik, Bd. Breton, C. Circulation : journal of the American Heart Association, Vol. Bretscher, Michael. Statistical analysis of 'Plasmodium falciparum' infection dynamics. Bretschneider, Wiebke. Gerontology, 59 3. Bringolf-Isler, B. Pediatric exercise science, Vol. Brites, Daniela. Evolution and expression of the highly variable cell adhesion molecule Dscam in the crustacean Daphnia and other arthropods. Brites, Daniela and Gagneux, Sebastien. Infection, genetics and evolution, Vol. The Malaria world journal, Vol. Malaria journal, Vol. Broennimann, Olivier and Fitzpatrick, M. Global ecology and biogeography, Vol. Brombacher, Christoph. Porrentruy, pp. Porrentruy, p. Etude carpologique. Brombacher, Christoph and Vandorpe, Patricia. Bronner, Catherine and Wenger, Oliver S. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3 1. Inorganic Chemistry, 51 Brooks, A. Suppl 2 , iiii Global public health, Vol. Brooks, Stephen J. A comment on Velle et al. Holocene, 22 Broome, Matthew R. British Medical Journal, Brown, Matthew T. Broz, P. Allergy : european journal of allergy and clinical immunology : official journal of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vol. Broz, Petr and Ohlson, Maikke B. Gut microbes, 3 2. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, Vol. Psychotherapeut, Bd. Bruhn, Manfred. Beck-Wirtschaftsberater im dtv. Bruhn, Manfred and Batt, Verena. Marketing Review St. Gallen, Vol. Der Markt : international journal of marketing, Vol. Management research news, Vol. Die Unternehmung, Jg. Die Unternehmung, Vol. Brun, R. Infectious disease clinics of North America, Vol. Brunekreef, B. The European respiratory journal, 39 3. Brunner, R. Journal of infectious diseases, Vol. Bruns, Nico. In: Music, Performance, and African Identities. The economic journal, , No. Bucher, E. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Vol. Budelacci, Orlando. Budelacci Orlando,. Buenzli, Andreas M. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Preprints Fachbereich Mathematik, Bugra, H. Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, 80 Bui-Huy, T. Sandec News, Bumbacher, Stephan Peter. In: The spread of Buddhism. Leiden, pp. Exorcistic and Apotropaic Rituals in Medieval China. Petersburg, FL. Burger, B. British journal of dermatology, Vol. Burger, Paul. Burghartz, Susanna. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Bd. Burkart, Lucas. In: Bild und Wahrnehmung der Stadt. Weimar, pp. Historische Anthropologie, 20 2. Burkhardt-Holm, P. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, Burki, R. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31 Burleigh, Peter and Jung, Sophie. Marburg, pp. Chimia, 66 Burri, C. Trends in parasitology, Vol. Burri, Samuel. Burzynska, Agnieszka Z. Human Brain Mapping, 33 7. Buschauer, Regine. In: Lexikon der Raumphilosophie. Darmstadt, p. Darmstadt, pp. Buschauer Regine,. Buser, Denise. Tagungsband 'Baselland ', April , Schloss Ebenrain, Sissach, Liestal, pp. Busse, Jason W. Canadian HR Reporter. Buth, Ronny Franz. Der homo sustinens. Buttini, Valeria. Nancy, pp. Byhahn, C. Journal of hydrology, Vol. Zur Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der Industriearbeit im In: Zeitgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte : neue Perspektiven auf die Bundesrepublik. Main, pp. Mantegna und Barbari. Applied physics letters, Africa in Development Series. African Studies Quarterly, 13 4. Cell cycle, Vo. Preventive medicine : an international journal devoted to practice and theory, Vol. Physical activity in preschoolers. Schweizer Emissionshandel - Betriebliche Klimastrategien und Verhalten der Emissionshandelsteilnehmer. Physical Review B, Vol. Cabane, E. Biointerphases, 7 9. Cabernard, Clemens. Cytoskeleton, Vol. Cabezon, R. Cabrera, Laura. New York. Cabrera, Laura and Weckert, John. Science and Engineering Ethics, , doi Caduff Good, Angela. Rational and safe dosing of phenprocoumon during loading and maintenance phase. Caffrey, C. In: Parasitic helminths : targets, screens, drugs and vaccines. Weinheim, pp. Cahenzli, Fabian and Erhardt, Andreas. Different ways for using nectar amino acids in female butterflies. Oecologia, Vol. Animal behaviour, Vol. Oikos, Vol. Parasitology international, Vol. Cala-De Paepe, D. Pediatric anesthesia, Vol. Calviani, M. Rauscher and T. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. Games and Economic Behavior, 75 2. Cell metabolism, Vol. European journal of integrative medicine, Vol. Caprez, R. Capus, Nadja. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 21 8. Capus, Nadja and Albrecht, Peter. Capus Nadja,. Basler juristische Mitteilungen, , Nr. Cardon, C. Science Signaling, 5 Journal of medical ethics, Vol. Carmona, N. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 13 7. Carpentier, S. Journal of applied geophysics, Vol. Carrasco, Sandra. Carteni, Lorena. Cartier, Laurent E. Carvalho, S. Casparis, L. Review of scientific instruments, Vol. Casse, O. Macromolecules, Vol. Castano-Diez, D. Journal of structural biology, Vol. Casula, Philipp. Global studies. Nature nanotechnology, Vol. Cavelti, M. Psychopathology, 45 4. Journal of Clinical Psychology, European psychiatry, Vol. In: Geschichte des Kantons Schwyz. Cavelti-Weder, C. Diabetes care, Vol. Caviezel, Chatrina and Kuhn, Nikolaus J. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 31 2. Neve e valanghe, Vol. Hydrology and earth system sciences, Cerullo, Angela. Chakrabarty, S. Molecular physics, Vol. Chantong, Boonrat and Kratschmar, Denise V. Journal of neuroinflammation, Vol. Chapman, Mollie. Linking People and Rivers. Charoudeh, H. Immunogenetics, Vol. Chasman, D. Human molecular genetics, Vol. New York journal of mathematics, Chen, Bin and Corns, Warren T. Boca Raton, pp. Chen, J. Cherchneff, Isabelle. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chevillat, V. Agrarforschung Schweiz, Bd. Chianese, G. Chinchilla, Delphine and Boller, Thomas. In: Effectors in plant-microbe interactions. Chichester, pp. Breast cancer research and treatment, Vol. Chitnis, N. Bulletin of mathematical biology, Vol. Choolani, M. Christadler, Maike. In: Visual representations of native Americans : transnational contexts and perspectives. Christadler, Maike and Schaffner, Michael. Asymmetrie und Vollkommenheit' : am Dezember Christen, Bernhard and Hauck, Bernd. In: Wertpapierrecht. Christen, Marius and Schmidt, Stephan. Sustainable Development, 20 6. Boston Mass. Chun-I, Chen. Cicak, Marija. Cignacco, Eva L. Pediatrics, Vol. BMC psychiatry, Vol. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 9 5. Cohen, D. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 82 8. Cohen, David. Cohen, David and Raynaud, Xavier. Numerische Mathematik, 1. Cohn, Miriam. Theatervermittlung als Problem, Nature genetics, Vol. Conca, A. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 5. Conen, D. Circulation, Vol. Conen, F. In: Sources and measurements of Radon and Radon progeny applied to climate and air quality studies. Vienna, pp. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5 2. Constable, Edwin C. CrystEngComm, 14 2. CrystEngComm, 14 Polyhedron, 35 1. Polyhedron, 44 1. Inorganic Chemistry, 52 2. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, CrystEngComm, 14 5. Cordin, Carla. Menschen und Strukturen, Bd. Frankfurt am Main. Cottier, Michelle. In: ZGB. Familienbilder in aktuellen Diskussionen zur Reform des Erbrechts. Cottier, Michelle and Steck, Daniel. Coulibaly, J. Cremonesi, Alessio. Characterization of the yeast rapamycin-sensitive phosphoproteome. Crowell, V. Epidemics : the journal of infectious disease dynamics, Vol. Curjuric, I. Curjuric, Ivan. Impact of gene-environment interactions within inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways on the development of chronic obstructive lung disease COPD. Journal of tropical ecology, Vol. Currie, J. Interface : journal of the Royal Society, Vol. Das kurze «goldene Jahrzehnt» der Basler Baugenossenschaften und die politischen Auseinandersetzungen um die Wohnraumspolitik Methods in Molecular Biology, Cyrys, J. Czosnyka, Marek and Richards, Hugh K. Neurological research, Vol. D'Acremont, V. Daborn, P. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, Vol. Polar biology, Vol. Dankel, Philipp. NIHIN : new ideas in human interaction : stories. Freiburg, Basel. Danneck, Martin and Reich, Frieder. In: Neue Musik vermitteln. Danuser, Ursina. Journal of Proteome Research, 11 3. Dastan, D. Phytochemistry, Daubenberger, C. Expert review of vaccines, Vol. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 2. Davidson, B. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 6 De, Sandip. De Cesare, Anna-Maria. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos De Libero, G. Trends in immunology, Vol. De Witte, Lucienne C. Molecular Ecology, 21 5. Dean, A. Debelle, Yaelle. Dedieu, J. 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