Cones Bosko Hashish Dyuni village

Cones Bosko Hashish Dyuni village

Cones Bosko Hashish Dyuni village

Cones Bosko Hashish Dyuni village


Cones Bosko Hashish Dyuni village


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Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II mill. BC/ Mazurkevich A., Polkovnikova M., Dolbunova E. ed.

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Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II mill. BC/ Mazurkevich A., Polkovnikova M., Dolbunova E. ed.

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Cones, Bosko, Hashish Dyuni village

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Evgenia Tkach. Collection of conference materials devoted to the study of pile dwelling settlement , which started in by A. M Miklyaev and P. Dolukhanov There are articles with the problem affecting C14 dating, dendrochronological development and regional chronological scales. In some sections addresses the use of natural resources, the dynamics of the environment and regional peculiarities of the material culture of Europe IV-II millennium BC. Archaeological materials of the Murzikha IV site Alekseevskiy district, Republic of Tatarstan are introduced into scientific use in the article. The site was discovered and investigated by P. Starostin in Collected materials are referred to several cultural and chronological horizons, according to the ceramic finds. The earliest horizon is connected to the Neolithic Stroke-ornamented ceramic and Comb ceramic of the Kama type the second group is dominating. Later this territory was inhabited by people of the Lugovskaya type of ceramics. Besides ceramic, the representational set of stone tools varied by their functionality was collected at the investigated site. The final functioning stage of the settlement is illustrating by the medieval cultural and chronological horizon represented by few ceramic fragments of Volga Bulgaria. Памятник был открыт и обследован П. Старостиным в г. Полученный материал, судя по находкам керамики, относится к нескольким культурно-хронологическим горизонтам. Наиболее ранний горизонт связан с носителями неолитической керамики накольчатого типа и гребенчатой керамикой камского типа последняя группа значительно преобладает. В последующее время на территории поселения жили носители керамики луговского типа. На смену им приходят носители ананьинской и «текстильной» керамики. Помимо керамики из рассматриваемого памятника был получен весьма представительный набор каменных орудий, различающихся по своему функциональному назначению. Заключительный этап функционирования поселения связан со средневековым культурно-хронологическим горизонтом, представленным немногочисленными фрагментами керамики Волжской Булгарии. Zoran Rujak. The settlement was discovered accidentally in during the construction activity for extension of the military-controlled beach. Unfortunately, large part of the settlement was devastated by the heavy mechanization. The excavations began in they were continuously conducted until when the waters of the Lake returned and elevated the water level. Today, the site is covered by water and located 1. An area of around m2 was explored during the three archaeological campaigns. The excavations of the shore, once covered by water, have yielded two strata located under successive sediment layers of mud, sand and lake shells. The more recent stratum has much less finds and we assume it was formed much later, after the settlement ceased to exist for a long time. The prehistoric pile-dwelling settlement belongs to the second, earlier stratum, located at an average depth of 0. This layer has remains of material culture and building materials. The excavations revealed 61 piles with different dimensions 0. The disposition of the piles which point to certain closed units, as well as the concentration of finds between the piles suggested four structures oriented Northwest-Southeast. Most likely, the buildings were connected by small bridges. The material culture of the finds is rich and diversified. Most of the finds are pottery sherds from amphora like vessels, globular vessels, jugs, cups, biconical bowls, kantharos like vessels, vessels with wishbone handles, local matt painted pottery, portable heathers pyraunoi , double vessels, storage vessels - pithoi, spindle whorls, weights etc. Besides pottery, the moveable archaeological finds include metal objects with straight or curved blades knives , pins, shaft-hole axes and hooks. Significant is the find of fragmented iron pin, discovered in the area of the settlement. Important to mention are the stone tools such as axes, whetstones, hand mills, pestles, flint tools, some of obsidian etc. This archaeological repertoire defined closer the chronological frame of the existence of the settlement during the Late Bronze Age and the transitional period between the Bronze and Iron Age. The settlement had close relations with the cultures that developed along the Vardar Valley, the settlements of the Lower Vardar Valley, North Aegean and the cultures along the Struma Valley. These cultures developed uninterrupted in the region between Vardar and Struma during the Late Bronze Age and the transitional period between the Bronze and Iron Age, until their evolution was violently interfered with the intrusion of the communities from the Northern Balkans which began a conquest in the area of Macedonia and the Aegean coast. Julien Treuillot. Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey. The article considers Lugovskaya I and II sites, the materials of which formed the basis for identification of a number of cultures of the Late Bronze Age in the Volga-Kama region in the second half of the 20th century. The authors conclude that Lugovskaya I and II sites belong to different cultures and different cultural and chronological horizons of the Late Bronze Age of the Volga-Kama region. Lugovskaya I site is a reference monument of Lugovo archaeological culture. Lugovskaya culture itself was formed in a later period than Srubnaya and Fedorovo, and coincides with Suskanskaya and Cherkaskulskaya cultures, which is partly confirmed by site materials. A special fire burial rite was revealed at Lugovskaya I site in the settlement area, and its earliest traces were discovered in an agricultural activity area. According to the metal articles, funeral rite, ornamentation of the vessels with rollers, the Atabaevo stage of Maklasheevo culture and Mezhovskaya culture are synchronous with the roller cultures of the Eurasian steppe area and certain Andronoid cultures of the Trans-Urals. Based on the counterparts, the material of the site dates back to the 14thth centuries B. According to the insignificant amount of ceramics of the Maklasheevo stage of Maklasheevo culture of the Final Bronze age 11thth centuries B. Henny Piezonka. The article studies the chronology of the Early Neolithic period in the Vozhe lake basin located in the north of the Vologda region based on the materials of the peat bog occupation site Karavaikha 4. The authors discovered some fishing structures made of wooden poles, various artifacts including pottery sherds deposited under the peat and sapropel levels in the lower part of the latter, as well as at the points of its contact with the mainland clay. The chronology was established on the basis of 47 available radiocarbon dates 20 of which have not been published before , the results of the palinological and the geo-chemical analyses. The dates were obtained mostly for the wooden items with traces of working, namely the poles from the fishing structures, as well as for the pottery soot, a fragment of a bone tool and the soils. The soot dates covered the period of — cal BC. The pole dates referred mostly to the earlier period — from the second half of the 7th millennium BC to the last quarter of the 6th millennium BC. The soil dates demonstrated that the end of the sapropel level accumulation and the beginning of peat formation occurred not later than in the beginning of the 5th millennium BC. This means that the Vozhe lake basin neolitization started not later than the second quarter of the 6th millennium BC however, provided the wood dates are included, it might have started already in the second half of the 7th millennium BC and developed in parallel with the similar phenomena in the neighboring regions. Petar Minkov. The site was registered during field survey in the area in In , preliminary investigations were carried out and revealed structures from the Early Iron Age. This fact required complete investigations of the site in Popastnik locality, 2. During the fieldwork, 47 archaeological structures were discovered sunken in the ancient terrain. Nine sunken features could be dated to the Early Chalcolithic. To the EIA belongs six pits. At the level of registration, they have a round plan with a diameter of 1. Eleven archaeological structures date from the first half of the 4th c. BC: pits, semi-dugout features, linear sunken structures and an urn with cremated human bones. Five structures belong to the Roman period. They probably functioned as sunken parts of storage facilities. The structures could be interpreted as remains, related to a settlement in the micro-region during the various archaeological periods. An argument in favor of the settlement character of the site is its topographical position. The absence of heating installations and floor levels, the small amount of archaeological materials and finds support the hypothesis that during the registered periods the occupation of the settlements was short-lived. Aleksei Kasparov. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. Vitaliy Fedorov. Aleksandar Kapuran. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II mill. Andrey Mazurkevich Ekaterina Dolbunova. Мазуркевич А. Related Papers. Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II mil. Shipilov A. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. Zamostje 2. Vozhe Lake Early Neolithic Chronology. Uralskyi Istoricheskii Vestnik 3 60 , , Electronic Scientific Journal Mounds in the vicinity of Verkhnyaya Kardailovka village on the Ural river based on the excavations of and notes on the chronology of supporting complexes of the second half of the 4th century B.

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Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II mill. BC/ Mazurkevich A., Polkovnikova M., Dolbunova E. ed.

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