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Critical Care Toxicology pp Cite as. Later version available View entry history. The pulsations of the bell are relied on as their mode of locomotion, while the tentacles are typically used for capturing prey. Jellyfish have a worldwide distribution, occupying every ocean and some freshwater lakes. The phylum is comprised of several distinct life forms and four important classes of jellyfish: Cubozoa, Hydroza, Anthozoa, and Scyphozoa. The defining feature of Cnidaria is the cnidocyte, and the tentacles of most jellyfish are lined with thousands of them Figs. Each cnidocyte contains a harpoon-like organelle known as a cnida or cnidocyst. On the external surface of the cnidocyte is a cnidocil which, when activated by pressure, osmotic, or chemical changes, acts like a trigger, releasing the previously coiled harpoon. Once forcefully expelled, a process that takes microseconds, the harpoon is capable of penetrating human tissue. Venom is forced out of the cnidocyte under pressure through the epidermis and upper dermis and, particularly if dermal capillaries are inoculated directly, can enter the systemic circulation. It is sometimes stated that these may be inadvertently accelerated by the rubbing or shaking of a startled human victim, but there is no reliable evidence that this actually occurs. Skip to main content. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Advertisement Hide. Marine Vertebrates, Cnidarians and Mollusks. Authors Authors and affiliations L. Keith French B. Zane Horowitz. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CrossRef Google Scholar. Barnes JH. Cause and effect in Irukandji Stingings. Med J Aust. PubMed Google Scholar. A pharmacological investigation of the venom extract of the Australian box jellyfish, Chironex fleckeri , in cardiac and vascular tissues. Toxicol Lett. 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