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offprint - Plants and culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe ...

Plants and culture : a neglected basic partnership for inter cultural ity. Plants as a major element in the cultural framework. Plant remains from the burials of St. Sisto basilica Montalto. Ethnobotany of purslane Portulaca oleracea L. Prehistoric food and plant resources from the Middle Bronze. Plants related to the life and medicinal practice of St. Plants of possible monastic origin, growing in the past or present,. In inglese, ha un significato. Sviluppato dal al , PaCE ha svolto. Cultural Heritage and a means of recovering of. The aim of the PaCE project is to recover and. The main. Pluto, while in nor the rn Europe an traditions, it is a plant. Europe , nor the rn Africa and western Asia. Its self-fertilizing property. Community bears part of the responsibility for the full. The project is an example of a. According to the Europe an L and scape Convention. Europe an natural and cultural heritage , contributing to. Plants are key elements of the l and scape. Transnational circulation of cultural works and. The complete list of partners. Duke of Este Italy , years of the city of Krakow. Department of Archaeology of the Aristotele. List of partners and associated partner of the PaCE project. Mediaeval, the Renaissance, and the Modern ages. Each branch of the exhibition had the. Each museum adapted the details of. Norway Picea abies L. San Marino Ephedra major Host this rare plant has the nor the rn station of the. Spain Dianthus caryophyllus L. Bulgaria Rosa x damascena Miller national emblem, important in the history and. Hungary Rosa gallica L. Romania Campanula romanica Savul. Plants selected as symbol of the contributor countries of the PaCE exhibition by Giovanna. PaCE, a project for. Questo lavoro intende proporre la botanica osservata in questa prospettiva, nel tentativo di sottolineare aspetti della. A tale scopo, il testo parte dalla considerazione che il binomio. Dalla raccolta alla coltivazione, le diverse forme di sfruttamento. Gli studi etnobotanici e quelli archeobotanici aiutano a censire e riscoprire questo patrimonio,. Alcune mostre, appositamente studiate. Il lavoro propone alcuni esempi. From ga the ring to cultivation,. Plant science, as part of biology, clearly entered the realm. In the same manner,. Humans learn by observation,. He felt full of. The author of the Hippocratic. It dated to approximately. Sheep and goats are the most resistant,. Was Echium the. Plant names. All toge the r the se plants form the Herbarium. Examples include the spread of the. Speaking of the Golden Age in Metamorphosis,. Roman times B and ini Mazzanti et al. Plant Sciences and the College of Agri cultural and Environmental. In a both. The text of the presentation of the pan- Europe an PaCE. Because of the decline in. Plants are generally perceived as limited. As part of the Europe an Culture Programme Europe an botanical history. The exhibition is based on the. Nasrallah - Traditional knowledge of wild edible. Uan Afuda: charcoal, wood and seeds from the early. Everest and Ozturk, A. Everest and E. Ozturk - Focusing. Faegri et al. Faegri, P. Kal and and K. Chemical Ecology and the Origins of Human Diet and. Marchesini and G. Trevisan Gr and i - Economy and environment. Po Plain Nor the rn Italy : first results from the archaeobotanical. I: Topics,. Special Issue of Plant Biosystem,. Cognizione Umana \\\\\\\\\[The cultural origins of human cognition\\\\\\\\\]. Prehistoric diet and the context of food consumption. It is widely accepted in the literature. The retrieval of archaeobotanical. Over archaeobotanical. For many sites, the se. Thus the range of pulse species used during the. The seeds of flax Linum. Fruits and nuts are also prominent in the archaeobotanical. Whe the r the se. Valamoti et al. Vitis wood on the o the r h and is a. Makri Valamoti and the presence of Vitis wood at. By contrast, and especially. M and alo, Dikili Tash and Archondiko Valamoti and. The use of cori and er was an important ingredient. Many of the potential ingredients revealed by the archaeobotanical. Especially labour dem and ing was the task. The consumption of the se plants can prove dangerous. Ethiopia and India, and has been discussed in relation to. Recent ethnographic accounts of. This processing results. In Spain soaking is also reported and the consumption. Soaking of. A safer criterion, however,. Bitter vetch, common both in the Neolithic and the. East, the bitter seeds rendered suitable food for humans by. Zeist The potential of recognising the effects of. In the case of bitter vetch it seems that human. For the isl and of Crete it is mentioned that certain. Storage of plant food in the form of grain or fruit requires. The latter. Cartwright With the exception of a single occurrence. Crete report the use of a herbal infusion into which pear. Similar uses of herbs for the preservation of. For oil to be edible, especially in the case of linseed, the. Olives are of course the major oil-producing. A unique. For the Neolithic of Greece the re are. Whe the r this is a result of different preferences in. Analyses of a number of grinding stones, however, coupled. Grammenos and. According to the first, a recipe is a statement of. Analysing fur the r the term, the website. Which of the se aspects of a. The range of ingredients of plant and animal origin. This information although preliminary. The finds of ground cereals discussed in the post harvest. Fur the r investigation of the se fragments with. The starch structure of the fragments examined. If the charred lumps are. Leaving cereals and turning to fruit, the grape-pressings. The ingredients seem. Glutenin B and A subunit, in Theoretical and Applied. Dennell R. Dennell - The origins of crop agri culture. Duke J. Duke - H and book of legumes of world. Ma the rs and S. Stoddart Eds. Hamilakis Y. Hamilakis - Wine, oil and the dialectics. School at A the ns, , p. Kislev M. Kislev - Origins of the cultivation of. Megaloudi a: F. Megaloudi - Plants and Diet in Greece. Junction of the Continents and the Disciplines, Istanbul,. Sgourou - Plant of ferings from the classical necropolis. Br and ham Eds. Frederick Eds. A Review of the Evidence, in Journal of Archaeological. Mee and J. Renard Eds. Psilakis and Psilaki N. Psilakis and M. Runnels C. Runnels - The origins of the Greek Neolithic:. Andel - Trade and the origins of agri culture in the eastern. Flavours of the ir Time, A the ns, Kapon, , p. Sarpaki and Jones A. Sarpaki and G. Jones - Ancient. Faraone and. Simoons F. Simoons - Plants of Life, Plants of. Nor the rn Greece? Food, Culture and Identity in the Neolithic and Early. Valamoti and Kotsakis S. Valamoti and K. Zacharias and K. Polykreti Eds. Zohary and Hopf D. Zohary and M. Hopf - Domestication. While the proclamation of the names of victors and. Attic hydria. It also. Sansone, for instance, has. Polyxene Hecuba, : «Some of the m strewed the. In latter times and in the case of cremation,. For example, the legislator Dracon and the. In Pericles There is more evidence of the practice of phyllobolia. Of course, the throwing of objects is a means of. While it is true, however, that the custom of phyllobolia. The cut branches and leaves. Firstly, it may. Fur the rmore, it may be noted that all acts of phyllobolia. The change of status is obvious in the case of. The success of politicians and military of ficers. Garl and R. Garl and - The Greek Way of Death,. Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 13, , p. Miller H. Miller - The Iconography of the Palm in. Questo articolo nasce dalla cooperazione di ricercatori che portano avanti indagini archeobotaniche e iconografiche in campo. Italiana ed internazionale International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany. In questo lavoro sono state verificate dagli autori sia le rappresentazioni iconografiche che le. Le fonti storiche. I macroresti di pesco sono costituiti quasi esclusivamente dai resistenti endocarpi. Around the second half of the 17 th cent. Bimbi, painter of the Medici court, represented in its still. Wood anatomy of Prunus. Zohary and Hopf and into central and Western. Mutina the present Modena since the first decades of. AD of the main drainage sewers of Colosseum. The diffusion of this fleshy fruit towards the north of. O the r details of this fruit are recorded in the Domus. On the contrary, the mention of peaches for the. As regards the Augustan age, the presence of peach. In this case, the age of the. Unfortunately, the identification of plant. A fur the r. Como, at the necropolis of Via Benzi end 3 rd -4 rd cent. On the basis of the stone. Cerrione Castiglioni et al. Vercelli Castiglioni, unpublished ; 3. Angera Castelletti ; 4. Como Castiglioni. Mariano Comense Castiglioni et al. Milano Sordelli ; 7. Manerbio Castiglioni and. Rottoli, unpublished ; 8. Casaleone Sordelli ; 9. Vicenza Castiglioni and Rottoli, unpublished ; Aquileia Castelletti. Filattiera Rottoli and Negri ; B and ini Mazzanti et al. Bazzano Bertolani Marchetti and Forlani ; Marchesini et al. Bosi et al. Luni Rottoli, unpublished ; Roma Follieri ; Celant ; Privernum Giardini, Sadori,. Susanna, unpublished ; Naples, Allevato et al. Pollena Trocchia Di Pasquale, unpublished ; Pompeii and. The white rectangle marks the archaeological site of Roman age. The burials of Manerbio. AD; in the following phases until the 4 th cent. AD the re. Marvelli dated at the end of 1 st cent. BC - begin -. Labate and Malnati to permit the expansion of. Chorographia, II, It was in fact one of the richest. Archaeobotanical finds confirm the hypo the sis of. The average measures of. AD this article, table. Table 1. In this scarce background the fact that one. AD was hidden. Coliseum of Rome table 1, second half of the 4 th cent. B and ini Mazzanti and Bosi, this paper from Mutina the. Among the archaeological sites of the Roman area,. The discovery of part of the Roman harbour of. AD, when the site was. The fruit stones can be interpreted as the. In the same area, on the nor the rn slope of the Vesuvius. Pasquale, unpublished data confirms the diffusion of this. The excavation of a kitchen drain from one of the. Italian regions for cultivation and production of peaches. Aless and rini and Ceregato References of 16 th. Moncalieri Castiglioni and Rottoli, unpublished ; 2. Cherasco Motella and De Carlo ; 3. Savona Cottini and Rottoli. Monte Barro Castelletti and Castiglioni ; Castiglioni et al. Brescia Castiglioni et al. Castiglioni, Rottoli, in press ; 7. Venezia Rottoli ; 8. Bosi, unpublished data ; 9. Ferrara four sites: for details see table 2: Bosi ; B and ini Mazzanti and Bosi ; Bosi et al. Agata Bosi et al. Argenta B and ini Mazzanti et al. Imola B and ini. Mazzanti et al. San Miniato Di Pasquale et al. Siena two sites, Di Pasquale et al. Tarquinia Clark et al. Messisbugo; of noble birth, he worked during the end of. The book was printed for the first. Table 2. Middle Ages the use and cultivation of peach trees was. Rome festoon fig. AD, providing an age of its. Between the living contexts, a wide spectrum of the m is. B and ini Mazzanti and Taroni , and in a public. Mutina since the first years of introduction of this fruit. Italian peninsula e. As a matter of fact Rome, in the centre of the Roman. B and ini Mazzanti and Bosi M. B and ini Mazzanti. B and ini Mazzanti and Taroni M. Science and Technology for the safeguard of Cultural. Medieval and Renaissance periods: results of the. Bellini and Nin E. Bellini and S. Nin - Storia e arte. Mercuri - Mutina and the plant remains of Roman Age. Programme and abstracts of 14 th Symposium of. B and ini Mazzanti - Luxury food and ornamental. Renaissance court of the. Archaeobotany of the East sewer of the Colosseum,. Giorgi, A. Jones, D. Reese, S. Su the rl and and D. Van Zeist and W. Casparie Eds. Rottoli and Negri M. Rottoli and S. Negri - I resti. Plants as a major element in the cultural framework of Pompeii. Le piante erano determinanti per la vita quotidiana nel mondo antico: Pompei, seppellita da una violenta eruzione del Vesuvio. The refining of the techniques and methods which. Details from the House of the Golden Bracelet. The reeds that grew abundant in the delta of the river. In fact, the oil, the flour and the wine, so as the lemon. So the y formed the ingredients used by the. Details from the House of the Deers, Herculaneum. One of the principles of. Pliny Pliny ; , on the o the r h and ,. About o the r. The stones of peach, with oil and. In the I century A. In the ir. Atti I Conv. Science and technology for the safeguard. Day J. Day - Agricolture in the life of Pompeii, in. Fioravanti and Galotta M. Fioravanti and G. La Repubblica. Riminese, distante da esso circa 20 km. Recenti ricerche. I siti includono insediamenti rustici. Il sito di Domagnano m s. Il sito di Domagnano qui studiato ha restituito strati che sono stati archeologicamente datati dal II secolo a. Le analisi archeobotaniche hanno previsto lo studio di. Le analisi archeobotaniche sono state eseguite su campioni. La ricostruzione su base archeobotanica ha messo in luce che. Juglans, vite-Vitis e cereali abbondanti tracciano i segni principali del paesaggio cultural e modellato in periodo romano prima,. Sin da questa fase, il territorio era ricco di aree umide e il bosco, ai margini del sito, forniva materiale. The main feature of the Republic of San Marino. Monte Titano a strategic point for the control of the. The archaeology of the Republic of San Marino. With the founding of Ariminum-Rimini in BC the. Romanization of the territory begins, with the. In this phase,. San Marino, along the crest of Monte Titano, in the. The brooch in the shape of an eagle which now belongs. The rectangular mount belonging to the State Museum, the only piece of. The pieces which have been attributed to this set of jewellery, all made of gold, are:. Only one of the rectangular mounts was acquired in and is. Recently a tenth necklace pendant, owned by the Galleria Sabauda in Turin,. Except for the chapes, the chain and. Shortly after the death of Theodoric, Justinian. Notwithst and ing the scrupulous collection and study. Kidd re-elaboration of the design. On account of the total. Structures and archaeological deposits of the. In the sou the rn sector, some of the wall structures. Although the re were no floor. In the nor the rn sector, a living level and a square. Sampling points for archaeobotanical analyses are indicated: P. With the Late Republican age the principal phase of. Adjacent to the eastern. Uphill from the. In the most nor the rn sector. The discovery, not in situ, of. In the settlement no layers datable from the 3rd to the. Such a. Moreover, the reuse in the late structures of the base of. In the south-eastern corner of the preceding. Some of the rooms were sub-excavated. This feature favoured the ir conservation, but. Uphill from the building the re is a vast courtyard. BC - to the beginning of the 1 st cent. AD - about 20 cm thick,. Roman layer rooms in the nor the rn sector built in Repubblican. On the downhill side of the site the re are four rooms. Besides pottery of the. In the top part of the fill,. On the uphill side of the site, also set in a north-west. On the uphill side the re are re-cycled blocks of. Room VI the re are two hearths facing each o the r and a. As far as the manufacturing area of the site is. In the. The lower section of the fill from 2. The well, which was. Samples for carpological and. The ab and onment of the Gothic settlement is. Fur the r evidence. To the west of the wine vat several fragments of. Since the earliest use of. One of the main goal of this. Moreover, economy and exploitation of the environment. Both the Italian Flora Pignatti. BC to the Gothic age up to the middle of. The fill. One sample, of about 10 l dry volume ,. Chenopodiaceae indiff. Orlaya gr and iflora, Papaver rhoeas type, Polygonum aviculare type, Sambucus nigra, S. Never the less, cereals are still evident in the spectra. Among the m, besides the herbs mentioned in the previous. Toge the r with the cereal pollen, the se data suggest. It has suffered from changes in l and. Both intensification and ab and onment of l and use. All of the m are regional. Among the various woody species, some of. The hard and very resistant. According to the analyses from the well of Rubiera. The chronology of the. At the same. A clear impact of the Roman settlement on the plant. In the Phase IIA, the most important phase of the. The presence of the Gothic building and modern and. For example, the presence of Olea, decrease of conifers. At the same time, the finding of luxury. In the settlement layers datable to the 3 rd and 4 th. Toge the r with San Leo, the. In particular, oil and vine should. Domagnano may be related to the events of the Greek-. Gothic war and the dramatic facts of AD, when. Byzantine troops ga the red on the hills for the siege of. Leo and Monte Titano with the city of Rimini, and. Mercuri, G. Trevisan Gr and i, P. Farello and S. Holocene forest vegetation pollen of the Emilia-Romagna. Berggren G. Berggren - Atlas of seeds -Part 2 Cyperaceae,. Berggren - Atlas of seeds -Part 3 Salicaceae-Cruciferae,. Bottazzi and Bigi a: G. Bottazzi and P. Bigi Eds. Brogiolo and Gelichi G. Brogiolo and S. Gelichi -. Ha the r J. Ha the r - The identification of the Nor the rn. Jensen - Effects of pollination and pollen source on the. Marchesini and Forlani M. Marchesini and L. Arts of the Early Medieval. B and ini Mazzanti, G. Trevisan Gr and i and C. Van Zeist Eds.

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