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Covid has significantly affected our fundraising. Please help! Learning Center What is a mineral? Mineral Name:. Locality Name:. Keyword s :. Smectite Group This page is currently not sponsored. Click here to sponsor this page. Photos of Smectite Group Saponite Karadag Reserve, Crimea, Russia. Hide all sections Show all sections. This section is currently hidden. Click the show button to view. Formula: A 0. Monoclinic clay-like minerals. Generally for natural samples, the d spacing is approximately The group is further divided into subgroups that are either trioctahedral according to Bailey, , this subgroup name is 'saponite' or dioctahedral subgroup name of 'montmorillonite', according to Bailey, , and these subgroups are further divided into mineral species. Prior to circa , the smectite group was called the montmorillonite-saponite group. Smectite and vermiculite minerals are often referred to as 'swelling' or 'expandable' clay minerals. Smectite is commonly a primary constituent of bentonite see bentonite for respective genesis information and pelitic sediments e. Positive identification of minerals in the smectite group may need data from dehydration experiments thermogravimetric analysis, TGA, or differential thermo-analysis, DTA , and X-ray powder patterns before and after treatment by heating and with organic liquids. The most common members are montmorillonite , nontronite and saponite. Rotation Stop Start. Esperanto: Smektitoj. German: Smectit Smektit. Group Members:. Beidellite Na,Ca 0. Ferrosaponite Ca 0. Hectorite Na 0. Montmorillonite Na,Ca 0. Saponite Ca 0. Sauconite Na 0. Vermiculite Mg 0. Yakhontovite Ca,Na 0. Health Risks:. No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care. An essential component of rock names highlighted in red , an accessory component in rock names highlighted in green. Reference List:. Schultz, L. Clays and Clay Minerals Harder, H. Chemical Geology: Lagaly, G. Applied Publishing Ltd. Eslinger, E. Montana: Clays and Clay Minerals: Brigatti, M. Clay Minerals: Nahon, D. Talibudeen, O. Clays and Clay Minerals: May, H. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Nadeau, P. Decarreau, A. Iwazaki, T. Madejova, J. Geologica Carpathica Series Clays: Christidis, G. C Compositional variations in smectites: Part II. Alteration of acidic precursors. A case study from Milos Island, Greece. Cuadros, J. European Journal of Mineralogy: Manceau, A. Crystal chemistry of oxidized reference nontronites. American Mineralogist: Pironon, J. Sainz-Diaz, C. Theoretical exchange potential determination and Monte Carlo simulation. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: Gaudin, A. Dainyak, L. Meunier, A. Lorenzo, A. Morales, J. This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map. TL - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable. Gruner J W The structures of vermiculites and their collapse by dehydration American Mineralogist 19 Kanamaru F, Vand V The crystal structure of a clay-organic complex of 6-amino hexanoic acid and vermiculite American Mineralogist 55 Na,Ca 0. Ca,Na 0. DeWitt, Peter G. Chirico, Kelsey E. Bergstresser Mapping the extent and methods of small-scale emerald mining in the Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan. Geocarto International , DOI: Marignac, Bull. Workshop on Chondrites and Protoplanetary Disk, pdf. Nov Properties of soils in Grove Mountains, East Antarctica. Ballance, P. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 45 1 , In: Planetary Materials Papike, J. Brearley, A. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. Dry Valley Drilling Project bulletin Mineralium Deposita , DOI Stratigraphy, geochemistry and evolution. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 85 pages. British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, Polish Polar Research, 33 1 , Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 4 1 , Bastias, J. Mineralogical Magazine, 77 5 , Very low-grade secondary minerals as indicators of palaeo-hydrothermal systems in the Upper Cretaceous volcanic succession of Hannah Point, Livingston Island, Antarctica. Applied Clay Science, , Arctic Ocean. Gusev, E. Doklady Earth Science, , 2, Singer, D. Colombo, F. Crystal chemistry of blue genthelvite from the El Criollo pegmatite, Cordoba, Argentina. EG Argentina. Anthony, R. Bideaux, K. Bladh, M. Nichols: Handbook of Mineralogy, Vol. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, Bowman and S. Delap Eds. Vattuone, M. William R. Gilmour, P, Thomas H. Gilmour, W. Nilda E. Moreira, P. Ore Geology Reviews, 67, Characteristicsof a shallow epithermal mineralization in the Deseado Massif, Patagonia. High-grade ore shoots at the Martha epithermal vein system, Deseado Massif, Argentina: The interplay of tectonic, hydrothermal and supergene processes in ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, Atlantic Ocean. Minerals , 10, Minerals 10, Caldwell; P. Millsteed July Australian Mineralogist 3: 83— New South Wales Auckland Co. Bland Co. Bligh Co. Buckland Co. Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 6 1 , Australian Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. Buller Co. Brown, H. Henley and W. Stroud, December, Clive Co. Cumberland Co. Cunningham Co. Durham Co. Byrnes, J. Finch Co. Fitzroy Co. Vol 1 , p Neutron single crystal diffraction of an Australian stellerite. L Volcanic zeolites and associated minerals from New South Wales. The Mineralogical Record, 19 6 , Australia issue, England, B. The Australian Mineralogist, 4 2 , Gloucester Co. Australian J. Gough Co. Hardinge Co. Narromine Co. Northumberland Co. Mineralogical Magazine, , Pottinger Co. The Mineralogical Record, 19 6 , Raleigh Co. Gilligan, L. Rous Co. Wentworth Co. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, 34 , Westmoreland Co. Australian Journal of Mineralogy 8, Huston, D. Strangways Range. England The Australian Mineralogist April , pp. The age of the mud tank carbonatite, strangways range, northern territory. Currie, K. The Mud Tank carbonatite complex, central Australia—an example of metasomatism at mid-crustal levels. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 3 , Nelson, D. Geochemical and isotopic systematics in carbonatites and implications for the evolution of ocean-island sources. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 52 1 , Wilson, A. Contrast in the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon between the Mud Tank Carbonatite and the marbles in the granulite terrane of the Strangways Range, central Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 26 , Schmid, S. Northern Territory. In: Goldschmid Conference Abstracts, p. Mineralogical Magazine, 47, Herrmann, W. The origin of chlorite-tremolite-carbonate rocks associated with the Thalanga volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, North Queensland, Australia. Economic Geology, 96 5 , The mineralogy and geochemistry of a nickeliferous laterite profile Greenvale, Queensland, Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 4 2 , Mineralogical Record, Vol. Taylor, G. In: Roach, I. Lewis, S. Mineralium Deposita, 45, Chrysoprase from Gumigil, Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Science. Lava Plains, NE Queensland, gem mineral suite. Abstract No of the 22nd Australian Geological Convention. Minerals from the South Middleback Range deposits MESA Journal Uley graphite—a world-class resource. The geology of some pegmatites near Gumeracha South Australia. Honours thesis. Olliver, J. Australian Jornal of Mineralogy pp Geological Survey Tasmania Bulletin 73, pages. Bulletin Geological Survey Tasmania The Minerals of the Cygnet District. The Mineralogical Society of Tasmania Newsletter, 25, p. Griffin, B. MRT Unpub. Rept, b. Mineralogical Record 33, PhD thesis, Uni. Johnson Zoned Siderite and zeolites from Narre Warren, Victoria. The Australian Mineralogist No. Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol 32, No. Birch Zeolites of Victoria. The Mineralogical Society of Victoria, special publication No. Noble, R. Mock, C. Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia, pages. Fetherston, J. De Broekert, P Allen, J. Margaret Goldfield. Western Australia Geological Survey Bulletin Mount Weld carbonatite. Hughes, F. Geology of the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Melbourne, Middlemost, E. Mineralogy and petrology of the rauhaugites of the Mt Weld carbonatite complex of Western Australia. Mineralogy and Petrology, 41 , Eilu, P. Mineralium Deposita Annand, R. The Australian Mineralogist, No. Robertson, I. Llorca, S. Linterm, M. Guidebook to the Pegmatites of Western Australia. Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia. Geological Magazine, , 49— Volume Government Printer, Perth. Ore Geology Reviews 37, Kolitsch, W. Postl, H. Bojar and W. Trattner : Die Mineralvorkommen im Basalt des Pauliberges. In: Autorenkollektiv Red. Carinthia II, Tschermak's Mineral. Archiv f. Meixner: Der Karinthin Niedermayr, I. Mineralien-Welt, 1 2 , Moser, W. Kolitsch, U. Thinschmidt and co-workers. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 3, pp. Wiener Mineral. Strasser: Die Minerale Salzburgs Strasser: Die Minerale Salzburgs, Lapis 30 5 , Bertrandit und Milarit vom Schafkogel im Hollersbachtal, Salzburg. PAAR, W. Der Steirische Mineralog, H. Landesmuseum Joanneum, Annalen - Journal of Science and Art, 1, Grachev, A. Reiter, Leonding, S. Baltic Sea. Burke, I. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 9 , Shpanov, G. Netschelyustov, S. Baturin, L. HrO-A new mineral of the joaquinite group. Zapiski Vses. Hatert, F. American Mineralogist, 31, Ore Geology Reviews, 33, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 47 5 , Abundant Cr confirmed by arc spectroscopy. Mineral chemistry of In-bearing minerals in the Santa Fe mining district, Bolivia. Andean Geology, 45 3 , Torres, B. Minerals, 9 8 , Minerals, 9 6 , Santa Cruz. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bastos Neto, V. Pereira, L. Ronchi, E. Canadian Mineralogist 47, Zaccarini, G. Garuti and R. Martin : Exotic accessory minerals in layered chromitites of the Campo Formoso complex Brazil. Geologica Acta 4, Geochimica Brasiliensis, 9 2. Nickel isotope fractionation during tropical weathering of ultramafic rocks. Chemical Geology, , Geological Survey Open-File Report , 17 p. The Canadian Mineralogist: 20 1 : American Mineralogist 89, Geochemical Explor. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 45, Campinas: SBE, Geochimica Brasiliensis, 11 1. Mineralogical aspects of the laterites of Maicuru. International Geochemical Exploration Symposium. Department of the Interior, Holos-ISSN , 2, PhD Thesis. Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 38 7 , Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 20 10 , in Russian. Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya 38, Metallogeny of the Zlatoustovo volcanotectonic depression Estern Rhodopes. Encheva, S. Bogdanov, K. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya 31, in Bulgarian. Mineralogical Magazine, 57 issue , The Karonge rare earth deposits, Republic of Burundi: New mineralogical-geochemical data and origin of the mineralization. Mineralium Deposita. Oumarou, M. In Extended abstracts of the 10th International Platinum Symposium pp. Nontronite and ferruginous opal from the Peace River iron deposit in Alberta, Canada. The Canadian Mineralogist, 15 1 , Simandl, Peter C. Exploration and Mining in British Columbia - pp Jones, M. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Industrial minerals in rare-element pegmatites of Manitoba Vol. Manitoba Energy and Mines, Geological Services. In: Famous mineral localities of Canada. New Brunswick Charlotte Co. Sparkes, G. Characterization of the acidic cold seep emplaced jarositic Golden Deposit, NWT, Canada, as an analogue for jarosite deposition on Mars. Icarus, 2 , Sedimentary Geology: 1 : Sedimentary Geology: Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Kings Co. Pe-Piper, G. Canadian Mineralogist: Jean, Quebec. GSC Paper Armstrong, D. Shining light on black rock coatings in smelter-impacted areas. Geoscience Canada, 39 3. Legislative Assembly 11th Session. Mineralogical Record: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, — Mineralogical Record, 21, Mineralogical Record, 29, 83 Mineralogical Record, In: Famous Mineral Localities of Canada. The Mineralogical Record, 37, The concepts of supergene versus hypogene emplacement of uranium at Rabbit Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Egan, D. Mineralogical Magazine: 50 : May April Cape Verde. A past giant lateral collapse and present-day flank instability of Fogo, Cape Verde Islands. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 94 , Magma storage and ascent during the eruption of Fogo, Cape Verde Archipelago. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 4 , Escrig, S. Os isotope systematics in Fogo Island: evidence for lower continental crust fragments under the Cape Verde Southern Islands. On the occurrence of carbonatites in the Cape Verde Islands. Kogarko, L. Geochemical characteristics of oceanic carbonatites from the Cape Verde Islands. South African journal of geology, 96 3 , Doucelance, R. Geochemical constraints on depth of origin of oceanic carbonatites: the Cape Verde case. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 24 , Noble gas and carbon isotopic signatures of Cape Verde oceanic carbonatites: implications for carbon provenance. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, , Cosmogenic 3He exposure dating of the Quaternary basalts from Fogo, Cape Verdes: implications for rift zone and magmatic reorganisation. Quaternary Geochronology, 4 1 , Cabral Pinto, M. Hernandez and E. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. Mineralogical Magazine Central African Republic. Chondritic Meteorites. Oliveros, V. Andean Geology, 42 3 , Reich, M. New chemical and original isotopic data on waters from El Tatio geothermal field, northern Chile. Geochemical Journal, 39 6 , Unpublished Ph. Maksaev, V. Mineralium Deposita, 41, Aguirre, L. The Canadian Mineralogist, 36, Deyell, C. Alunite and the role of magmatic fluids in the Tambo high-sulfidation deposit, El Indio—Pascua belt, Chile. Chemical Geology, 1 , Singer, S. Study of the Sarmiento ophiolite magnetic minerals: Contribution to the reconnaissance of a metamorphic overprint. Fuentes, F. Miocene fossil hydrothermal system associated with a volcanic complex in the Andes of central Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, , Economic Geology 97, — Gioncada, A. European Journal of Mineralogy, 22, 6, Hefei Lujiang Co. Dai, S. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, Gansu Gannan Luqu Co. Jiuquan Guazhou Co. Zhangye Gaotai Co. Guangdong Heyuan Zijin Co. Shaoguan Wengyuan Co. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg , pp. Guangxi Baise Leye Co. Lingyun Co. Pingguo Co. Tianyang Co. Beihai Hepu Co. Chongzuo Daxin Co. Min, M. Tiandeng Co. Geosciences, 27 3 , Geochronological and He—Ar—S isotopic constraints on the origin of the Sandaowanzi gold-telluride deposit, northeastern China. Lithos, , Ore Geology Reviews. Minerals, 9 2 , Yanjing Chen, Pirajno, F. Hubei Huanggang Luotian Co. Huangshi Daye Co. Suizhou Sui Co. Yichang Xingshan Co. Hunan Changde Linli Co. Indium mineralization in a Sn-poor skarn deposit: A case study of the Qibaoshan deposit, South China. Minerals, 7 5 , Chenzhou Guiyang Co. Yizhang Co. Huaihua Mayang Co. Xupu Co. Taojiang Co. Hexigten Banner Keshiketeng Co. Dahlkamp, F. Xilinhot City Xilinhaote Co. Jiangsu Huai'an Xuyi Co. Jiangxi Fuzhou Chongren Co. Le'an Co. Ganzhou Longnan Co. Ningdu Co. Jingdezhen Leping Co. Shangrao Dexing Co. Changchun Jiutai Co. Zhou, L. Ore genesis and fluid evolution of the Daheishan giant porphyry molybdenum deposit, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 97, Fushun Fushun Co. Qingyuan Co. Liaoyang Dengta Co. Golmud City Ge'ermu Co. Mangnai City Mangya Co. Lenghu Co. Weihai Rushan Co. Shanghai Chongming Co. Xinzhou Dai Co. Yuanping Co. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Ore Geology Reviews, 71, Zigong Rong Co. Tibet Lhasa Maizhokunggar Co. Mozhugongka Co. Minerals 11, 5. Qushui Co. Bange Co. Nyima Co. Nima Co. Shuanghu Co. Xainza Co. Shenzha Co. Geji Co. Gaize Co. Rutog Co. Ritu Co. Gongbujiangda Co. Jiangda Co. Naidong Co. Bailang Co. Zhongba Co. Xejing Co. Lopnur Co. Yuli Co. Geological Publishing House Beijing , pp. Carbonatites in China: a review. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 27 5 , Ye, H. Zhang, C. Neoproterozoic ultramafic—mafic-carbonatite complex and granitoids in Quruqtagh of northeastern Tarim Block, western China: geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, , Jimisar Co. Qitai Co. Gucheng Co. Yecheng Co. Piqan Co. Tuokexun Co. Toksun Co. Koktokay Co. Habahe Co. Kaba Co. Jimunay Co. Jeminay Co. Chabucha'er Xibo Co. Qapqal Xibe Co. Hoboksar Co. Hefeng Co. Yining Co. Ghulja Co. Meixiang, Z. Surface hydrothermal minerals and their distribution in the Tengchong geothermal area, China. Geothermics, 16 2 , Quzhou Kaihua Co. Taizhou Linhai Co. Laterite deposit Cerro Matoso Mine. Costa Rica. Gallardo, A. Chang, E. Tauler and J. Macla 13, Der Aufschluss 61, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLIX, 4 - Mafic-dominated volcanogenic sulphide deposits in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus Part 1—The deposits of the Solea graben. Applied Earth Science, 2 , Adamides, N. Czech Republic. Moraviae, Sci. Scripta Fac. Brun, Geol. Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Clopton collection ELC and T. Acta Universitatis Carolinae — Geologica, , vol. NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, 2 : Acta Mus. Acta Univ. The Canadian Mineralogist, 50 6 , Stibiobetafite, a new member of the pyrochlore group from Vezna, Czechoslovakia. Canadian Mineralogist, 17, Pedersen, S. Palaeogene diatomite deposits in Denmark: geological investigations and applied aspects. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, 15, Dominican Republic. Proenza, John F. Macla no Muntean, J. Economic Geology, 85 8 , DR Congo. In: Lunar and Planetary Inst. Jan Vikentyev, R. Banda, A. Tsepin, V. Prokofiev, O. Vikentyeva Mineralogy and formation conditions of Portovelo-Zaruma gold-sulphide vein deposit, Ecuador. Hennessey, B. Meteoritics, vol. Tosson et al. Amin and M. Interstratified vermiculite-mica in the gneiss-metapelite-serpentinite rocks at Hafafit area, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt: From metasomatism to weathering. El Salvador. Stanford University, Stanford, California, January United Nations University. Geologische Rundschau, 64 1. Faroe Islands. Aufschluss 63, A Kuroko-type ore deposit in Fiji. Economic Geology, 70 8 , Lum, J. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. Doctoral dissertation, University of Tasmania, pages. Orovan, E. Scherbarth, N. Mineralogical, petrological, stable isotope, and fluid inclusion characteristics of the Tuvatu gold-silver telluride deposit, Fiji: Comparisons with the Emperor deposit. Economic Geology, 1 , Forsythe, N. Geosciences 9, Kotkan topaasilouhoksesta ja sen mineraaleista. Kivi-lehti 4. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin, Discovery potential of hi-tech metals and critical minerals in Finland. GSF Report of Investigation, vol A study of composition of rock-gouge in fractures of Finnish Precambrian bedrock. Volcanic hosted massive sulphide and gold deposits in the Skellefte district, Sweden and western Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Litiofilen 26 1 : Kaatialan pegmatiitista ja sen mineraaleista. Kivi-lehti 2, 6— In: Symposium Precambrian granitoids. Petrogenesis, geochemistry and metallogeny, August Helsinki, Finland. Excurcion CI: Lateorogenic and synorogenic Svecofennian granitoids and associated pegmatites of southern Finland, ed. Lahti GTK opas 26, BROS, P. ROOS, J. Robert, B. Saliot : 'Zeolitization of a basaltic flow in a continental environment : an example of mass transfer under thermal control', Bull. Passaglia et al. Doctorate Thesis, And Petrol. Earth Sciences. Pierrot, L. Chauris, C. Mineralogical Magazine: 36 : European Journal of Mineralogy, 22 2 , Aufschluss 48 2 , Le Cahier des Micromonteurs, 1 , Mas, A. Clay minerals related to the hydrothermal activity of the Bouillante geothermal field Guadeloupe. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 3 , July Pierre Horay Ed. Bouchet, A. Structure, metamorphism and mineral deposits in the Diahot region, northern New Caledonia Doctoral dissertation, ResearchSpace Auckland. Geological Survey Open-File Report Nickel-bearing clay minerals: I. Optical spectroscopic study of nickel crystal chemistry. Clay Minerals, 20 3 , Spandler, C. American Mineralogist Sameshima et al. Campiglio et al. European Journal of Mineralogy 21, European Journal of Mineralogy, 21 2 , European Journal of Mineralogy, 21, p. Deliens, C. Lheur, W. Elisabeth Oudin, Francis Tollon,. Pierrot, R. Pulou, P. C, Favreau. G, Aymar. Bass Montmorillonite and serpentine in Orgueil meteorite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 35, 2, — Feb Beaufort et al. Pierrot, P. Picot, J. Picot, P. Grim Bentonites: Geology, mineralogy, properties and uses. Elsevier pp. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York , pp. Kolitsch, G. Graf und J. Lapis 29 2 ; Mineralien-Welt 20 2 , Kusser Quarry. Ernst quarry; Kubischek quarry. Wittern: 'Mineralfundorte in Deutschland', Schweizerbart Stuttgart , Keck, E. Aufschluss 59, Lapis 35 2 , ; Dill, H. Ore Geology Reviews, 37 2 , Heinrich Mine. Aufschluss 61, Clays and Clay Minerals: 26 2 : Hentschel, G. Schricke, W. Mineralien-Welt 21 2 , Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: — Osinski et al. Mineralien Magazin, 2 2 , Weiss, S. Auflage , Klein, E. Mineralien Welt. Lapis 33 3 , ; MIneralien Welt 15 4 , Mertz et al. Mineral, , 2, pp. Aufschluss, 63 6 , Lapis 37 10 , LAPIS 32 5 , 7. Lapis 25 , Mineralien-Welt 29 5 , in German. Lapis 24 , ; Voudouris, P. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Stamatakis, M. Economic Geology, 88, Papoulis, D. In Developments in Volcanology Vol. Gamaletsos, P. European Journal of Mineralogy, 22 6 , Stamatakis, N. Koukouzas The occurrence of phosphate minerals in lacustrine clayey diatomite deposits, Thessaly, Central Greece. Sedimentary Geology Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin. Moreau, C. The Los Archipelago nepheline syenite ring-structure; a magmatic marker of the evolution of the Central and Equatorial Atlantic. The Canadian Mineralogist, 34 2 , Voicu, G. Geochemical behavior under tropical weathering of the Barama—Mazaruni greenstone belt at Omai gold mine, Guiana Shield. Applied geochemistry, 17 3 , Harnish, D. Economic Geology 81 7 : Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, volume 22, page , Nordstrandite, a new occurrence from Hungary. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, 48, Tokody, L. Weiszburg, T. Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae, 1, in Hung. Nagy, S. Hydrous and anhydrous alterations of chondrules in Kaba and Mokoia CV chondrites. Granit, Prague, Czech Rep. MinPet field trip booklet, 17 pp. Minerals of Hungary, MinPet field trip booklet, 23 pp. Mineralogical Magazine 75, Weisenberger, T. International Journal of Earth Sciences. Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lahan, M. Hutchinson, R. Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa: 51 July : July ; E. Scott et al. Kerridge, J. P, India: Implications on Copper Metallogeny. Acta 45 6 : June Dec Contrasting petrogenesis of spatially related carbonatites from Samalpatti and Sevattur, Tamil Nadu, India. Krot, A. University of Arizona Press. Grady, M. Indian Ocean. Geoscience Frontiers Halbach, P. Besse et al. Herzig, P. Exploration for hydrothermal activity near the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ocean. The Canadian Mineralogist, 26 3 , Yuningsih, E. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 1 2 , Imai, A. Resource Geology, 57 2 , Tumpangpitu porphyry-high sulphidation epithermal deposit, Tujuh Bukit project, Indonesia — geology, alteration and mineralisation in Abdurrahman, A. Andersen, and B. B Gemmell, J. Economic Geology , Turner, S. Sediment-hosted gold mineralisation in the Ratatotok district, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 50 , Nur, I. Indonesian Journal of Geology, 7 2. DOI: Subandrio, N. Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. Iran \\\\\\\\\[ Vermiculite \\\\\\\\\] Mirkhani, R. Environmental mineralogy of Cu-porphyry mine tailings, a case study of semi-arid climate conditions, Sarcheshmeh mine, SE Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, , Geochemical and sedimentary changes of the Mighan Playa in Arak, Iran. Iran J Earth Sci, 5, Kousehlar, M. Geofluids, 12 4 , Bruce Gemmell and Ryan D. Tabbakh Shabani, A. Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy, 27 4 , Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, Mineral assemblages, fluid evolution, and genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, Geological Magazine , Bone preservation in Kebara Cave, Israel using on-site Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Journal of Archaeological Science, 20 6 , The Timna copper deposit. Minerals, 10 9 , International Journal of Speleology, 47, 3, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64, 11, — Ferrrari, C. In: Testoni, P. Micro, 16, , Bortolozzi G,M. 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