Conductor of the folk amateur group of trade unions of Ukraine «Youth Chamber Choir» Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Conductor of the folk amateur group of trade unions of Ukraine «Youth Chamber Choir» Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

All-Ukrainian Choral Society named after M. Leontovych

Oksana Sukhetska, founder, artistic director and conductor of the Youth Chamber Choir, senior lecturer at the Department of Musicology and Vocal and Choral Arts, Faculty of Arts, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. A graduate of the assistantship-internship of the Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music in the class of choral conducting with the Honored Artist of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor Alisa Serebri.

Author of publications in scientific collections of Ukraine and abroad. Participant of All-Ukrainian and International scientific conferences and seminars.

Member of the jury of the International Festival-Competition «Golden Fleece» Batumi (Georgia), September 2019. Member of the jury of the I, II and III All-Ukrainian festival-competition of youth and youth art «Dream Planet» in the framework of the art project «Splash of Art», April 2017, 2018, 2019, Uman.

Member of the «PUBLIC ORGANIZATION «UKRAINIAN CHOIR ASSOCIATION». Chairman of the public organization «UMAN YOUTH CHORAL ASSOCIATION». Together with the Youth Chamber Choir she took part in 7 International competitions in Ukraine and abroad (Montenegro), as well as in citywide, regional and national competitions and festivals.



«Diploma» for professional skills and active participation in the II International Festival-Competition of Arts «Musical Pearls», Odessa.

«Diploma» for professional skills and active participation in preparing students for the II International Festival-Competition of Arts «Music Universe 2016», Odessa.

«Thanks» for the preparation of students-winners of the II International Children's and Youth Festival-Competition «Musical Pearls» in the 2015-2016 academic year, Uman.

«Thanks» for proper skill, high civic position and volunteer activity, Uman.


«Thanks» for highly professional work in the jury of the I All-Ukrainian festival-competition of youth art «Planet of Dreams» Uman.

«Thanks» for professionalism, active participation in preparing participants for the festival and a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture and art, Cherkasy.


«Thanks" for a significant personal contribution to the development of culture, aesthetic education of student youth and training of highly qualified specialists, Uman.

«Diploma» for a significant contribution to the development of culture and arts of children and youth of talented youth of Ukraine, Lviv.

«Thanks» for active participation in the public life of the city, initiative, creativity, youth creative potential and on the occasion of Youth Day, Uman.


«Thanks» for highly professional work in the jury of the III All-Ukrainian festival-competition of youth and youth art «Planet of Dreams», Uman.

«Diploma» for many years of fruitful work, a significant personal contribution to the development of national science, the introduction of modern technologies for teaching and educating student youth and on the occasion of Science Day, Uman.

«Diploma» for the preparation of the Laureate of the X International Vocal and Choral Competition-Festival «Let the Song Convene Friends» Chernivtsi.

«Thanks» for the highly professional work of the jury of the International Festival-Competition «Golden Fleece», Batumi, Georgia.


«Thanks» for active participation in the preparation and holding of a remote international multi-genre festival-competition «Gems - a country of boundless possibilities», Lviv.

«Diploma» for professional skills, significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian musical art and active participation in preparing students for the competition, Odesa.

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