Condoms Always In Time

Condoms Always In Time


Because Life Is Too Short To Not Enjoy It.
How do long lasting condoms really work?
How to last longer in bed? What is the best way to endure long sex-marathons using condoms for lasting longer? How do long lasting condoms work? What are the other effective ways to overcome premature ejaculation? Keep reading to get these hot questions answered.
Fellow male lovers, how long do you last in bed? According to the study done by Canadian and American Sex Therapists in 2008, it takes on average three to seven minutes for men to ejaculate.
By the way, if you’re concerned about lasting less than that, you are far from alone. The study also shows, that approximately 40% of men experienced premature ejaculation (lovemaking that lasts less than a minute or two) at some point in their lives specially if they don’t have a healthy good diet.
It’s a whole different story with women. When it comes to lovemaking, 80% of ladies wish their lovers had better sexual stamina.
Well, the good news is, regardless of age or sexual orientation, there are a few guaranteed ways to prolong sexual intercourse. One of the solutions for longer lasting intimacy may even be hiding in your bedside drawer….
The easiest and the safest way to make you last longer in bed is to… put a condom on! Yes, a good old condom can be a game changer when it comes to longer lasting erections.
A lot of you, fellow-lovers, might complain that even if you get the best condoms for lasting longer in bed it means having less sensitive and less fulfilling sex. But it is actually the opposite.
Because a condom somewhat reduces sensation, it helps you stay in the game for much longer. And isn’t a long-lasting intimacy is what we all want?
Even though any condom would work for lengthening your sexual act, condoms that help you last longer is what really does magic, when it comes to extending the pleasure.
With all these the terms like benzocaine condoms, anesthetic condoms, climax control condoms… it’s easy to get a little confused and overwhelmed.  Well, instead of freaking out over numerous options, check out our guide on how to enjoy extended intimacy using condoms that will make you last longer in bed.
These anaesthetic condoms (often called desensitizing condoms) are one of the simplest ways to last longer during sex.
These extra time condoms are coated from inside with a small amount of anesthetic known as benzocaine. The condoms have a light numbing effect slightly reducing the sensitivity of your penis. Important to note though, they don’t numb you so much that you can’t enjoy the sexual intercourse.
The innovative numbing condoms allowed countless lovers to prolong pleasure.
Top manufacturers promise that on average these condoms that help you last longer can extend sexual intercourse for up to five minutes. For some men these magic condom can even double or triple their normal performance. And, well, we all know that in the world of sexual pleasures every minute counts).
Some raving fans of numbing condoms even claim that you can actually build up your sexual stamina using them, so after some time you will be able to endure sex marathons without wearing anaesthetic condoms.
In pre-benzocaine condoms era, men had to get creative in order to hold off to please their partner for longer. One of the most popular (and most labor-intensive ways) to fight premature ejaculation was applying a numbing spray on your penis before putting a condom on. But let’s be honest, with an additional step like this you are just risking to ruin the romantic mood completely.
Well thanks God for climax control condoms. With these long-lasting condoms it is one-step deal. Just put it on, and you are ready for a sex-marathon.
How to choose the best long lasting condom? With such a wide variety of them available on the market picking the right one might be quite a quest. Well, we will be happy to navigate you through the world of long-lasting condoms quickly.
These are the classic in the world of condoms to help you last longer. They already come with a 4% benzocaine climax control lubricant inside, so you don’t need to worry about numbing your penis with spray or other alternatives.
These extended pleasure condoms do what they are advertised to do: they slightly desensitize your penis so that you can experience an extended play. But even with a tiny bit of numbness, you will still be able to enjoy long lasting sex in all its glory. We think it’s a fair trade-off.
Your partner will not feel any discomfort either. Because Trojan Extended Pleasure has no odor and no particular structure it does not feel any different from a regular condom. You can rest assured that for both you and your partner the climax will be just as good (or even better). We promise!
The only potential problem with these extended pleasure condoms is that they might feel a bit wet out of the package, so the process of putting it on might take some getting used to. But, hey, that’s a price we all can pay for a long lasting pleasure, am I right?
Another leading selling extra time condom is Durex Performax Intense. It contains a 5% benzocaine (which is slightly more than what 4% Trojan Extended Pleasure has). But experienced lovers declare that they can hardly tell any difference between these two when it comes to desensitizing.
Unlike Trojan though, the anesthetic is activated by heat. When you open the condom, you can see little drops of benzocaine from inside. These blobs can only be melted when you put the Durex on.
It takes on average two minutes of wear time for the condom to start working at its full capacity. But we are sure that for a top-notch lover like you are, an additional minute or two would only mean some extra foreplay time. Believe us, you and your partner will appreciate it a lot.
Your companion will also thank you for little extra stimulation ribs and studs that Durex Performax Intense comes with. Yay for the mutual climax!
In compare to Trojan, Durex Performax Intense is a bit more on a tight side, and it might feel a bit unusual at first. But you know what they say, there is no accounting for tastes.
If you struggle with premature ejaculation or just want to prolong the evening’s entertainment, we strongly recommend you to give Durex Performax Intense a try.
Yes, desensitizing condoms can be an answer to your prayer if you really require additional sexual stamina support. The only downside with benzocaine condoms is that… well, they can somewhat reduce your sensitivity, which can insignificantly decrease the physical pleasure of sex.
If you don’t necessarily require extra time condoms, or if you prefer to use some other ways to extend pleasure, we’ve got a list of alternative natural methods that can help.
Not only can foreplay make sex more pleasurable, but it can also work wonders when it comes to delaying the finish line. Anything that turns you both on and doesn’t actually involve penetration can be considered as foreplay.
Give these method a try! We bet you can have a lot of fun experimenting together.
If you are using a regular (non-anesthetic) condom during intercourse, try adding some extra lube outside and inside the condom. A recent study published by The Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that using extra lubrication significantly associated with prolonging coitus. Besides, the already low likelihood of breaking the condom can also be reduced using a lubricant.
Believe it or not, but taking it slow can get you last longer in bed. As a general rule of thumb, the faster the sex, the faster you are going to finish. Take it slow, so your penis is less stimulated so that you can last longer.
If you feel like you are going to come, stop for a few moments until you can control yourself and then start again. Swapping position might also help to get more control.
Having healthy sex directly linked to the way you feel – both physically and emotionally. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that what you eat matters if you want to prolong sexual activity. Any healthy diet would be helpful for your intimate life. But there are some foods in particular, that are packed with nutrients to boost your hormone levels and to help you keep going longer.
Salmon, shrimps and other seafood are known to be the best foods to enhance sexual health. Omega-3 fatty acids, which seafood is enriched with, also elevate dopamine levels. Dopamine is the same hormone that releases in the lover’s brain during an orgasm.
You can also snack on some nuts and seeds before sex – these foods are rich in healthy fats and zinc and they will get your blood flowing as well.
A glass of red wine can also help you get in the mood for romance. But most importantly, red wine can get your blood flowing and to naturally boost your hormone levels.
If you want to make sure that your romantic encounters will not end sooner than you want them to, start exercising.
Just like with a regular endurance, sex stamina can be improved dramatically by fitness. Here are a few basic exercises to make you last longer in bed.
Cardiovascular exercises: Improving your cardiovascular health by jogging, biking, or swimming is a key when it comes to building and up sexual stamina. Only a few short sessions a week can help you have a better performance in bed.
Pelvic lifts: Pelvic lifts will help you exercise the muscles of hips and pelvis so that you can endure different sexual positions for longer.
Kegel exercises: Speaking of endurance and different positions, kegel exercise, widely practiced by ladies, can improve your ejaculatory control dramatically. As a bonus it will also enhance your overall erections, making them firmer and stronger.
Stretching: Do not underestimate the power of stretching either. Groin stretches and lunges help increase your flexibility. So you have a better chance to enjoy multiple different positions in sex.
Another revolutionary method to beat premature ejaculation is called Ejaculation Guru.
Unlike most of the mainstream premature ejaculation techniques and pill treatments, Ejaculation Guru focuses solely on natural sex prolonging techniques.
As such, you will learn numerous proven methods to beat premature ejaculation tested by the author of the book, natural health researcher Jack Grave.
Check out our honest Ejaculation Guru review to learn more about this program.
For many years ago, Jack suffered from this frustrating condition himself. So he knows precisely what it feels like to not being able to please your partner because you can’t last long enough.
Since then, a lot has changed. Grave cured his condition with powerful natural methods, and this is exactly what he teaches in this program.
This 93-pages long guide addresses everything you need to know about battling premature ejaculation. Psychological aspects of premature ejaculation, reprogramming your sexual confidence, learning how to control your breath and pelvic muscles, studying new sex positions for prolonged ejaculation – the Ejaculation Guru will cover it all. But most importantly, this system will provide you with proven techniques for you to last in bed for over thirty minutes.
This book primarily addresses the issue of premature ejaculation. But even if you don’t suffer from it but want to know how to prolong your pleasures in bed, you can find a lot of useful techniques as well.
Unlike other quick fix methods that can only give you a short-lasting result, such as male genital desensitizer spray like stud 100 and K Y men spray, Ejaculation Guru is a permanent solution for those who want to overcome a premature ejaculation problem once and for all.
Ejaculation Guru is solely based on natural psychological and physical techniques that don’t require any medication. And with a myriad different sex prolonging approaches that Jack Grave provide in his book, we are sure you can find one that works best for you.
The satisfaction rates with this program are exceptional. Above 90% of all the Ejaculation Guru buyers enjoy long-lasting sexual pleasures that they have never experienced before.
The program has a 60 days money guarantee. So you can test it and determine if this is something for you.
Give this life-changing method a try so that you can experience the beauty of long-lasting sex play yourself.

Because Life Is Too Short To Not Enjoy It.
How do long lasting condoms really work?
How to last longer in bed? What is the best way to endure long sex-marathons using condoms for lasting longer? How do long lasting condoms work? What are the other effective ways to overcome premature ejaculation? Keep reading to get these hot questions answered.
Fellow male lovers, how long do you last in bed? According to the study done by Canadian and American Sex Therapists in 2008, it takes on average three to seven minutes for men to ejaculate.
By the way, if you’re concerned about lasting less than that, you are far from alone. The study also shows, that approximately 40% of men experienced premature ejaculation (lovemaking that lasts less than a minute or two) at some point in their lives specially if they don’t have a healthy good diet.
It’s a whole different story with women. When it comes to lovemaking, 80% of ladies wish their lovers had better sexual stamina.
Well, the good news is, regardless of age or sexual orientation, there are a few guaranteed ways to prolong sexual intercourse. One of the solutions for longer lasting intimacy may even be hiding in your bedside drawer….
The easiest and the safest way to make you last longer in bed is to… put a condom on! Yes, a good old condom can be a game changer when it comes to longer lasting erections.
A lot of you, fellow-lovers, might complain that even if you get the best condoms for lasting longer in bed it means having less sensitive and less fulfilling sex. But it is actually the opposite.
Because a condom somewhat reduces sensation, it helps you stay in the game for much longer. And isn’t a long-lasting intimacy is what we all want?
Even though any condom would work for lengthening your sexual act, condoms that help you last longer is what really does magic, when it comes to extending the pleasure.
With all these the terms like benzocaine condoms, anesthetic condoms, climax control condoms… it’s easy to get a little confused and overwhelmed.  Well, instead of freaking out over numerous options, check out our guide on how to enjoy extended intimacy using condoms that will make you last longer in bed.
These anaesthetic condoms (often called desensitizing condoms) are one of the simplest ways to last longer during sex.
These extra time condoms are coated from inside with a small amount of anesthetic known as benzocaine. The condoms have a light numbing effect slightly reducing the sensitivity of your penis. Important to note though, they don’t numb you so much that you can’t enjoy the sexual intercourse.
The innovative numbing condoms allowed countless lovers to prolong pleasure.
Top manufacturers promise that on average these condoms that help you last longer can extend sexual intercourse for up to five minutes. For some men these magic condom can even double or triple their normal performance. And, well, we all know that in the world of sexual pleasures every minute counts).
Some raving fans of numbing condoms even claim that you can actually build up your sexual stamina using them, so after some time you will be able to endure sex marathons without wearing anaesthetic condoms.
In pre-benzocaine condoms era, men had to get creative in order to hold off to please their partner for longer. One of the most popular (and most labor-intensive ways) to fight premature ejaculation was applying a numbing spray on your penis before putting a condom on. But let’s be honest, with an additional step like this you are just risking to ruin the romantic mood completely.
Well thanks God for climax control condoms. With these long-lasting condoms it is one-step deal. Just put it on, and you are ready for a sex-marathon.
How to choose the best long lasting condom? With such a wide variety of them available on the market picking the right one might be quite a quest. Well, we will be happy to navigate you through the world of long-lasting condoms quickly.
These are the classic in the world of condoms to help you last longer. They already come with a 4% benzocaine climax control lubricant inside, so you don’t need to worry about numbing your penis with spray or other alternatives.
These extended pleasure condoms do what they are advertised to do: they slightly desensitize your penis so that you can experience an extended play. But even with a tiny bit of numbness, you will still be able to enjoy long lasting sex in all its glory. We think it’s a fair trade-off.
Your partner will not feel any discomfort either. Because Trojan Extended Pleasure has no odor and no particular structure it does not feel any different from a regular condom. You can rest assured that for both you and your partner the climax will be just as good (or even better). We promise!
The only potential problem with these extended pleasure condoms is that they might feel a bit wet out of the package, so the process of putting it on might take some getting used to. But, hey, that’s a price we all can pay for a long lasting pleasure, am I right?
Another leading selling extra time condom is Durex Performax Intense. It contains a 5% benzocaine (which is slightly more than what 4% Trojan Extended Pleasure has). But experienced lovers declare that they can hardly tell any difference between these two when it comes to desensitizing.
Unlike Trojan though, the anesthetic is activated by heat. When you open the condom, you can see little drops of benzocaine from inside. These blobs can only be melted when you put the Durex on.
It takes on average two minutes of wear time for the condom to start working at its full capacity. But we are sure that for a top-notch lover like you are, an additional minute or two would only mean some extra foreplay time. Believe us, you and your partner will appreciate it a lot.
Your companion will also thank you for little extra stimulation ribs and studs that Durex Performax Intense comes with. Yay for the mutual climax!
In compare to Trojan, Durex Performax Intense is a bit more on a tight side, and it might feel a bit unusual at first. But you know what they say, there is no accounting for tastes.
If you struggle with premature ejaculation or just want to prolong the evening’s entertainment, we strongly recommend you to give Durex Performax Intense a try.
Yes, desensitizing condoms can be an answer to your prayer if you really require additional sexual stamina support. The only downside with benzocaine condoms is that… well, they can somewhat reduce your sensitivity, which can insignificantly decrease the physical pleasure of sex.
If you don’t necessarily require extra time condoms, or if you pre
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