Con7 ethiotel anfomeda 122

Con7 ethiotel anfomeda 122

Invitation to National Competitive Bid for the Procurement of construction of Guardhouse, dry latrine and Fence work at Anfomeda, MSAG fence under SWAAZ and Shelter at wolete

Floating Date: As of May 20, 2020

RFQ No.: . 3683004-2, 3910047 & 3904023

Closing Date: June 09, June 08 and June 10, 2020

Ethio Telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this National Competitive Bid (NCB) for the Procurement of the following Constructions.

1. Bid Documents can be obtained from Old Airport (karl Square) Ethio Telecom's SWAAZ office 2nd-floor room No.212 during Office hours (Monday to Friday) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr One Hundred only).

2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the ethio telecom website and inspect the bidding document upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr one hundred only) in person from Old Airport (Karl Square) Ethio Telecom's SWAAZ office 2nd-floor room No.212.

2.1. Sealed bids marked as: "Tender for construction of Guardhouse, dry latrine & Fence work at Anfomeda with RFQ No. 3683004-2",

"Construction MSAG fence work under SWAAZ with RFQ No. 3910047", and" Construction of Shelter at wolete RFQ No.3904023" and be addressed to:

Ethio Telecom,

South West Addis Ababa Zone

Old AirPort (Karl Square)

2nd-floor room No.212

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2.2. Bid proposal will be received at the Old Airport (Karl square), 2nd floor, room No.212, for Ajamba guardhouse, on or before June 09, 2020, until 10:00 A.M. for

MSAG construction at SWAAZ, on or before June 08, 2020, until 10:00 A.M and for Wolete shelter on or before June 10, 2020, until 10:00 A.M.

Bids presented by any bidder after the closing date shall not be accepted.

3. Bids received in time and fulfilling the other formalities shall be opened in the presence of interested bidders or their legal representatives for Ajamba guardhouse, on June 09, 2020, at 10:30 A.M, for MSAG fence work on June 08, 2020, at 11:00 A.M and for Wolete Shelter, on June 10, 2020 at 10:30 A.M at Old Airport (Karl square), 2nd floor, room No.212.

4. Ethio telecom reserves the right to reject all or parts of this bid.

5. Partial bid is allowed per lot, but not allowed within the lot.

6. Bidders are seriously advised to read and comply with the instructions provided in this bidding document.

Posted: Ethiopian Herald May 17, 2020

Deadline: June 10, 2020

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