Computer technician: see what you study, salary and vacancies

Computer technician: see what you study, salary and vacancies


A computer technician is a highly sought after professional in the job market. Due to the fact that companies today are all computerized, the search for computer services is essential, after all, computers need assistance so that jobs are performed normally.

Thinking about the importance of the profession and the high demand for the course in technical schools, we selected relevant information regarding the curriculum, salaries and vacancies in the job market.

computer service technician Salary: how much does a computer technician earn

Salaries vary widely according to the region in which the professional performs his activities. However, he usually receives an average of R $ 1,300.00 at the beginning of his career, which can reach R $ 2,900.00.

It is noteworthy that technicians who choose to open their own company can gain a higher value. Depending on the region in which it is installed and the demand for services, the entrepreneur can earn from R $ 3,000.00 to R $ 5,000.00 per month.

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