Completely Naked Girls

Completely Naked Girls


Completely Naked Girls
Woman stands in room completely naked - patiently waits to see how long it takes people to notice
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Woman stands completely naked in front of artwork...and people don't notice!
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How did they not spot this straight away?!
Sometimes we can get so lost in what we're doing that we come a bit oblivious to what's going on around us.
Whether it's watching TV, working or reading a good book, it's easy to go into your own little bubble.
But most of us would probably like to think we would notice if something really interesting happened - like someone standing next to us completely naked.
American model Nicole managed to stand in a room completely named while two men worked on laptops right in front of her - and they didn't even notice.
This is mainly because she was working some very impressive camouflage - body paint which made her blend into an art mural on the wall behind her.
It's the work of artist Jen Seide , known as Jen the Body Painter , and her daughter and apprentice Kennedy.
They painted Nicole from head to toe to match the artwork behind her, and it really looks incredible.
It was so good that when two men went into the room to work they didn't actually notice until she jumped out to surprise them.
It's not the first time Jen and her daughter's work has surprised unsuspecting members of the public.
Either this year they sent another model on a tinder date wearing nothing but body paint to look like jeans and a top.
The poor man didn't notice for a long time, despite them going for a coffee and for a long walk around a busy shopping centre.
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