Compilation de pipes d'ado

Compilation de pipes d'ado


Compilation de pipes d'ado

Vidéo n°248 ajoutée le 17/02/2019 16:08 dans fun Fail . Elle a été vue 27711 fois, dure 00:54 mns et a reçu 22 votes (63%). Voilà une petite compilation d'un certain nombre de filles complètement bourrée, certaines tentent de tenir debout quand d'autres prennent des objets vraiment insolite pour rigoler avec leurs copines. Néanmoins de belles chutes sont présentes et un peu de rigolade ne fait de mal à personne !

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Evaluates the parameters in order, and returns the value that does not equal null or empty-string.
Min parameters: 2. Max parameters: N
Example: coalesce(variables.couldBeNull, variables.couldAlsoBeNull, 'literal so it always works')


Evaluates the trailing parameters and inserts them into the leading parameter string
Min parameters: 1. Max parameters: N
Example: format('Hello {0} {1}', 'John', 'Doe')
Uses .NET custom date and time format specifiers for date formatting ( yyyy , yy , MM , M , dd , d , HH , H , m , mm , ss , s , f , ff , ffff , K )
Example: format('{0:yyyyMMdd}', pipeline.startTime) . In this case pipeline.startTime is a special date time object variable.
Escape by doubling braces. For example: format('literal left brace {{ and literal right brace }}')


Converts a string or variable value to all lowercase characters
Min parameters: 1. Max parameters 1
Returns the lowercase equivalent of a string
Example: lower('FOO') returns foo


Returns a new string in which all instances of a string in the current instance are replaced with another string
Min parameters: 3. Max parameters: 3
replace(a, b, c) : returns a, with all instances of b replaced by c
Example: replace('','','http://server') (returns http://server/saml/consume )


Converts a string or variable value to all uppercase characters
Min parameters: 1. Max parameters 1
Returns the uppercase equivalent of a string
Example: upper('bah') returns BAH



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Expressions can be used in many places where you need to specify a string, boolean, or number value when authoring a pipeline.
The most common use of expressions is in conditions to determine whether a job or step should run.
Another common use of expressions is in defining variables.
Expressions can be evaluated at compile time or at run time .
Compile time expressions can be used anywhere; runtime expressions can be used in variables and conditions. Runtime expressions are intended as a way to compute the contents of variables and state (example: condition ).
The difference between runtime and compile time expression syntaxes is primarily what context is available.
In a compile-time expression ( ${{ }} ), you have access to parameters and statically defined variables .
In a runtime expression ( $[ ] ), you have access to more variables but no parameters.
In this example, a runtime expression sets the value of $(isMain) . A static variable in a compile expression sets the value of $(compileVar) .
An expression can be a literal, a reference to a variable, a reference to a dependency, a function, or a valid nested combination of these.
As part of an expression, you can use boolean, null, number, string, or version literals.
True and False are boolean literal expressions.
Null is a special literal expression that's returned from a dictionary miss, e.g. ( variables['noSuch'] ). Null can be the output of an expression but cannot be called directly within an expression.
Starts with '-', '.', or '0' through '9'.
Must be single-quoted. For example: 'this is a string' .
To express a literal single-quote, escape it with a single quote.
For example: 'It''s OK if they''re using contractions.' .
You can use a pipe character ( | ) for multiline strings.
A version number with up to four segments.
Must start with a number and contain two or three period ( . ) characters.
For example: .
As part of an expression, you may access variables using one of two syntaxes:
In order to use property dereference syntax, the property name must:
Depending on the execution context, different variables are available.
Variables are always strings. If you want to use typed values, then you should use parameters instead.
There is a limitation for using variables with expressions for both Classical and YAML pipelines when setting up such variables via variables tab UI. Variables that are defined as expressions shouldn't depend on another variable with expression in value since it isn't guaranteed that both expressions will be evaluated properly. For example we have variable a whose value $[ ] is used as a part for the value of variable b . Since the order of processing variables isn't guaranteed variable b could have an incorrect value of variable a after evaluation.
Described constructions are only allowed while setup variables through variables keyword in YAML pipeline. It is required to place the variables in the order they should be processed to get the correct values after processing.
The following built-in functions can be used in expressions.
There is no literal syntax in a YAML pipeline for specifying an array.
This function is of limited use in general pipelines.
It's intended for use in the pipeline decorator context with system-provided arrays such as the list of steps.
You can use the containsValue expression to find a matching value in an object. Here is an example that demonstrates looking in list of source branches for a match for Build.SourceBranch .
You can create a counter that is automatically incremented by one in each execution of your pipeline. When you define a counter, you provide a prefix and a seed . Here is an example that demonstrates this.
The value of minor in the above example in the first run of the pipeline will be 100. In the second run it will be 101, provided the value of major is still 1.
If you edit the YAML file, and update the value of the variable major to be 2, then in the next run of the pipeline, the value of minor will be 100. Subsequent runs will increment the counter to 101, 102, 103, ...
Later, if you edit the YAML file, and set the value of major back to 1, then the value of the counter resumes where it left off for that prefix. In this example, it resumes at 102.
Here is another example of setting a variable to act as a counter that starts at 100, gets incremented by 1 for every run, and gets reset to 100 every day.
pipeline.startTime is not available outside of expressions. pipeline.startTime
formats system.pipelineStartTime into a date and time object so that it is available to work with expressions.
The default time zone for pipeline.startTime is UTC. You can change the time zone for your organization.
Here is an example of having a counter that maintains a separate value for PRs and CI runs.
Counters are scoped to a pipeline. In other words, its value is incremented for each run of that pipeline. There are no project-scoped counters.
In this example, a semicolon gets added between each item in the array. The parameter type is an object.
You can use the following status check functions as expressions in conditions, but not in variable definitions.
For a step, equivalent to in(variables['Agent.JobStatus'], 'Succeeded', 'SucceededWithIssues', 'Failed')
This is like always() , except it will evaluate False when the pipeline is canceled.
You can use if , elseif , and else clauses to conditionally assign variable values or set inputs for tasks. You can also conditionally run a step when a condition is met.
You can use if to conditionally assign variable values or set inputs for tasks. You can also conditionally run a step when a condition is met.
Conditionals only work when using template syntax. Learn more about variable syntax .
For templates, you can use conditional insertion when adding a sequence or mapping. Learn more about conditional insertion in templates .
If there is no variable set, or the value of foo does not match the if conditions, the else statement will run. Here the value of foo returns true in the elseif condition.
You can use the each keyword to loop through parameters with the object type.
Expressions can use the dependencies context to reference previous jobs or stages. You can use dependencies to:
The context is called dependencies for jobs and stages and works much like variables.
Inside a job, if you refer to an output variable from a job in another stage, the context is called stageDependencies .
If you experience issues with output variables having quote characters ( ' or " ) in them, see this troubleshooting guide .
Structurally, the dependencies object is a map of job and stage names to results and outputs .
Expressed as JSON, it would look like:
Use this form of dependencies to map in variables or check conditions at a stage level.
In this example, Stage B runs whether Stage A is successful or skipped.
The following examples use standard pipeline syntax. If you're using deployment pipelines, both variable and conditional variable syntax will differ. For information about the specific syntax to use, see Deployment jobs .
Stages can also use output variables from another stage.
In this example, Stage B depends on a variable in Stage A.
By default, each stage in a pipeline depends on the one just before it in the YAML file.
If you need to refer to a stage that isn't immediately prior to the current one, you can override this automatic default by adding a dependsOn section to the stage.
At the job level within a single stage, the dependencies data doesn't contain stage-level information.
In this example, Job A will always be skipped and Job B will run.
Job C will run, since all of its dependencies either succeed or are skipped.
In this example, Job B depends on an output variable from Job A.
At the job level, you can also reference outputs from a job in a previous stage.
This requires using the stageDependencies context.
In this example, job B1 will run if job A1 is skipped.
Job B2 will check the value of the output variable from job A1 to determine whether it should run.
If a job depends on a variable defined by a deployment job in a different stage, then the syntax is different. In the following example, the job run_tests runs if the build_job deployment job set runTests to true . Notice that the key used for the outputs dictionary is build_job.setRunTests.runTests .
If no changes are required after a build, you might want to skip a stage in a pipeline under certain conditions. An example is when you're using Terraform Plan, and you want to trigger approval and apply only when the plan contains changes.
When you use this condition on a stage, you must use the dependencies variable, not stageDependencies .
The following example is a simple script that sets a variable (use your actual information from Terraform Plan) in a step in a stage, and then invokes the second stage only if the variable has a specific value.
If a stage depends on a variable defined by a deployment job in a different stage, then the syntax is different. In the following example, the stage test depends on the deployment build_job setting shouldTest to true . Notice that in the condition of the test stage, build_job appears twice.
When operating on a collection of items, you can use the * syntax to apply a filtered array. A filtered array returns all objects/elements regardless their names.
As an example, consider an array of objects named foo . We want to get an array of the values of the id property in each object in our array.
This tells the system to operate on foo as a filtered array and then select the id property.
Values in an expression may be converted from one type to another as the expression gets evaluated.
When an expression is evaluated, the parameters are coalesced to the relevant data type and then turned back into strings.
For example, in this YAML, the values True and False are converted to 1 and 0 when the expression is evaluated.
The function lt() returns True when the left parameter is less than the right parameter.
In this example, the values variables.emptyString and the empty string both evaluate as empty strings.
The function coalesce() evaluates the parameters in order, and returns the first value that does not equal null or empty-string.
Detailed conversion rules are listed further below.
You can customize your Pipeline with a script that includes an expression. For example, this snippet takes the BUILD_BUILDNUMBER variable and splits it with Bash. This script outputs two new variables, $MAJOR_RUN and $MINOR_RUN , for the major and minor run numbers.
The two variables are then used to create two pipeline variables, $major and $minor with task.setvariable . These variables are available to downstream steps. To share variables across pipelines see Variable groups .


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