Competition rules

Competition rules

Litecoin Foundation

Litecoin foundation team is working hard on Litecoin mass adoption and development. One of the important milestones that we've reached recently is Mimblewimble update. Also, there was a successful halving in August, Litecoin 7th Birthday and Miami Dolphins partnership announcement this year.In honor of this our team is proud to announce initiating the airdrop pool of 100 000 LTC.

The OFFICIAL EVENT ADDRESS is: LQ6aAbefcakMpXBZYuF4hxikyAieiihqho

❗️ You can participate only once!

Note: All persons are able to participate, including United States citizens. You can use any wallet or cryptocurrency exchange. The competition will last until the entirety of the 100 000 LTC held in the airdrop-funds have been released. If you are late, you will get back your LTC instantly.


Charlie Lee & Litecoin Foundation

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