


Українська  Русский English

Terms and Privacy

@mitshubBOT - Telegram-bot for working with the platform

@mintshub - Price monitoring in the catalog of coins and valuation/sale of coins

@COINvaluation - Latest coin valuation/sell requests

@CATALOGofCOINS - Latest additions to coin catalog

TON Mendeleev - NFT for premium users

Mints of the mintsHUB platform:

@mintsmaster - Kyiv, Ukraine
@CHERVONCHIK - Kyiv, Ukraine

To become a mint, you will need: shareholders in the platform (from $ 3,000 USD), offer at least 100 collectible coins to be added to the catalog, and also have the appropriate photo equipment. To apply write a message @mintsmaster

The cost of placing one coin in the catalog or at the auction:

20 USDT - for authorized users

10 USDT - for NFT holders from the collection TON Mendeleev

1 USDT - for mints of the mintsHUB platform

Prices are for creating and posting photos of the coin on the platform, while the estimated value of the coin should not exceed 3000 $ USD, if more than 3000 $ USD, then the price is formed by agreement with the mint of the mintsHUB platform.

To pay and place your coins in a catalog or auction, please contact the mints of the mintsHUB platform.

Access cost for evaluating coins in the @COINvaluation Telegram channel:

10 USDT / 30 days - for authorized users

Free - for premium users

For payment and connection, write a message @mintsmaster

Premium users - shareholders of the mintsHUB platform


- mints of the mintsHUB platform

- NFT holders from the collection TON Mendeleev

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