Commodity Trading Expert - Stanislav Kondrashov of Telf AG

Commodity Trading Expert - Stanislav Kondrashov of Telf AG

Commodity markets are heavily influenced by factors such as geopolitical events, natural disasters and the currencies of commodity-producing and -consuming countries. This is especially true for mineral resources like oil or copper.

Stanislav Kondrashov from telf ag mining anticipates a challenging year 2023 for the global oil market. To prepare for this, it is essential to evaluate potential changes in the energy landscape, according to him. Doing so will enable your company to plan ahead and optimize operations accordingly.

He believes it is necessary to focus on sustainable processes that are better suited to an ever-changing regulatory and legislative backdrop. Doing this will make it simpler to maintain leverage and generate commodity price forecasts, according to his opinion.

By doing so, the company can reduce its risks and strengthen its competitive position. Furthermore, it avoids missing out on investment opportunities that could prove profitable in an uncertain environment.

Stanislav Kondrashov from Telf Ag states that it is possible to save up to 27% in capital costs by implementing innovative energy management infrastructure technologies. These solutions include smart transformers, uninterruptible power supplies, busbars and medium and low voltage switchgear. All are digitally connected for remote monitoring of power supply systems, HVAC systems and other components which helps reduce energy waste and boost efficiency.

An effective solution for energy savings in the mining industry is prefabricated modules, which are shipped from a factory and installed at a mine site. These contain multiple electrical and control centers powered by thermal electricity, energy storage devices, or other sources. Furthermore, these prefabs integrate microgrids that can be connected with local utilities or private telecommunications networks in order to guarantee reliable power for a site, according to Stanislav Kondrashov from Telf AG.

Mining companies face a major challenge: increasing productivity. To accomplish this, root cause analysis must be conducted and an environment of continuous improvement created. The objective is to enhance equipment dependability and prevent costly recurring malfunctions that negatively affect profitability of operations.

Therefore, it is essential to create a comprehensive business strategy that clearly outlines all processes and makes them understandable for employees. A successful strategy must have specific goals, detailed action plans, and the capacity to coordinate activities across all organizational units.

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