Commission information.

Commission information.

Zoïa Sena / bonne fille.


Before ordering anything from me, please read this article.

I am NSFW/SFW artist, my name is Zoya. If you like my artwork and you are ready to order, you should know my working conditions.

1. I don't draw:

  • people, sorry, but I don't like the way they come out;
  • mechanisms;
  • shitty toilet fetishes.

2. I work exclusively on 100% prepayment. Already got burned on concessions to people to give later. I can only take 50% prepayment on amounts over $100.

3. I work WITHOUT a deadline. Drawing I long and tedious. Therefore, 100 times think before I order something. In a month you will not draw anything, only if you pay for urgency 30% of the order amount and I will do not less than a month. With less time, the amount of extra payment can increase to 80%.

4. Free edits I do only at the sketch stage up to 5 maximum. If you continue to blow your brains out that it is not so, it is not so and more than 5 edits, then for each edit at the stage of sketch is an additional payment of $10.

At the stage of line - $20

At the stage of painting (if it is not related to the coloring of the character) - $30

At the stage of the finished work - no edits are made.

5. You can always write to me and ask me how things are going with the progress of the work. I answer long, so please wait. In addition to painting I have a study and personal life, so I draw only in free time from these two points and in a suitable mood. Agree, no one wants to get art that is drawn on the fuck off? That's what I mean.

6. I only speak Russian and English. I ask you to adjust to one of them so that you can have a dialog with me.

7. Money I do not return!!! Only if I myself will have the desire to refuse the art and return your money. Only one factor can affect this - I do not cope with this work morally. If the sketch was already started and I decided to return the money - I will return only a part, the amount for the sketch I will keep, as there was some work done.

8. Payment you can make on, TinkoffBank, SberBank, PayPal.

*Information will be supplemented depending on events.



Blank sketch:

  • Headshot - $25
  • Halfbody - $40
  • Fullbody - $60

Color sketch:

  • Headshot - $35
  • Halfbody - $50
  • Fullbody - $70

Color sketch with shade:

  • Headshot - $45
  • Halfbody - $60
  • Fullbody - $80


Blank line:

  • Headshot - $45
  • Halfbody - $60
  • Fullbody - $80

Color line:

  • Headshot - $55
  • Halfbody - $70
  • Fullbody - $90

Color line with shade:

  • Headshot - $65
  • Halfbody - $80
  • Fullbody - $100

Additional character +100%


Standard - $250

What goes into the "standard":

- front view (full body)/back view (half body back)

- headshot

- cushion-side foot

- NSFW-version

- info (optional)

Next you customize from the following:

  • extra item +$10
  • extra head +$55
  • extra half body +$70
  • extra full body +$90
  • feral full body +$80
  • chibi full body +$70
  • separate frame with NSFW-version (draw a separate groin, butt, etc. with genitalia) +$50
  • clothes +$20 each

For what I accept additional payment:

  • edits after linework +$10 for each edit
  • edits after the finished work +$25 for each edit.
  • character's muscularity from $10 to $50

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