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Ian is unique in that he has a friendship ending, corresponding on the gallery to CG#10. To unlock it you need to have 800 dollars by the end of the game, not be dating Ian, and you need to have a good friendship with Ian. There are many ways to achieve this, but the guide below is one of the quickest ways:

I'm gay. Eh. I don't feel up to it. No. I want to stay in. I've got a lot on my mind tonight. Ew, are you kidding me?

Sleep like an angel. Meh. Please, can we beta test another time? Okay, Okay, OKAY!!! No. Maybe I have something to do. I'm planning to tell them. Soon. Tell them. Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. Study, for the love of Christ. Can you guys handle this? You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Tell her no.

Oh god. I have no idea why I'm pouring my soul out to a fish. All right, all right. A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing. Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. Fine, fine, I'll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs. Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. Not gonna happen. Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash

Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. No, just no. Do something else this weekend. Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. Do something else this weekend. Day out with Ian.

Follow Ian's route to the point at the bar except don't go home with him. More to come I'm sureΒ :)

(Only unlocked if made the right choices, Proceed to #33, path to unlock CG#2 )

Luke's date is rather simple. There are only two CGs available and they can be both unlocked on the same playthrough.

I'm gay. High five! (Proceed to #2)

Uh, just a reminder. (Just pick one of the other for the sake of simplicity)

All right. (Starts Alex's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

Fine, fine! (Starts Alex's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

I wonder what your... (Proceed to #5)

I've got a lot on my mind... (Proceed to #5, recommended )

Borrow his lube. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Ew, are you kidding me? (Proceed to #6)

Whack off. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Sleep like an angel . (Proceed to #7, recommended )

HELLLOOO Professor. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Penny! Enough with the orange photos! (Proceed to #9)

Please, can we beta test another time? (Proceed to #9)

Okay, okay, OKAY!!! (Proceed to #10)

Take a quick peek. (Proceed to #12)

Leave the box closed. (Proceed to #13)

Snag an item. (Proceed to #13, unlocks #14 and #15)

I'm biding my time. (Proceed to #14)

I'm planning to tell them. (Proceed to #14, recommended )

Thanks man, I appreciate it. (Proceed to #15 if stole the dildo, otherwise #16)

By the way, I may... (Proceed to #15 if stole the dildo, otherwise #16)

It's going to me... (Proceed to #17)

Tell them . (Proceed to #17, recommended )

Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. (Proceed to #18)

Get a head start start on term paper. (Proceed to #18)

Watch the Horror Movie... (Proceed to #18)

Study... (Proceed to #19, recommended )

Can you guys handle this? (Proceed to #20)

One of us should go... (Starts Jed 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

God, FINE! (Starts Phil 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

You know who loves getting up... (Proceed to #21, recommended )

Accept the job. (Starts Brad 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

Oh god! (Proceed to #24, recommended )

Thanks for listening, Slurpy. (Proceed to #24)

All right, all right. (Proceed to #25, recommended )

Are you done with armchair psychologizing? (Proceed to #24)

A couple laps at the pool sound refreshing. (Proceed to #26)

Work up a sweat on the treadmill. (Proceed to #26)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #27)

Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #27)

Accompany Ian and Penny to... (Proceed to #27)

I'm not interested... (Proceed to #28)

You're here for a purpose... (Proceed to #30)

Hit the treadmill. (Proceed to #30)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #31)

Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #31)

Invite Ian and Penny to the beach... (Proceed to #31)

How are we doing tonight? (Proceed to #33)

Can I get either of you something to drink? (Proceed to #33)

What are respectable girls like you..? (Proceed to #33, Ends Route after that)

You know, I had to drag... (Ends Route)

Hey, it's not his fault. (Proceed to #34)

Look, he's kind of a goofball... (Proceed to #36, necessary for a successful romance , unlocks CG#1 )

Nine point five inches, ladies. (Ends Route)

An Eastern Brown Snake. (Proceed to #35)

A Western Diamondback. (Proceed to #35)

Attempt to sleep . (Proceed to #38)

I actually have other stuff... (Ends Route)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #40)

Get some studying done. (Proceed to #40)

Invite Ian and Penny to... (Proceed to #40)

I don't want your "help" anymore! (Ends Route)

I know the agenda, dummy. (Proceed to #42, unlocks CG#3 )

It doesn't matter. (Proceed to #42, unlocks CG#3 )

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #43)

Get some studying done. (Proceed to #43)

Since you promised the old lady... (Proceed to #43)

All I was hoping was to meet somebody. (Proceed to #48)

Thanks for the apology. (Proceed to #48)

Wow, you're so wasted. (Proceed to #48)

Haha, I changed my mind! (Proceed to #48)

Remove your briefs. (Proceed to #49, unlocks CG#4 but Ends Route )

No. And I don't really want to know. (Ends Route)

Sounds like you want to tell me about it,... (Proceed to #49, necessary for a successful romance )

Fall asleep cuddling with him. (Proceed to #50)

Extricate yourself, and sleep beside him. (Proceed to #50)

Wake him up and send him back to his room. (Proceed to #51)

Jack off in the bathroom. (Proceed to #51)

This too shall pass. (Proceed to #51)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #52)

Get some studying done. (Proceed to #52)

Treat Penny to a dinner... (Proceed to #52)

Nothing! That's a coincidence, Ian! (Proceed to #53)

I guess that's a little awkward. Trust me, it wasn't intentional. (Proceed to #53)

Admit it Ian, it's hot. (Proceed to #53)

I'm here because I've got feelings for you, Ian. (Proceed to #55)

I'm here because I feel like I've lost a friend, and I want him back. (Proceed to #55)

I'm here because I'm confused about what's happened between us. (Proceed to #55)

Just admit you have feelings for me already. (Proceed to #55)

Call her up and find out what's going on. (Proceed to #57)

Forget about it. You don't need to get involved. (Ends Route)

Leave him tied and fulfill his fantasy. (Proceed to #58, path to CGs 6, 7, 8 and 9, recommended )

Untie him and remove his blindfold. (Proceed to #61)

Suck Ian's cock. (Proceed to #59, Unlocks CG#7)

Feed him your dick. (Proceed to #59, Unlocks CG#8)

Plow his ass. (Proceed to #59, Unlocks CG#6)

Sit on his dick. (Proceed to #59, Unlocks CG#9)

After selecting any of the four actions previously, you'll be asked if you want to continue having sex, or finish it. Chose to do something else three times so you'll unlock al four CGs in one go. After orgasming proceed to #60

Well, it probably helps that I have a pretty major thing for you. (Romance Successful, unlocks CG#11 in the ending)

I dunno. I guess I'm pretty laid back about the whole thing.(Ends Route)

I'd say we're in uncharted territory here. Let's just see how it goes.(Ends Route)

Why didn't you just tell me? (Proceed to #62, recommended)

Well this is awkward.(Proceed to #62)

Kiss him (Romance Successful, unlocks CG#11 in the ending)

We don't need to talk bout this right now.(Ends Route)

I'm gay. High five! (Proceed to #2)

Uh, just a reminder. (Just pick one of the other for the sake of simplicity)

All right. (Starts Alex 's route, so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

Fine, fine! (Starts Alex 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

I wonder what your... (Proceed to #5)

I've got a lot on my mind... (Proceed to #5, recommended )

Borrow his lube. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Ew, are you kidding me? (Proceed to #6)

Whack off. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Sleep like an angel . (Proceed to #7, recommended )

HELLLOOO Professor. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)

Penny! Enough with the orange photos! (Proceed to #9)

Please, can we beta test another time? (Proceed to #9)

Okay, okay, OKAY!!! (Proceed to #10)

Sure, no prob. (Starts Ian 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

I'm biding my time. (Proceed to #12)

I'm planning to tell them. (Proceed to #12, recommended )

Tell them . (Proceed to #13, recommended )

Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. (Proceed to #14)

Get a head start start on term paper. (Proceed to #14)

Watch the Horror Movie... (Proceed to #14)

Beat off to "Lumberjackin', Vol.3." (Proceed to #15)

Study, for the love of Christ. (Proceed to #15, recommended )

Can you guys handle this? (Proceed to #16)

One of us should go... (Starts Jed 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

God, FINE! (Starts Phil 's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)

You know who loves getting up... (Proceed to #17, recommended )

There must be some mistake. (Proceed to #19)

I'm not intimidated by you, fat head. (Game Over)

What do you mean I'm not smokin' hot? (Proceed to #19)

You can depend on me. (Proceed to #21)

Beau, to be honest, this sounds like a special case. (Proceed to #20)

Haha, that was a joke. (Proceed to #21)

It sounds like I'm babysitting your brother. (Proceed to #21)

Hey, I'm here to help you with your class... (Proceed to #22, recommended )

Look, between your overprotective brother... (Proceed to #23)

I'll do it for fifty a page. (Proceed to #24)

With stars in your eyes, whisper (Proceed to #73, Romance Fails, Path to CG#1 and CG#5 )

Let me tongue your tight little starfish ( Unlocks CG#9 , Romance Fails )

It doesn't matter if that's how it's done. (Proceed to #25)

No way, your brother would crush my head like a nut. (Proceed to #25)

I am SO sick of you spoiled athletes... (Proceed to #23)

Make it forty. (Proceed to #73, Romance Fails, Path to CG#1 and CG#5 )

Did you hear anything I just said?! (Proceed to #24)

This is against everything I've ever believed in... (Proceed to #73, Romance Fail s, Path to CG#1 and CG#5 )

No! Stop trying to bribe me. (Proceed to #25)

Oh god! (Proceed to #26, recommended )

Thanks for listening, Slurpy. (Proceed to #26)

All right, all right. (Proceed to #28)

Are you done with armchair psychologizing? (Proceed to #27)

A couple laps at the pool sound refreshing. (Proceed to #29)

Work up a sweat on the treadmill. (Proceed to #29)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #30)

Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #30, recommended)

Accompany Ian and Penny to... (Proceed to #30)

I'm not interested... (Proceed to #31)

Come on, don't you even want to give it a shot? (Proceed to #33)

Well, as long as I'm getting paid... (Proceed to #80, Romance Fails, Path to unlock CG#1 and CG#5 )

Look, you're already two weeks behind on the reading assignments. (Proceed to #33)

I can provide perks as well. (Romance Fails)

I can provide him with the purpose (Proceed to #34)

Oh screw this. I'm leaving (Romance Fails)

You're here for a purpose... (Proceed to #36)

Hit the treadmill. (Proceed to #36)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #37)

Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #37)

Invite Ian and Penny to the beach... (Proceed to #37)

You're screwed if you get injured... (Proceed to #38, necessary for a successful romance )

You know, even if you're a jock... (Proceed to #38)

Stop making excuses for yourself... (Proceed to #38)

Move, so your legs no longer touch. (Proceed to #39)

Leave your leg there and pretend you don't notice. (Proceed to #39, Path to CG#8 , unlocks choice #41)

Put your hand on his thigh. (Romance Fails after a few other choices)

Of course. I'm here to help Brad succeed. (Proceed to #40, necessary for a successful romance )

Actually, I was hoping this... (Romance Fails)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #44, if you picked the second option at #38 proceed to #41)

Get some studying done. (Proceed to #36, if you picked the second option at #38 proceed to #41)

Invite Ian and Penny to... (Proceed to #36 , if you picked the second option at #38 proceed to #41)

Jack off before your tutoring session. (Proceed to #42)

Distract yourself with other thoughts. (Proceed to #42)

Focus on toilet issues. (Proceed to #42)

I'm thinking deep thoughts! (Proceed to #43)

I'm taking a dump! (Proceed to #44)

I'm jacking off and taking a dump! (Proceed to #44, Unlocks CG#8 )

Ian, I'd like to shit in peace, okay? (Proceed to #39)

I'm thinking about opening a chain of 98 cent stores. (Proceed to #39)

Your ideas are all over the place. You should put your strongest points... (Proceed to #45, necessary for a successful romance )

Your ideas are all over the place. You need to put your strongest points... (Proceed to #45)

Well, the most important thing... (Proceed to #45)

Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #46)

Get some studying done. (Proceed to #46)

Since you promised the old lady... (Proceed to #46)

Sorry man. I'm on the clock. (Proceed to #47)

Well, I suppose one couldn't hurt. (Proceed to #47)

Double click the photo for a quick look. (Proceed to #48, Unlocks CG#2 )

Let's not be a creeperino. (Proceed to #48)

You know, I'm cool with you jerking off here... (Proceed to #51, Unlocks CG#3 )

Jerk off as quickly as possible. (Proceed to #50)

Save Brad from an ignominious fate. (Proceed to #51)

You need to relax. (Proceed to #52, recommended )

Yeah well, we decided to take a porn break, you know? (Romance Fails)

Yes we did, Beau. I apologize. (Proceed to #52)

He's an adult, Beau. (Proceed to #53, recommended )

I guess you feel responsible... (Proceed to #53)

Did they have chicken fried bacon? (Proceed to #53)

A break, huh? (Proceed to #54, recommended )

We haven't finished going over the reading though! (Proceed to #54)

C-can I pick the porn this time? (Proceed to #54)

Eat a cupcake while you wait. (Romance Fails)

Go see him in person. (Proceed to #56)

I'll voice my displeasure and quickly walk away.
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