Blog nTu21 | Channel


  • Version Bumped to v5.5
  • Updated to r25
  • January Security Patch
  • Added MIUI like Volume Panel
  • Changed the dashboard icons for main Settings Dashboard
  • Added Status bar QS Header with lots of choices
  • Added Custom Ambient Display
  • Added option to enable AOD on charging only
  • Added OxygenOS styled dismiss all button with toggle
  • Added vibration to Long press QS settings for Colt-Enigma
  • Added User Selectable VoLTE Icon
  • Allow to disable Lockscreen Media Art
  • Configure lock screen media artwork blur level
  • Added keyguard battery bar in aod on charging
  • Added LockScreen visualizer feature
  • Added Lockscreen Clock/Date Widget Fonts Size etc
  • Added more system fonts
  • Switch to oxygenos drawables for navbar icons
  • Adjusted here and there backgrounds with system dark theme
  • Power menu icons color: use theme accent
  • Hide lock icon while dozing
  • Updated power menu icons
  • Added vibration tick when opening notification panel
  • Allow hiding the lock icon on lockscreen
  • Added RGB Accenter (Choose system accent as per user choice)
  • Added lockscreen clock/date styles
  • Suggestion cards: align them to searchbar (no more center alignment)
  • Added option to hide notch (for handsets having notch)
  • Rewamped Ambient light with some beautification in the overall options of Ambient light
  • Revamped QS tiles accents color styled
  • Added avatar to searchbar 
  • Visual improvements in Lockscreen shortcuts
  • And lots and lots of improvements in sources
  • Many more

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