



Linking the physical and virtual world

Greetings to all cryptocurrency lovers. This time I will provide information about the project that you are very interested in learning in a new cryptocurrency called Colletrix. Before turning to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts to encourage implementation to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

Colletrix will study the development of the NFT and new technologies that will verify the authenticity of goods, provide proof of ownership and authentication using blockchain technology, which makes the fake completely impotent.

Through the Colletrix platform, we aim to create new markets with the integration of tokenization from IP. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. As a result, we will expand the opportunity for all IP owners and makers worldwide to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for merchandisers, we will offer them a new market for their physical goods through blockchain use, maximizing the attractiveness and benefits of their products. The inclusion of the NFT will stimulate the interest of collectors, giving them easy access to the cryptocurrency market and opening new business opportunities, such as creating a franchise.

Leveraging the appeal of crypto collections, the Project will be the first to integrate new economies with the old economy, creating a completely new business model. The creation of the Colletrix platform (“Platform”) will introduce the industry’s first platform where original IP owners can provide new lifetime licenses through tokenization. We apply NFT technology to build new business models that will benefit IP Owners and consumers. By doing that, we began the first step to develop and enhance the blockchain community ecosystem. This platform will be a new milestone for the merchandise and IP market.

Introduction Colletrix, a blockchain project will bring several elements from IP, blockchain, and merchandise to create a new market supported by the world’s leading smart contract system, Ethereum. Through the Platform, we predict the interest of collectors; we maximize the benefits of the franchisee; we enjoy the benefits of IP owners.

Colletrix Ecosystem:

This platform is a new business model consisting of mutually beneficial relationships between several parties: IP owners, Merchandisers, Collectors, Crypto fans, and you.

For IP Owners  : This project aims to provide access to owners of genuine IP opportunities to provide lifetime licenses through NFT adoption. The unique design of IP owners will be included in their unique NFT, and inevitably leads to the creation of a secondary IP-NFT market (“NFT Marketplace”). IP owners will be rewarded.


When intellectual property is sold in a free market, the original creator usually loses both legally and economically. Buyers and collectors must always verify the authenticity and history of the goods or intellectual property they buy before making a purchase. Unfortunately, the practice of law knows many negative examples when buyers fail to get complete information about the rights obtained. Following are the main problems faced by participants in the market for trade in intellectual property and property rights:

1 Lack of an effective verification method. Traditional methods do not provide a complete guarantee of authenticity, therefore, many market participants pay attention to new digital technologies and try to develop a system of verification of their own rights.

2 Reducing the value of intellectual property rights and reducing the income of the owner. Modern business models cause gradual decline in value and a decrease in income. The legal object is depreciated due to forgery and other serious vulnerabilities.

3 Counterfeit and counterfeit goods. Luxury items or limited editions are often marketed with high collection value. Nonetheless, many dishonest intermediaries negatively affect their value, because the costs fall quickly.


Colletrix allows intellectual property writers and collectors to turn their properties into digital assets, which enables them to improve their rights to have distributed distribution in blockchain, the reliability that everyone knows. In this way, ownership is protected safely and the owner can always prove ownership. Buyers can check information about assets obtained on the open public registry blockchain and get all the information and history about items purchased. It should be noted all categories of users who can use the Colletrix ecosystem and receive benefits and advantages:

1 For intellectual property owners. They receive a prize in the form of a fixed percentage of the price of the NFT trade made by the owner. Trading prices are generated as a result of trading on the NFT special stock exchange

2 for sellers. They can sell their unique assets through licensed ownership, registered in the NFT token. Each NFT token can be used several times and cannot be copied or faked.

3 For collectors. Because NFT tokens and physical goods will be limited in number, limited supply will cause high competitive demand in the market.

4 For CIPX token owners. Owners of these virtual currencies can freely participate in the intellectual property market economy. The more users involved in the ecosystem, the more items and NFT tokens will be generated through the platform, attracting all new users.

Colletrix developers have begun to take advantage of current technological advancements. The Blockchain-registry is a reliable solution for recording all operations on the platform. He also protects the content rights of intellectual writers, owners of rare items and collectibles and unique luxury items. Every user is always free to check the information needed in an open and transparent network.

Adoption of Colletrix Token

CIPX will be applied in various situations, including:

Buy special Crypto-exclusive items

CIPX can be used to buy NFT on the NFT Marketplace and special products in the Marketplace produced by Undone and Colletrix. Colletrix will work with UNDONE to release a series of special crypto-exclusive products that can only be purchased for CIPX in the commodity market. Customers will be able to see a complete catalog of crypto exclusive products in this market. To buy this product, the customer must accept an important wallet to trade and do CIPX. After that, they can start trading for CIPX and buy exclusive crypto products in the Marketplace at a registered CIPX price.

Then, when a user wants to make another physical reduction product in the future, using the NFT IP design *, he needs to release CIPX for the right to produce goods on the platform.

IEO Rank:

Initial exchange offers for CIPX will be held at various stock exchanges around the world.


May 2019

  1. Initial exchange offer
  2. June 2019 recruitment team Beta launch platform and merchandise (UNDONE watches related to NFT, IP toensiization) 
  3. Q3 2019
  4. Development of the First IP x NFT Marketplace Merchandise
  5. More UNDONE merchandise plus the NFT 
  6. Q4 2019 collection – Q1 
  7. 2020
  8. Gamification element to provide incentives for the NFT collection
  9. Open the platform to create pure IP (separating merchandise 
  10. from creating IPs, leading to more IPs created and pegged) 
  11. Q2 2020
  12. Apply IP merchandising to other products – users must 
  13. spend CIPX to create NFT with their merchandise


Based on data and facts, Colletrix is ​​very good for review and investment. This is based on the current reality, many projects that are not good, and forces everyone who asks a lot of questions about their beliefs and truths, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article I do so you can learn more about this Colletrix project from them. Here is a review that I present to you in search of information and knowledge about the Colletrix project 

that is currently managed by their team, if there is no explanation for this article, don’t worry, I have 

set a link so you get accuracy information. information and, of course, you can

talk directly with the founder or their team, with reference.For more information and to join the Colletrix social network today, follow this link:


White paper:


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