College Rules Girls

College Rules Girls


College Rules Girls

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The 10 Unspoken Rules Of College Girls

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The summer before your freshman year of college is a strange one. You may be nervous to leave home or excited for all the new things that await. However, despite what you’re feeling, you also have no idea what to expect! Should you rush? Is your roommate going to be weird? Will you meet your husband/wife? Will you graduate? All of these are common thoughts among us girls. Unfortunately, no one can answer them or even prepare us for what college is in fact going to bring. But alas! There are unspoken rules that every college girl lives by that may just help us figure out the answers.
Honestly, who wants to dress up for an 8:30am class? Especially when you know that as soon as it’s over, you’re going back to bed. Also finals. The less time you spend getting ready, the more time you can spend studying or sleeping...or crying.
Wine Wednesday is a thing and if you survive it AND make it to your 9 am the next morning, you are one serious stud.
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Laundry is a hassle and it interrupts our watching of "Friends" on Netflix for the 5 th time. Also, thank God for alternating class days.
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It may be 30 degrees but by god you’re going to wear that new crop top.
Girls tell their best friends everything. Whether it’s that Jack cheated on Brittany or that you have explosive diarrhea, be careful what you tell people, cause their best friend will also know. Plus, you might as well let your boyfriend know that your bff will hear about everything.
You cannot show up alone, it’s awkward and no one trusts a girl with no friends. If your group isn’t going, you will find someone. It doesn’t matter if it’s your suite-mate, your lab partner or your mom. You are determined.
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Who else are you going to complain about your awful TA to? Or silently sit with while you’re both on your phones? Who else is going to tell you that Jeff sucks and isn’t worth it?
College is the time to explore your newfound freedom, but that freedom comes with a few rules.
S ong lyric that can relate to anything going on in your day
I don't know if it's the fact but summer has officially set in or just the fact that her albums are timeless and always relevant, but lately I've found myself listening to more Taylor Swift than usual. With this has come the realization that there is literally a Taylor Swift song lyric that can relate to anything going on in your day. Sure, we all know she's the one to turn to when you've experienced a devastating breakup or are starting an exciting new flame, but I've also discovered that the wise words of this seven-time Grammy winner extend far beyond just boys and relationship.
We all come home as summer rolls around. Come back with new plans and ideas to make it the best summer we have ever had. Once we arrive we begin to see that things have changed. Places, people, routines, and us. We have changed in so many ways, we had new experiences through our school year, learning to live and love the college lifestyle while trying to hold on to what we have left back in our hometowns.
I'm scrolling through my Instagram timeline and all I see is people giving their two cents on the Tristan Thompson/Jordyn Woods scandal. You know, the one where Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian with Jordyn Woods. There are memes, people against Jordyn, people against Tristan, and people against the Kardashian family. I sit and wonder what I think about the situation. Then it hits me.
Those songs you need when it's time to say goodbye.
In honor of school coming right around the corner, you might be needing to say quite a few goodbyes to your summer friends. At least, I know I have to. Sometimes, you want to listen to sad music when you're feeling a little nostalgic. This playlist I believe suits that feeling perfectly. I hope you will enjoy these songs as much as me!

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College is a time of personal growth, exploration, and doing crazy shit like running through the streets in your underwear— which is exactly what thousands of UCLA students did on Wednesday night.
UCLA’s traditional “Undie Run” is a time for students to undress and de-stress during finals week, and run around campus in nothing but their skivvies. It’s technically been banned since 2009 , but silly rules and restrictions won’t stop college students from taking their clothes off.
On Wednesday, thousands of stripped down student— including Snoop Dogg’s son, Cordell Broadus—stripped down and took to the streets to bless the world with their sexy collegiate nakedness.
According to TMZ , all was going smooth as butter, until things got a little too crazy around 1 a.m., and dozens of cops reported for duty to break up the “unruly” crowd.
Apparently, there were over 8,000 people in attendance, some of whom were not even students, rather random people who probably just wanted to watch the bodacious body parts of near-naked college chicks in the flesh.
Police say there were even drunk college students participating in the Undie Run. Unbelievable.
Ah, college kids. Whatcha gonna do?

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