Collaborative Dialogue In Minecraft

Collaborative Dialogue In Minecraft

Collaborative Dialogue in Minecraft Anjali Narayan-Chen author Prashant Jayannavar author Julia Hockenmaier author 2019-jul text Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Association for Computational Linguistics Florence, Italy conference publication We wish to develop interactive agents that can communicate with humans to collaboratively solve tasks in grounded scenarios. Since computer games allow us to simulate such tasks without the need for physical robots, we define a Minecraft-based collaborative building task in which one player (A, the Architect) is shown a target structure and needs to instruct the other player (B, the Builder) to build this structure. Both players interact via a chat interface. A can observe B but cannot place blocks. We present the Minecraft Dialogue Corpus, a collection of 509 conversations and game logs. As Minecraft java towards our goal of developing fully interactive agents for this task, we consider the subtask of Architect utterance generation, and show how challenging it is.

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