Coliseum Of Lust

Coliseum Of Lust


Coliseum Of Lust
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The Lust Wars: Colosseum (NSFW) may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
A fascinating world with different nations, regions, and races. Explore the different ambitions and political problems in this story of conquest, ambition, betrayal, and lots of sex. Undress your enemies and make them beg for more!
Matilda, our main character, wants to be the best Luster (Sex Warrior) of the Colosseum, in order to prove to the people of her hometown that she is worthy. 
This game is focused mainly in F+F (yuri) with optional F+M
You can help me make this game a lot better with your support on Patreon
Game is playable from start to finish, there are illustrations and cut scenes that in the future will be full animations, also I want to add bonus chapters with your help at patreon.
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does the game end in the white room ? 
No, just go to different borders of the screen and keep navigating
I'm not sure if you check much, but I saw your latest Patreon post and uh, just wanted to comment on it.
Sounds like you've been doing a lot of thinking! I can understand that battle balance is kind of tricky in general, but I feel it is moreso in a Battlefuck format for sure. Curious to see what your latest rework of it will feel like.
I can think of some translated BF games that might be nice for looking at, but none of them would be F+F... except maybe one I can think of, but I forget the name right now, hrm.
Thank you krisslanza, yeah! I really want to make it challenging and fun. To be honest I'm not familiar with battlefuck games even tho I'm making one haha, I should look what other developers are doing as well.
I don't think it could hurt at the very least! There's a few good ones that have gotten English translations. I don't remember the name of it, but the dev who makes LustGrimm has one that is a female protagonist against succubi. Lilith in Nightmare has a female protagonist, but she becomes futa for the story, along with most of the games by that dev. But it is a rare one that has both a male and female protagonist. Succubus Academia is by SQDT, which (far as I know) started the whole BF-succubi thing with Succubus Quest 1. Certainly a ton of fun, but also one that is only male protagonist. It has an April Fool's game of Incubus Academia, but I think that's a BL April Fool's game.
Okay, this game is amazing. you really nailed the feeling of wanting to f*****g kill that goddes. just finished the alpha and i need to say i am so enraged and angry (which is actually a good thing scince i cant wait for the full release to see what happns next) but i got some critique points as well. some of the features feel really frustrating, especially that seemingly random finisher. you just used a book and want to use the buffs on you and suddenly a finisher which wakes up the enemy. maybe you could make it so the finisher only activates on attacks and not on supports, which would be amazing. and while we are at buffs and debuffs for that matter. i feel like they are somewhat short. its nice to be able to double up on your buffs but them lasting for only one round after gives a feeling on unnessissarity. "why should i use a book and thwo turns of buffs just for one attack/defense". maybe adding another round or making them dissappear gradually(lvl 2 buff is 1 round and you go back to a lvl 1 buff afterwards for another round) would fix this "issue". and one last issue, the sound. there are some people (like me) who usually regulate thier sound to the minimum and let the rest be handled by physical or windows settings. so naturally i lowered the sound to 20 and let the rest be handled by those. but the first level up killed my eardrums... it would be nice if the in game sound options would effect the level up sequence as well :D
but as i said, amazing work especially on the story which does great work giving emotions.
I'm really glad you played and enjoyed the alpha! also about the feedback, you are totally right, one of the most frustrating things is the combat, which is why I have been reworking the entire combat system over the last few months.
Items, buffs, and debuffs were commonly not used because it was a 1v1 fight. My first attempt was to increase the number of turns each buff/ailment took, but players were still struggling or not using it at all, and as a result, players who were using items discovered the items were too OP and broke the game haha. So I made a "Ally" system, with which you will have the support of a luster in battle, and you can choose which type of ally you want to fight with. As a result, Matilda can fight while the ally provides support.
There are allies who specialize in healing, buffs, debuffs, extra damage, and other abilities. You can also choose and change your ally.
One more thing I'm adding is underwear, which is equipment that Matilda can use. Each piece of equipment will benefit her in a different way, such as damage, defense, extra benefits for each element, and so on. This is why I'm taking my time with the next update because I'm adding two hours of extra content and need to rework the battle system, but I'm really excited about how it's turning out.
btw I'll look to regulate the video sound, thanks for that, I wasn't aware of this.
Once again, thank you so much for playing and for your feedback, I hope you can play the next version when it comes out :D
I sincerely hope you can add Chinese translation for your Yuri games. Many Yuri game lovers in China can't play your games because of language problems. You should know that the number of Yuri games on the Internet is relatively small. If you can add Chinese translation for your Yuri games, even machine translation, Before, the sales volume of other Yuri games increased significantly after adding Chinese translation. I believe that your game sales will also increase significantly after adding Chinese. I look forward to more excellent Yuri games in the future. I hope you can adopt my suggestions. Thank you
Hi ppdog, Interesting... I will keep it in mind when the official release comes out. Thanks! I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you very much for your reply and look forward to the release of your official version of the game and the update of your Chinese translation in the future
Is your Patreon still up? I would like to support y'all.
I'm working in a huge update and showing art and animation on what is coming.
Came for the sex, stayed for the plot. 10/10 i really want to see this project finished in the future!
Bro, aunque inconvenientemente te escribo en español quiero decirte lo siguiente: Me encantó la historia que planteaste, los Plot Twist que tienes en el juego (Cuando la Diosa se vuelve en contra de los propósitos de la protagonista, el suicidio fallido, la búsqueda de la justicia del personaje cuando se niega a ser princesa y su búsqueda de un propósito) son geniales, me quedé impresionado cuando los vi. En un principio me pareció que la historia era un tanto común pero con todo lo que mencioné anteriormente me sorprendiste muchísimo, ojalá puedas seguir adelante con este trabajo y hacer muchos más (si es que así lo deseas), definitivamente estás infravalorado y mereces más, saludos. :3
Muchas gracias por tus palabras Acrobat!! me hicieron el dia. Gracias por jugar el juego hasta el final. Mi plan es hacer este juego de la mejor calidad posible. Actualmente trabajo en una parte que va a expandir muchos mas detalles del pasado de Matilda, lastimosamente como recibo muy poco por el juego me toca en mis tiempos libres, Sin embargo seguire trabajando hasta lograr la vision que quiero con el juego. Una vez mas gracias, me das muchos animos para seguir trabajando en el juego :D
Are you suposed to be able to explore the mad after you beat the game? all i get is a black screen with only the in game menu popping up.
Hi Sink, no. I'm working on post game content as well. The idea is to be able to get new challenges after you finish the story, but I'm working on it :) 
I really enjoyed playing, a while back I'm not even sure what update it was I played and got softlocked at the last fight in the trial thing(I don't want to spoil the name of the person you fight) due to lack of healing items poor usage of gold prior. In the most recent update, however, I beat the game but after the credits my screen turned black, I could open my menu and move around but I couldn't see anything (I knew I could move because I was able to wander to a new area and a subtitle came up in the top left or right) I would be fine with leaving the game here until next update but there's still a couple things I'm missing in the gallery and would like to 100% it before I leave the game til next update
PS: I beat the game without any items that effected my rivals (books/dildos so on..)
Gotta say I was pleasantly surprised to see an update to the game, and although I don't remember the version I originally played, there are A LOT of great changes and additions to it! Great Job! 
Note: I have only just gotten to the part of getting to the main hall after the black clocked people take over the coliseum.
There are a few things I would like to bring to your attention though. 
Not to be too much of a broken record, but yes, Hope is crazy broken by healing 500 whenever she wants, and it is quite often, even at full health. I was only able to beat her by getting lucky with a few good hits, then using a Boring Book and stacking up Lucky and Arouse twice, using Lube, and hitting her twice and rinse and repeat. She is also most definitely not the last enemy to use healing skills either, as the fighter on the right side of The Trial map can heal and so can others (names I forgot). 
For the Rank A battle against Bandage Arms (I'm real bad at remembering names), you start out with 0 libido but there is an issue where some of your teammate have no foreplay skills, no viable lust attacks, and no usable persuasion skills at the start, forcing them to use an item since there is no skip (or at least not that I saw). With items being insanely valuable, this is a real issue for this battle.
For the Trial, when you can choose the right or left stairs after unlocking the goddess statue, the right room has nothing happen. I can talk to the women, but that's it, and I can't escape, forcing me to reload to my previous save.
The Squirt skill causes blindness, but I have no idea what exactly that does nor how long it lasts. Is it one turn, 3, forever? Adding a more clear description to the skill effects and how long it lasts would be really beneficial to players (same goes for Feeling Lucky, Defense, etc).
I have found out that Matilda has the extraordinary ability to not only miss her buffs to herself (defense, lucky) but also manage to avoid them? Defense seems to really be guilty of this when I'm in the heat of battle and need more defense but Matilda decides to dodge it. 
All over though, great job on your work so far and keep it up! It really was pleasant to see the improvements to not only the maps and characters, but see more of a story develop from this and see the concept for foreplay animations (hopefully they all become like Romance animation) and the rough cutscene with the female fan.
Final Words: Boring Book OP AF and once again, keep up the good work!
Thank you Shirabi for the huge post! I have addressed all these issues in the new version (as well as a save file) the only thing I'm still working is the visibility when some of the stats are applied (blind, defence, etc) since the engine is a bit lacking I'm making some visual help to make those stats clear. I have added a dev blog explaining all changes
Yeah, in the other post about the fight against Hope I was playing a version that was fixed but I haven't had uploaded, (dumb of me haha sorry)
Book is no longer OP AF (well, it is still a bit op haha) the idea is to be replaced in the future for some strategies that invite risk/reward
I'm really glad you played the previous version and saw the difference, it took me a while, but it was worth it. from now on the only way to go is up!
maybe i'm missing something, but isn't it a little broken when some enemies can spam heals for 500hp while you do only a little more than 100 damage, and perhaps 200-300 with limits or items? feels like it requires a ton of rng to win against those enemies (hope, in my case)
Hope has 800 hp total, and she will only attempt to heal when her hp is lower than 5% the idea is to make a good attack or attack item, before that happens. 
Just fyi she is the last enemy to use healing skills
When I tested her, her healing was about 250- 300 at most... I will check her stats (probably luck and hit is a bit wild) 500 is a bit too much, I will keep that in mind for the next update. Thank you! 
gentle touch heals her for exactly 500 every time and i had it happen that she used it twice in a row at the start of the match
Hey about your Colosseum game gouda it looks great, but one doubt have you thought of the fight to have the girls sex fight naked without clothing and can I contact you through discord?
Thank you Maverih! Well the idea is always to play with the strip of clothes gameplay, I have thought of enemies that start naked and transition to different poses. 
Well,just give it a try. Make a new version by having the girls naked at the start of the battle and do different poses and also can I have a walkthrough I need to give it 100% completion that is finding cards and unlock pictures.

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