Coldargan Uses

Coldargan Uses

Coldargan Uses

Coldargan Uses

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Ephedrine Coldargan is a central nervous system stimulant, prescribed for breathing problems as a bronchodilator and for nasal congestion. It is also used for lowering blood pres Ephedrine Coldargan indications Ephedrine Coldargan is a central nervous system stimulant, prescribed for breathing problems as a bronchodilator and for nasal congestion. It is also used for lowering blood pressure. The medication reduces swelling of blood vessels in the nasal passage and widens the air way thereby enhances easy breathing. Ephedrine Coldargan contraindication Contraindicated in people with adrenal gland tumor, abnormal fast heart rate, hypersensitivity and during breastfeeding. Ephedrine Coldargan dosage Adult: Ephedrine Coldargan usage It comes as a solution for injection to be administered by a healthcare provider, with or without food. Ephedrine Coldargan precautions Caution should be exercised in patients with history of heart disease, overactive thyroid, diabetes, high blood pressure, increased eye pressure, kidney impairment, prostate enlargement, elderly, during pregnancy. It may cause dizziness, drowsiness, do not drive a car or operate machinery while taking Ephedrine Coldargan. If condition worsens, consult with your healthcare provider. Ephedrine Coldargan side effects Most Common - Nervousness, sleeplessness, fainting, headache, fast heart rate, palpitations and sweating. Gastrointestinal - Nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Miscellaneous - Muscle spasm, difficulty and painful urination. Ephedrine Coldargan warning Avoid excess dosage. In some cases, it always advisable to stop the intake of some medicines gradually because of the rebound effect of the medicine. There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one! Shikha Narang, MD Pharmacology. Did you experience any side effects after consuming the medication? It is very important to know about what medicine is given by the doctor, for what condition, and when it needs to be taken in what dose. This information given by the doctor is called Prescription. The patients should be familiar with the medicine prescription, and the details about the medicine before purchasing it and using it. Some medications need not be prescribed by healthcare practitioners and can be purchased and used without prescription by the patients; these are called over-the-counter medications. Read the drug prescription information of Coldargan before taking it. Coldargan consists of Ephedrine , Silver. Generic drug is the basic drug with an active substance in it, and the name of the generic drug is same as active substance most of the times. All these Brand names contain the same Paracetemol, but the medications are manufactured by different companies, so the different brand names. Generic drug is always cheaper and affordable, and it can be replaced in place of brand name drug prescribed by the healthcare practitioner. The Generic medicine has same properties as branded medicine in terms of uses, indications, doses, side effects, so no need to worry on that. Just select the most affordable generic or branded medicine. One patient reported useful How active was the Coldargan in relieving patients of the disease or symptoms? Based on the survey reports from users of wDrugs. However, the effectiveness of the medicine is influenced by many factors like the perception of the symptom, the severity of the conditions, and some other factors; the brand name could also be a factor to an extent. In the event the medicine does not produce the same effective result in your case, ensure you consult your medical expert to reexamine you on your disease or symptoms and prescribe, after that, alternative medications.

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