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Medicines and generics searching. Query must consist minimum of 3 characters:. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. LV is not responsible for any damage to your health as the result of self treatment. Maximum allowed state defined price from ZVA webpage Euro: COLDARGAN contains a vasoconstrictive substance which relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and inhibits secretion whilst another of the contained substances exerts a disinfecting and antiseptic action. For the treatment of acute and chronic mucositis, inflammation of the mucosa caused by bacteria, nasal catarrh brought on by bacteria, purulent cold and the consequences thereof, acute and chronic pharyngeal catarrh, acute and chronic purulent sinusitis, acute and chronic inflammation of the tonsils, the nasal sinus and the larynx region nasosinusitis, stomatitis, epipharyngitis, laryngitis for laryngeal instillation either alone or mixed with olive oil. Disinfecting of the mucous membrane, in the case of gingivitises. In dilute solutions, e. Unreasonable use of drugs is harmful to your health! Please consult with your doctor or pharmacist. Carefully read medicine application instructions! Query must consist minimum of 3 characters: Queues for medical examinations. Lists of compensated medicines. Please enable JavaScript to contact.

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