Cold War Season 3 Boosting - D3Hell Content Update

Cold War Season 3 Boosting - D3Hell Content Update


It’s evident that boosting services are taking the spotlight when it comes to Cold War progression. Activision, as one of the most prevalent companies nowadays, has been implementing a wide range of improvements and updates, focusing on refining the overall experience of their players, content creators and streamers. We were extremely curious and wanted to know more about these types of services, and luckily for us, the guys from d3hell were humble enough to provide adequate answers for the matter. The overall boosting services in Cold War consist of camo boosting, as the more popular service, weapon leveling, prestige leveling as well as medals and achievements completion. We wanted to address these types of services, and ask d3hell about their journey throughout the years.

d3hell cold war boosting

How is Cold War boosting helping people?  

Inherently, boosting isn’t creating an unfair advantage or a toxic environment that compromises the experience of players worldwide. It simply exists for one reason, helping players through either difficult or time-consuming content. D3hell stated that some of their customers often complain that their time is limited and that they simply cannot keep up with the constant updates the game tends to provide. Others just simply want enjoy the game without the baggage of being stuck in an every day grinding loop . Some players enjoy playing Cold War with their friends and family, but often lack the time to adhere to a certain progression system or a daily routine. Fundamentally, these types of systematic approaches that games tend to implement create a fear of missing out to many players that cannot commit a certain number of hours each day. Boosting services can possible elevate the stressful aspects of games, by providing help in forms of coaching as well as help with difficult content, potentially making games more approachable to everyone. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, these types of services are not some kind of a new trend within the gaming community. Professional players are the pioneers when it comes to offering services in games, and they have been doing this for a number of years, as well as professional streamers and content creators. 

What are some of the most requested Cold War services?

Camos boosting – As the number one requested service, camos have been an integral part of every boosting website. These beautifully designed weapon cosmetics are a token of dedication towards a certain weapon type, since they require a fair amount of time to complete. D3hell said that it takes around 3 days for an average player to complete a golden camo, which is not an easy task by any means. Since their boosters implement a professional approach, acquired throughout dozens of completed requests, they have found a way that is most efficient and less time consuming. The team stated that their boosters are capable of completing a golden camo within a day, a diamond camo within 3 days, and the fabled dark matter camo within 14 days. Their transparency about offering a full refund is eye-catching, which states that every customer is eligible for a full refund if the boosters fail to stand up to the task within the respective time frame.   

Weapon leveling

Cold War has not been that easy on people with divergent tastes that prefer to own a set of high level weapons, since it takes quite a lot of time and effort to level up a single gun. Roughly speaking, it takes around 5-8 hours to level up a primary weapon to max level and around 6 hours to max out a secondary weapon. Seemingly, the growing interest for this service lies within the fact that players prefer to focus on their favorite weapons but prefer to have other weapons leveled up as well. 

Prestige leveling

The prestige system is undoubtedly the ‘’flex’’ progression in Cold War, since you can boast to other players about your immense dedication to the game. This progression is so alluring as it offers a wide range of rewards such as weapons, unique perks and wildcards, field upgrades and cosmetics, an authentic set of rewards that is different with each new season. The system is nothing complicated; on every 50 levels you receive an unique seasonal reward and the infamous Prestige Master on level 200. The guys at D3hell decided to assemble a team that will solely focus on the most effective way on reaching Prestige Master, and stated that their boosters can reach level 200 in around 7 days which is insanely fast. Treyarch also said that even after level 200, players will be able to obtain new rewards on every 50 levels, up to level 1000. If you wish to reach Prestige Master in each of the upcoming seasons, but you lack the time or you simply need assistance, these guys will always have your back.

How can I trust these types of services?

Boosting in Cold War isn’t different from any other form of online service, it simply exists with a sole purpose to provide help and improve the overall in-game knowledge of players worldwide. However, players should be wary and do a meticulous research before contacting a website for help, especially focusing on the rating and the reviews. For instance, D3hell use Trust Pilot as their primary platform for reviews and rating, staying strong at 4.9 as one of the top shops that offer boosting services in games. With an experience that dates 7 years back, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that their team is highly competent in the services they provide. You can also Google them if you want to find more information about any of the games they offer, as well as discounts and discount codes. If you are one of those players that simply want to have control over your in game daily activities with a limited time to spare or simply someone that needs help throughout difficult content, don’t hesitate to contact D3hell and ask for an advice. We are certain that they are delighted to help and provide the best service possible. Tell us more about your experience with them, as we are extremely interested in how boosting services operate and the gaming world in general.

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