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Wenn ich meinem Handy vertrauen darf, dann bin ich heute zusammen mit Maria 16km und fast Na, wenn das mal kein Erfolg ist. Читать далее. Dann habe ich mich relativ schnell mal unter die Locals gemischt. Drei Tage relaxen sind um und es geht weiter zum letzten Strandort auf meiner Liste. Deutlich touristischer, aber ein wenig mehr Trubel ist vielleicht gar nicht so verkehrt. Ein einheimischer Jugendlicher kommt vorbei und stellt mir wirre Fragen bis zum Eintreffen des Dala Dala. Aber egal. Da habe ich wohl bissel geschlafen. Wie das? Und wieder umziehen. Ich bin zerflossen Ich bin ja nicht so, vorallem wenn Mietz nur aus Fell und Knochen besteht. Oh ja. Meine letzten 4 Tage sind angebrochen, sagt mir zumindest mein Kalender. Aktuell klappt das auch ganz gut. Maria ist heute nach Jambiani weitergereist und ich habe heute nur den Strand genossen. Ich musste zwar dummerweise das Zimmer wechseln, aber es gibt schlimmeres. Oh ja, das mache ich! I got up for another early start after a very hot night was made more bearable by the air conditioning in our room. Once at the centre we put on our wetsuits, chose our flippers and walked across the beach of pure white sands and waded into aquamarine waters to climb into a large dinghy with two outboard motors. Three older Italian women and a Swedish couple were joining myself and Lauren on our dive. One of the diving guides pulled our boat a long way out into deeper water, as the tide was out, until the water was deep enough for the outboard motors. Then the driver of the boat tore off at speed across the water. The boat bounced up and down through the waves and I hunkered down in the boat as I was worried I would get flipped off the side. We hurtled across the water for about 25 minutes passing a classic small desert island with palm trees, and stopped at a big coral reef on the other side. It was time for my first ever scuba dive and I was looking forward to it, but also had the slight apprehension of going into the unknown. We put on our diving equipment which we had helpfully practiced with the day before, and were then asked by the guide to flip backwards off the boat into the water which was a definite leap of faith! Lauren went first and then I leaned back to land in the water and roll back up to the boat. Then the guide led us to the reef where we let some air out to slowly descend into a wonderland of multi-coloured fish all around us. We began to work our way along the reef seeing many fish through the clear blue water. The guide pointed out a black and white sea snake passing lithely through the coral. Lauren began to have some difficulties with water getting into her mask and we needed to surface to help sort out the issue. We then returned down to the coral and were able to reach about 10 metres under water before we rose back to stabilise at about 8 metres. We then gently worked our way along the reef and I saw a small ray fish dart under some coral. There were fish all around us in all shapes and the brightest and most vivid blues, reds and yellows. There were long pencil thin fish floating vertically in the water and some larger shoals of fish. All to soon, it was time to end our underwater safari and return to the boat. We took off all our weights and equipment and hauled ourselves back into the boat. Both Lauren and I were very exhilarated by what we had seen and Lauren had used her Go Pro to get some wonderful video footage of our experiences. We both decided very quickly that we wanted to do a second dive. We had some samosas and fruit for lunch, drank some water and then put our diving equipment back on for a second dive into the wonderland of nature below us. We flipped back into the azure blue sea and were soon back down with the fish. This second time we were both more comfortable and relaxed after the confidence gained by the first dive and I was able to fully relax and really enjoy and take time to view all the fish surrounding us. On the second dive there were a lot more fish to see. A huge shoal of quite large silver-grey fish passed us on one side as a large shoal of small bright yellow fish passed us on the other side. I looked up and below to see that we were completely engulfed by hundreds of fish of all colours. This was a mesmerising and unforgettable moment. We continued on past so many fish, some coming so close that I could reach out to almost touch them. I took in as much as I could of the wondrous experience and Lauren was still filming it on her Go Pro so that we could relive the experience afterwards. At last, it was time, reluctantly, to return to the boat, but we were all excited by how many fish we had seen on the second dive. Even the guide said that there were a lot of fish on that dive. We climbed back onto the boat and raced back across the calmer waves so that I could balance better on the sides and enjoy the ride in the sunshine. The cruise was on an older wooden boat with a big sail. Climbing onto it was a challenge as we had to wade out into the water to get on it and all got our clothes wet. There was a small band of local men playing African songs on drums at the front of the boat which later became the focus of the partying. There were a lot of alcoholic spirits on board with no measures and all for free, which was going to ensure that everyone drinking was going to get very drunk. I started with a sensible amount of rum in coke, but then got my glass filled with rum by one of the sailors on the boat and therefore quickly descended into an alcoholic haze of dancing and partying, joined by everyone else who was doing the same. We all had a great time dancing, and copying the local men dancing to the African rhythms, as the boat cruised along the beautiful coast and the sun slowly set on the horizon. Some people started diving into the sea and having a go at playing the drums. We returned to the shore and found a local restaurant for a meal. On the way back, we saw someone swimming in a pool in their Christmas Santa bobble hat, and we then realized that this was Steph, one of our fellow travellers and partiers We continued to dance to Christmas songs at our hotel with Steph managing the playlist. We eventually all went to bed after a Christmas eve in Zanzibar to remember, and what would be a hangover on Christmas day to contend with. I woke up with the inevitable hangover after the excesses of the previous night. I had some toast in the hotel bar at the top of the beach and looked out, bleary eyed and squinting, into the dazzling sunlight reflecting off the white sands, and the ultramarine blue sea. After breakfast I went for a swim, but the tide was out and I had to walk through rocks to get to deeper water. I felt a couple of sharp stings around my ankles and realised that I was getting stung by sea urchin spines. I decided to turn back but in doing so I stood right on a sea urchin and felt an excruciating shooting pain in my foot and go up my leg. Luckily, I had water shoes on but a few urchin spines seemed to get through. I hobbled back to the shore and had to deal with twinging pain in my foot and ankle for the rest of the day. I then had a restful Christmas day - the incongruity of spending Christmas day on a beach in intense sunshine did not go away. I had some lunch in a nice beach front restaurant. After the tide came in, I had a nice long swim in the azure blue sea with only white sand underfoot and the sun blazing above in a clear blue sky. The beach and water were a bit too busy with people for me, but this is the nature of a beach resort. When I got back to my room, I started to get some very painful twinges from the embedded sea urchin stings. I felt nauseous and tired and decided not to go to the Christmas dinner that evening but rather stay in my room to rest and recuperate. It was disappointing not to be able to have Christmas dinner with my fellow travellers, but it felt like the right decision. Gestern hatten wir ja schon mal den Theorieteil erledigt, ein Video mit den wichtigsten Instruktionen geschaut und einen Test beantwortet, heute gings dann in die Praxis. Nur durch den Mund zu atmen ist ja erstmal ungewohnt, aber dann noch zu wissen, dass einen 12 Meter Wasser von der normalen Atmung trennen, ist schon etwas erschreckend. Aber irgendwann war auch das geschafft, Mike nahm uns bei der Hand, ein anderer machte Fotos und wir schwebten im Wasser dahin. Das Atmen nicht und durch den Druck kam auch kein Wasser mehr in die Brille. Der Druck machte mir und meinen Ohren auch generell nicht sehr viel aus. So eine wie wir gestern noch gestreichelt hatten! Eine tolle Erfahrung. Und schwups war der erste Tauchgang schon vorbei. Und ein Hennatatoo. Mir sind noch nie in meinem Leben so viele Drogen angeboten worden. Aber naja. Bei den Delfinen hatten wir uns doch bisschen verbrannt Noch ein Vorteil der Regenzeit - man kann immer in der ersten Reihe sitzen ; Читать далее. Finally it was time to leave Stone Town and head to the beach resort village of Nungwi. Due to the Swahili challenge I had grabbed my new friend Eddy my tour guide to help me negotiate for a taxi to transport me from Stone Town to Nungwi. I gave him the mandate and a price threshold of Tsh 50, and he delivered. Once again I had a wallet full of Tanzanian bank notes. The journey was smooth, no traffic, road out of stone town had pot holes and was bumpy, we passed a few police check points, policemen wear white and stand by the side of the roads, no barricades on the road like naija police. We had to stop at one point to wait for a big mango tree to be cleared from the road by the authorities before continuing. Trip to Nungwi took approximately 1hr 15mins. Flame Tree Cottages where I was staying had an exotic look African look and feel. I was assigned to my private bungalow with a veranda in front where breakfast is served each morning, a small sitting room with no TV but has a table, long chair and a fridge and opens up to a bed room with a big poster bed with mosquito nets draped around it. Bathroom had a mud wall finishing even though it was modern plastering made to look like a mud wall. In all it was a nice room. The resort is located just by the beach, I had lunch overlooking the beach and then strolled down before returning to the room. In the evening I invoked my good friend Google Maps and we went out looking for Nungwi Supermarket which surprisingly was just a 5 min walk from the cottage. I stocked up on water and some small bites, finally off t the beach strolling past several lodges and hotels. Beach was busy mainly with Muzungus Oyibos. A good 1st day at the resort. Зарегистрироваться сейчас. Nungwi - Tag 1 22 марта г. Карта Поделиться. Magdalena Mittermair Big Trip. Karibu Sansibar 20 февраля г. Von Matemwe nach Nungwi 21 марта г. Nungwi - Tag 3 24 марта г. ManuOnTour Oh ja. Nungwi - Tag 2 23 марта г. ManuOnTour Oh ja, das mache ich! Scott Burnett East and South Africa Scuba Diving at Mnemba Atoll 24 декабря г. Christmas day in Nungwi Zanzibar 25 декабря г. Raus aus der Komfortzone 11 мая г. Yulius Muri Nice.. Hakuna Matata 9 мая г. Off to the Beach Resort at Nungwi 8 февраля г. Вам может быть известно это место также под этими именами: Mkwajuni. Присоединяйтесь к нам: Зарегистрироваться сейчас.

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