Cojidas De Culo

Cojidas De Culo


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Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
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What does "bucio de culo", "sti cazzi" and “attaccate ar tram” mean in Italian?
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Originally Answered: What does "bucio degulo", "sti catsi" and “attracatte ar tram” mean in Italian?
Gosh, I would have never thought I would find this on Quora. I’m originally from the Rome area, so I know what you are talking about…
Gosh, I would have never thought I would find this on Quora. I’m originally from the Rome area, so I know what you are talking about…
What does the Italian "Grazie al cazzo" mean?
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Fabio’s answer was really good, I just want to add something.. ”bucio de c**o” could also mean “what a hard work”. In Italian you can say (in extremly vulgar ways) “mi sono fatto un bucio de ****” to say “I’m so tired after that”, or you can comment something with “Che bucio de cu” to say “fucking luck!” Or “fucking hard to do this”. ”Sticazzi” or “e sticazzi?” Means you don’t give a fuck.. and “attaccate ar tram” (attaccati al tram, tram means also dick/cock) means “fuck off”, you can use “attaccati al cazzo”, cazzo means dick. But if you want you can say “io mi attacco al cazzo“ (or “tram”,
Fabio’s answer was really good, I just want to add something.. ”bucio de c**o” could also mean “what a hard work”. In Italian you can say (in extremly vulgar ways) “mi sono fatto un bucio de ****” to say “I’m so tired after that”, or you can comment something with “Che bucio de cu” to say “fucking luck!” Or “fucking hard to do this”. ”Sticazzi” or “e sticazzi?” Means you don’t give a fuck.. and “attaccate ar tram” (attaccati al tram, tram means also dick/cock) means “fuck off”, you can use “attaccati al cazzo”, cazzo means dick. But if you want you can say “io mi attacco al cazzo“ (or “tram”, less vulgar) to say ”I can’t do anything about it”. Example: non ho passato l’esame, adesso mi attacco al cazzo”, “I didn’t pass the exam, now I can’t do anything fucking else”.
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Originally Answered: What does "bucio degulo", "sti catsi" and “attracatte ar tram” mean in Italian?
“Bucio di culo” means “asshole”, so it is an insult. But it can also be used in a friendly way, while kidding with a friend. This is used in Rome.
“Sti cazzi” is also highly dependent from the context. It can mean “I don’t give a…”. Or, if you say something that is considered impressive, “sti cazzi” become more like “wow”. It’s informal and vulgar. Literally it means “these dicks”.
“Attaccati al tram” is typical from Milano. If you asked some help or a favour, it’s an impolite (but not vulgar) way to deny. Literaly, the meaning is “grasp the tram”, so probably in origin it’s been used to refuse
“Bucio di culo” means “asshole”, so it is an insult. But it can also be used in a friendly way, while kidding with a friend. This is used in Rome.
“Sti cazzi” is also highly dependent from the context. It can mean “I don’t give a…”. Or, if you say something that is considered impressive, “sti cazzi” become more like “wow”. It’s informal and vulgar. Literally it means “these dicks”.
“Attaccati al tram” is typical from Milano. If you asked some help or a favour, it’s an impolite (but not vulgar) way to deny. Literaly, the meaning is “grasp the tram”, so probably in origin it’s been used to refuse to carry someone on a car (just an hypothesis).
What does "goomba" mean in Italian?
Which is correct: "mille grazie" or "grazie mille", as I’ve heard both?
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Originally Answered: What does "bucio de culo", "sti cazzi" and “attacatte ar tram” mean in Italian?
“Sti cazzi” might be used when something happens that you weren't expecting or when someone does something especially great.
“Hey, you know that she's got volleyball practice every day, she's a volunteer in a retirement home and still manage to get the perfect grades in high school?”
Or you can say “Sto cazzo” when someone asks you to do something that you don't want to do at all.
“Attaccate ar tram” is just like saying “Fuck off” or “Screw you” or you can used it when you do what you want to do and another person doesn't want you to, but you say “attaccate
“Sti cazzi” might be used when something happens that you weren't expecting or when someone does something especially great.
“Hey, you know that she's got volleyball practice every day, she's a volunteer in a retirement home and still manage to get the perfect grades in high school?”
Or you can say “Sto cazzo” when someone asks you to do something that you don't want to do at all.
“Attaccate ar tram” is just like saying “Fuck off” or “Screw you” or you can used it when you do what you want to do and another person doesn't want you to, but you say “attaccate ar tram” and in that case it means “I don't give a damn about your opinion” or something like that..
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I am italian. “Bucio de culo” is not polite, but very trivial (literally it means anus), but you can use it among friends, it is usually used as exclamation, it means “what unusual luck!”.
“sti cazzi!” is really rude. It means “I don't care” or “this is fucking nothing for me”
“Attaccate ar tram” means “there is no way for you”. It is not gentle, and a bit trivial.
Originally Answered: What does "bucio degulo", "sti catsi" and “attracatte ar tram” mean in Italian?
These 3 are incorrect Roman dialect way to say.
Bucio de culo - literrally “Ass (culo) hole” (bucio, dialect for buco), is used when you are lucky “ti ha mancato, che bucio de culo” - “he miss you, lucky you
Sti cazzi - “and who the fuck care” -
Attaccate ar tram(italian “attaccati al tram) - mean “you have been warned, i don’t care/i can’t help
Mom: te l’avevo detto di svegliarti prima, attaccati al tram ora
Originally Answered: What does "bucio degulo", "sti catsi" and “attracatte ar tram” mean in Italian?
The spoken Italian language is different region by region, because when we spoke with other persons who live in our same town or region we use the dialect.
Any town has its own, so there is Neapolitan, florentine, venetian, palermitan, etc.
“Bucio de culo”, “sti cazzi” and “attaccate ar tram” are slang expressions in roman dialect and means, respectively, “very, very lucky”, “wow” (but it’s an ironic wow, used when you don’t really care about what the other person is saying) and “fuck off” (but a kind and polite version, because the real “fuck off” in Italian is “vaffanculo”).
Bucio de culo - Literally “asshole”. Roman slang, used to mean “how lucky!”.
Sti cazzi - Literally “these dicks”. It has two meanings, depending on the area. In the North, it is used as “wow!”, to express awe at something you didn’t expect to be so [whatever]. In Rome and the South, it is used as “I don’t give a damn / I couldn’t care less”.
Attaccate ar tram - Literally “hold on to the tram”. Roman slang, used as “deal with it / there’s nothing that can make it easier for you”.
I’m Italian and that are slang expressions that upset people.
Anyway, the real expressions are (in Italian, not in any dialect of Lazio):
The first is similar to “asshole”. Is a very nasty person.
The second is similar to “what the hell” (but very unpolite)
The third is: “It is you problem, I’m not interested in.”
Buco del culo (vulgar) = ass hole, literally, could mean “very lucky event”
‘sti cazzi (Roman dialect, vulgar) = mean “i don't care”
Attaccati al tram (italian) = grab the tram, mean “make do”
Attaccate ar tram = like above but in Roman dialect
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Which is correct: "mille grazie" or "grazie mille", as I’ve heard both?
Why do Italians respond to 'grazie' with 'di niente'?
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What does the Italian "Grazie al cazzo" mean?
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