Coconut Oil For Yeast Infections

Coconut Oil For Yeast Infections


Coconut Oil For Yeast Infections
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By Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer

How to Use Coconut Oil to Kill Yeast Infection (Candida) – The Ultimate Guide was last modified: February 18th, 2019 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer
Do you suffer from red itchy skin, thrush, fatigue and low energy or persistent bloating? These are just some of the signs of a yeast infection and you may be interested to know that you can use coconut oil for yeast infection. Read on to find out how to use coconut oil to prevent and treat yeast infections.
Yeast is a type of fungi which lives in our bodies and just as there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria, so there are good and bad types of yeast. The scientific name for yeast is Candida and it usually lives in our digestive system.
Usually, a healthy immune system keeps yeast in its place, doing the functions they are supposed to do. However, certain medications and health issues can cause more yeast multiply, especially Candida albicans , resulting in a condition called Candidiasis ( a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida) . This can cause great discomfort and, if left untreated, can develop into a life-threatening condition.
Let’s have a look at the symptoms and causes of yeast infection and how to use coconut oil to treat yeast infection.
Yeast is found in very small amounts in our bodies. To keep yeast under control, we need a proper balance of bacteria in our digestive system. However, when something happens in the body to upset the delicate balance of bacteria, yeast can break through the intestine walls and get into the bloodstream.
This can cause fungal infections on the skin, in the mouth, and in the vagina. Vaginal yeast infections are very common in women and they can cause great discomfort. Commonly, it is referred to as thrush.
There are various factors that can cause yeast infections in people. The most common reason is taking medication which can interfere with healthy bacteria in the body. For example, antibiotics usually disrupt the digestive system and because of this yeast infections can spread (and in this regard read my article about the 3 things you should do after taking antibiotics to restore healthy intestinal flora ).
However, birth control pills, stress, alcohol, and/or eating too much sugar in your diet can also bring on yeast infections.
A yeast infection in the mouth (sometimes called oral thrush) will show up as white spots inside the mouth and on the tongue (see the 8 warning signs your tongue may be sending ), and a person will usually experience a sore throat and redness in the mouth.
Usually, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are severe itching in the genital area , swollen labia , vaginal discharge , and pain when urinating. There could also be pain when having intimate relationship.
Yeast infection (Candida) has to be treated with antifungal medications and it is also important to make diet and lifestyle changes. It is also necessary to take probiotics so that you build up a number of good bacteria in your body.
Let’s have a look at all the reasons why coconut oil is an excellent treatment for yeast infections and how to use it.
The way to kill off yeast infections, stop it spreading further and to make sure it doesn’t become a life-threatening condition is to administer antifungal treatments. However, the antifungal drugs that are usually prescribed can cause side effects and the yeast can become resistant to them.
There have been many studies carried out into coconut oil for treatment of yeast infection and scientists have found that it contains powerful antifungal properties which can be useful in treating yeast infections, including Candidiasis. What’s more, the fungus doesn’t build up a resistance to the antifungal properties of coconut oil.
When using coconut oil for yeast infection, make sure you use unrefined virgin, preferably organic, coconut oil.
Study #1 – coconut oil for Candida albicans
In 2015, an extensive study was carried out into the effect that coconut oil has specifically on the type of yeast called Candida albicans ( C. albicans ). The study , published in the American Society for Microbiology , examined the amount of Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract of mice and how coconut oil affects it. 1
It was found that when coconut oil was introduced to the diet, the amount of C. albicans was significantly reduced.
The study also showed that coconut oil actively reduces C. albicans colonization on the gastrointestinal tract (GI). It was also noted that coconut oil also contains medium-chain fatty acids, which also play a role in reducing C. albicans. They concluded that coconut oil “could become the first dietary intervention to reduce C. albicans GI colonization.”
Study #2 – coconut oil against all strains of candida
This study confirms the results of another study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods that examined the antimicrobial properties of coconut oil on Candida albicans . 2
The study showed that coconut oil was effective against all strains of Candida species and was more effective at killing fungi than fluconazole. Fluconazole is one of the most popular drugs used to combat Candida infections. The research concluded that “coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species.”
Coconut oil for yeast infection – more studies
Other studies have shown that coconut oil is just as effective as ketoconazole, another antifungal drug which is prescribed for yeast infections. 3 Also, combining coconut oil with other antifungal and antibacterial drugs can make them more effective.
For example, clotrimazole is an antifungal drug used for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection. When clotrimazole was combined with coconut oil it was more effective in treating vaginal yeast infections. 4
It is clear that coconut oil can play an important role in treating yeast infections. It can be used on its own to kill off yeast infections, or it can be combined with medication to make it more effective, thus reducing the dose a person has to take.
The powerful antifungal properties of coconut oils are effective when it is taken internally and also when used as a topical application .
You can use virgin coconut oil to clear up a yeast infection by incorporating it into your diet.
First of all, it is good to know that as far as fats go, coconut oil is classed as a healthy fat. Although it contains saturated fats, these have been proven to actually lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). 5
Also, the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil is quickly turned into energy, rather than being stored as fat and this is one of the reasons for using coconut oil for weight loss .
In the study mentioned previously into the effect of coconut oil on Candida albicans, it was noted that consuming larger doses of coconut oil as a short-term measure shouldn’t have any long-term cardiovascular effects. 1 However, you should remember that, as with all fats, coconut oil is high in calories.
To get the antifungal benefits of coconut oil, you should take between 3-5 tablespoons a day. Here are some ideas how you can incorporate it into your diet:
You should always start out with smaller amounts of coconut oil and then gradually increase your daily intake.
Virgin coconut oil is also a very effective antifungal topical treatment for Candida. As the studies mentioned have shown, coconut oil is just as effective as many antifungal medications that doctors provide.
Here are some ideas how you can use coconut oil as a topical treatment for yeast infection:
To make a topical treatment of coconut oil for Candida, do the following:
Coconut oil and Essential Oil Treatment for Candida
I’ve already written in great detail about the health benefits of cinnamon oil . By adding cinnamon oil you can increase the antifungal properties of coconut oil.
Studies into cinnamon oil have shown it to have anticandidal properties. 6 Another study has shown that cinnamon oil together with clove oil is an effective combination to kill yeast. 7
To use coconut oil together with essential oils for antifungal activity against Candida, you can do the following:
Coconut oil and tea tree oil for yeast infection
Another essential oil which has proven antifungal activity is tea tree essential oil. 8 And indeed tea tree oil is one of the natural remedies that I’ve mentioned for yeast infections .
You could add some tea tree oil to the above recipe and apply to the affected areas.
There has also been research which shows that tea tree vaginal suppositories are effective in preventing and treating acute vaginal candidiasis. 9
Tea tree oil can also increase the effectiveness of traditional antifungal drugs and this can be especially useful for yeast infections that are difficult to treat. For example, diluted tea tree oil can be added to fluconazole to increase its effectiveness. This can also help in reducing the dose of fluconazole to reduce the side effects and avoid developing drug-resistance. 10 But remember that you should always use diluted tea tree oil especially if you have a sensitive skin (add a few drops of tea tree oil to 1 tbsp. of coconut oil).
Coconut oil treatment for oral thrush
If you have oral thrush, then you should mix 1-2 drops of clove or cinnamon oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Swishing this around in your mouth for several minutes will help you to treat the thrush and it also has other health benefits . Don’t swallow any of the liquid.
After that spit all the oil out (it is recommended not to dispose the oil in the sink drain or the toilet, as the oil accumulates and can clog the pipes).
After spiting all the oil, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth as usual and floss. After this is done, you can drink and eat as usual.
I have other natural remedies for yeast infection – read our article on how to identify and treat yeast infection naturally .
You can also use yogurt for treating yeast infection . Raw plain yogurt contains certain “good” bacteria that can be useful for treating various yeast infections. For more information and for step by step instructions, please read my article on how to use yogurt as a natural home remedy for yeast infections .
Using more coconut oil in your daily routine is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.
I could only find coconut oil that was in its solid form and did not know how I could apply it. Instead I opted for a proprietary thrush remedy with fractionated coconut oil and east cape manuka oil. Admittedly this is far more expensive but it does last ages and I didn’t mind spending on this as it was for the good of my health after all. I have been called thrifty in the past and friends teased me for splashing out on this. I had the last because now some of them have followed my lead and bought it.
Hi Jemima, coconut oil is solid under 24 degrees Celsius, so to make it easier to apply you need to put the coconut oil jar in a small bowl with hot water and leave it for few minutes. Sometimes you can just break a small piece of coconut oil with a spoon, and it quickly melts in your hands due to the warmth of the body.
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In Candida , Health News , Home Remedies by Candida Specialists September 15, 2017 2 Comments
Using coconut oil for yeast infection may offer many benefits but can also cause unpleasant side effects when used incorrectly. This experts guide summarizes our experience working with coconut oil for candida and yeast infections. We looked into traditional remedies, published medical studies as well as the thousands of the coconut oil for yeast infection reviews we gathered over our many years of practice.
We hope this guide will help you enjoy the many coconut oil benefits while minimizing the risks.
Coconut oil is a very good choice for yeast infections and candida overgrowth issues, with many known health benefits and uses. What makes coconut oil especially good for yeast infections is a unique combination of benefits of coconut oil:
Coconut oil antifungal properties are well known and were demonstrated in many studies as effective against candida and yeast infections ( source 1 , source 2 , source 3 ). The fact that coconut oil kills candida and yeast can help with yeast infections and candida issues, but can also cause a healing crises or candida die off when used internally. If you have never used coconut oil internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) and test your body’s response.
Using coconut oil for yeast infection on skin is a very popular home remedy. Besides coconut oil antifungal properties, the fats in coconut oil can help to soothe and relieve the irritated skin. On its own however, coconut oil may not be effective enough to relieve cases of yeast infection itch, candida rash, yeast rash and other yeast infection on skin issues. For this reason, it is usually combined with other more potent ingredients such as ozonated olive oil. See the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream recipe section to learn more.
Due to its mild calming effect on the skin, coconut oil is commonly used in combination with other antifungal essential oils as a carrier oil. Most antifungal essential oils such as tea tree oil are too strong to be applied on the skin directly. Using coconut oil to dilute their strength can help making safer skin creams that are more mild and less likely to irritate the (already irritated) skin.
Coconut oil is one of the most famous candida diet staples. Coconut oil antifungal properties is one reason. The second reason is that coconut oil is one of the best natural sources of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are fatty acids that are easily assimilated by the body, providing a quick non-jittery energy that can last for long hours. This makes coconut oil an excellent choice during the candida diet, as a substitute to high carb foods. Many people that have been on our candida diet plan are surprised to learn how much energy they get from coconut oil or coconut butter, despite going low on carbs while on the candida diet. In fact, replacing carbs with coconut oil or coconut butter is a very popular strategy among athletes that need to lose weight before a competition, but still need to maintain high energy levels. If you are lucky enough and can get a real fresh organic coconut at your local store, you may want to consider getting all these benefits straight from the source. With practice, cracking coconuts may not be as hard as you may think.
To see examples of recipes for candida diet using coconut oil:
The MCTs oils in coconut oil are well known to promote brain health and memory function. As research suggests, ketone bodies derived from the MCTs can serve as a good energy source in the brain, even better than glucose for some people ( source 1 , source 2 ).
Coconut oil benefits for yeast infections and candida are very well documented and studied. Coconut does have a few potential side effects and disadvantages you should know before you use it:
Coconut oil antifungal properties can kill candida and yeast, but can also cause a healing crises or candida die off detox symptoms when used internally. For this reason, if you have never used coconut oil internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) and test your body’s response. Besides the potential coconut oil detox symptoms, consuming coconut oil on an empty stomach is known to cause diarrhea. This laxative coconut oil bowel movement affect may be beneficial however, to relieve constipation for some people.
On its own, coconut oil is not effective enough to treat a typical systemic candida overgrowth infection, as many other factors need to be considered and addressed during the treatment. Coconut oil does have however, many uses and potential benefits when it is combined as a part of the candida treatment.
Using coconut oil for yeast infection on skin can help in mild cases, but may not be effective enough for skin issues that cause a higher discomfort level. Issues such as itchy skin, candida rash, yeast rash and others typically requires something stronger in order to get a significant relief. Coconut oil on its own may not be enough to ease these unpleasant symptoms. For this reason, coconut oil is usually combined with other more potent ingredients. See the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream section to learn more.
A large percentage of the fats in coconut oil are saturated fats. The link between excessive consumption of dietary saturated fats and coronary heart disease has been well documented and suggested by many studies ( source ). It is debatable however, whether saturated fats from coconut have the same negative effect as the saturated fats from animal sources such as red meat. Most of the studies done on this subject didn’t differentiate between these. Another important factor that was not addressed in these studies was whether the consumption of the saturated fats also coupled with a diet high in carbs, which is a common dietary pattern known to cause many health problems.
On the other hand, some studies suggest that a diet rich in extra virgin coconut oil may improve the good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the waist circumference ( source ).
We get many questions on this topic. One of the easiest way to know the affect coconut oil has on your health, is to work with your doctor and check the related factors in a standard blood test. Before using coconut oil, and after. Based on our practice, we have not seen any negative impact of coconut oil, as long coconut oil was not used excessively and that it was used as a part of a low-carb diet.
Before you use coconut oil for yeast infection, a few useful tips about coconut oil:
To use coconut oil for yeast infection on skin:
The protocol shown above may be also useful for nails and toenails fungus, with a few simple modifications. To use coconut oil for nails and toenails fungus:
Using coconut oil for male yeast infection may provide some relief, especially when it is combined with the ozonated olive oil. Many men have found this simple natural home remedy to be very effective for penis yeast infections:
Ozonated olive oil is olive oil that had oz
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