


fighting cock — а) бойцовый петух; б) см. 5 

the cock bird of this species — самец этого вида птиц 
cock turkey — индюк 
cock lobster — самец омара 
cock duck — селезень 

cock of the school — первый драчун /заводила/ в школе 

at full cock — взведённый (о курке) 
at half cock — на предохранительном взводе 

with a knowing cock of his eye to his neighbour — многозначительно взглянув на соседа 

listen, cock — послушай, друг 
old cock — дружище, старина 

to knock into a cock — а) избить, изуродовать; б) разбить в пух и прах 
that cock won't fight! — ≅ этот номер не пройдёт! 
a cock is valiant /bold/ on his own dunghill — на своей навозной куче и петух храбрец; ≅ всяк кулик на своём болоте велик 
as the old cock crows, so doth the young — молодой петушок старому подпевает 

to cock the ears — а) навострить уши (о животном); б) шутл. навострить уши, насторожиться 
to cock the nose — задирать нос 
to cock the eye — разг. многозначительно взглянуть, подмигнуть 
to cock the hat — заламывать шляпу 
he cocked his hat on the back of his head — он сдвинул шляпу на затылок 

loud cock-a-doodle-doo — громкое кукареку, громкий крик "кукареку" 
the cock-a-hoop hilarity — бурное веселье 
to cock a pistol — наводить пистолет, целиться 
to cock shutter — взводить затвор 
as red as a turkey cock — красный, как индюк 
cock body — корпус крана 
cock of the game — бойцовый петух 
cock of the wood — глухарь 
full cock — при полностью открытом кране, заслонке 
cock-cheese — смегма 

Этот номер не пройдет! (поговорка, досл. — "этот петух драться не будет") 
Где-то вдалеке прокукарекал петух. 
She cocked her head and considered the offer. 
Она склонила голову набок и обдумала это предложение. 
The cock crowed as the sun began to rise. 
Петух пропел, как только солнце начало всходить. 
He has a passion for cock fighting. 
Он пристрастился к петушиным боям. / Его страсть — петушиные бои. 
He has always tried to cock a snook at authority. 
Он постоянно пытался показать властям своё неуважение. 
What he usually improvised was just a load of cock. 
Обычно то, что он выдумывал, оказывалось абсолютной чушью. 
They bind and cock barley as they do wheat and rye. 
Они вяжут ячмень в снопы и складывают в стога так же, как пшеницу и рожь. 
The wind being high, he let down the cocks of his hat. 
Так как дул сильный ветер, он опустил поля шляпы. 
The cock was still crowing when I started out of my dream. (E. A. Abbott) 
Петух все еще кукарекал, когда я очнулся ото сна. 
My nose had lost its pretty cock, and had grown elegantly hooked. 
Раньше у меня был миленький вздернутый носик, а теперь он стал очень элегантным клювиком. 
I have an inimitable cock with my hat that adds a vivacity to my looks. 
Как я ношу шляпу набекрень, так никто не носит 
He cocked a quizzical eyebrow at her.
A cock pheasant rose from the hill in front of me.
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cock up — поднимать, испортить, напортачить, напутать, перепутать

cocked — поднятый, задранный кверху
cocker — ласкать, баловать, кокер-спаниель
cockiness — дерзость, самонадеянность
uncock — ставить курок на предохранитель
cocking — охота на вальдшнепов, перекос, наклон, предстартовая подготовка
cockish — самодовольный, напыщенный, петушиный

I/you/we/they: cock
he/she/it: cocks
ing ф. (present participle): cocking
2-я ф. (past tense): cocked
3-я ф. (past participle): cocked

ед. ч.(singular): cock
мн. ч.(plural): cocks

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?Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
a. An adult male chicken; a rooster.
b. An adult male of various other birds.
2. A weathervane shaped like a rooster; a weathercock.
3. A faucet or valve by which the flow of a liquid or gas can be regulated.
b. The position of the hammer of a firearm when ready for firing.
5. A tilting or jaunty turn upward: the cock of a hat.
b. A man or boy regarded as mean or contemptible.
7. Archaic The characteristic cry of a rooster early in the morning.
1. To set the hammer of (a firearm) in a position ready for firing.
2. To set (a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.
3. To tilt or turn up or to one side, usually in a jaunty or alert manner: cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.
4. To raise in preparation to throw or hit: cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.
An overbearing or domineering person.
[Middle English cok, from Old English cocc, probably from Late Latin coccus, from coco, a cackling, of imitative origin.]
A cone-shaped pile of straw or hay.
To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Animals) the male of the domestic fowl
b. the male of certain other animals, such as the lobster
3. (Building) short for stopcock, weathercock
b. its position when the firearm is ready to be discharged
6. informal Brit a friend, mate, or fellow
7. a jaunty or significant tilting or turning upwards: a cock of the head.
9. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (tr) to set the firing pin, hammer, or breech block of (a firearm) so that a pull on the trigger will release it and thus fire the weapon
10. (Photography) (tr) to set the shutter mechanism of (a camera) so that the shutter can be tripped by pressing the shutter-release button
11. (sometimes foll by: up) to raise in an alert or jaunty manner
12. (intr) to stick or stand up conspicuously
[Old English cocc (referring to the male fowl; the development of C15 sense spout, tap, and other transferred senses is not clear), ultimately of imitative origin; related to Old Norse kokkr, French coq, Late Latin coccus]
(Agriculture) a small, cone-shaped heap of hay, straw, etc
(Agriculture) (tr) to stack (hay, straw, etc) in such heaps
[C14 (in Old English, cocc is attested in place names): perhaps of Scandinavian origin; compare Norwegian kok, Danish dialect kok]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
2. the male of any bird, esp. of the gallinaceous kind.
3. Also called stopcock. a hand-operated valve or faucet that controls the flow of liquid or gas.
a. the part of the lock that, by its fall or action, causes the discharge; hammer.
b. the position of the hammer preparatory to firing, usu. drawn completely back.
9. to draw back the hammer of (a firearm) preparatory to firing.
10. to draw back in preparation for throwing or hitting.
11. to set (a camera shutter) for tripping.
12. to cock the hammer of a firearm.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English cocc, c. Old Norse kokkr; orig. imitative]
1. to turn up or to one side, often in a jaunty manner: The puppy cocked its ear at the sound.
3. the act of turning up or to one side, esp. in a jaunty manner.
[1705–15; probably v. use of cock1]
[1350–1400; Middle English; compare dial. German Kocke heap of hay or dung, Norwegian kok heap, lump; akin to Old Norse kǫkkr lump]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Examples: cock of barley, 1718; of corn, 1483; of grass, 1750; of hay, 1483; of oak (trees), 1473; of turf, 1881.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
penis, phallus, member - the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth - an offensive or indecent word or phrase
faucet, spigot - a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir
firing mechanism, gunlock - the action that ignites the charge in a firearm
striker - the part of a mechanical device that strikes something
Gallus gallus, chicken - a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
cockerel - a young domestic cock; not older than one year
bird - warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
fighting cock, gamecock - a cock bred and trained for fighting
cant, cant over, tilt, slant, pitch - heel over; "The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
walk - use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. cockerel, rooster, chanticleer We heard the sound of a cock crowing in the yard.
2. (Taboo slang) phallus, member, tool (taboo slang), dick (taboo slang), organ, prick (taboo slang), knob (Brit. taboo slang), chopper (Brit. slang), plonker (slang), dong (slang), pecker (U.S. & Canad. taboo slang), John Thomas (taboo slang), weenie (U.S. slang), tadger (Brit. slang), schlong (U.S. slang), willie or willy (Brit. informal) She glanced at his cock, then pointed and laughed.
1. raise, prick up, perk up He suddenly cocked an ear and listened.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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1. (esp Brit) (= rooster) → gallo m; (= other male bird) → macho m
old cock! → ¡amigo!, ¡viejo!
cock of the walk → gallito m del lugar
2. (= tap) (also stopcock) → llave f de paso
4. [of gun] → martillo m
to go off at half cock (fig) [plan] → ponerse en práctica sin la debida preparación
1. [+ gun] → amartillar; [+ head] → ladear
to cock one's eye at → mirar con intención a, guiñar el ojo a
to cock a snook at sb/sth (Brit) (fig) → burlarse de algn/algo
2. (also cock up) [+ ears] → aguzar
to keep one's ears cocked → mantenerse alerta, aguzar el oído or la oreja
C. CPD cock sparrow N → gorrión m macho
cock teaser N → calientapollas f inv
cock up VT + ADV to cock sth up (Brit) → joder algo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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Soon afterwards, as they were passing by a farmyard, they saw a cock perched upon a gate, and screaming out with all his might and main.
The donkey laid himself down upon a heap of straw in the yard, the dog stretched himself upon a mat behind the door, the cat rolled herself up on the hearth before the warm ashes, and the cock perched upon a beam on the top of the house; and, as they were all rather tired with their journey, they soon fell asleep.
One must have an ostrich plume; another, a white feather with a red end; a third, a bunch of cock's tails.
These matters being arranged, they prepared to embark; but the embarkation of a crew of Canadian voyageurs, on a distant expedition, is not so easy a matter as might be imagined; especially of such a set of vainglorious fellows with money in both pockets, and cocks' tails in their hats.
That morning, the 3rd of December, the travelers were awakened by a joyous but unexpected noise; it was the crowing of a cock which sounded through the car.
It is very Gallic; they play the cock so in the best society."
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