Cock Trample Story

Cock Trample Story


Cock Trample Story
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Other · # 1640179
Collection of any trample experience, human couch or fictional stories I found on the net
Created: January 27th, 2010 at 7:12 pm
Modified: June 4th, 2022 at 7:38 pm
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Hey everyone. This is a true story. It happened to me only yesterday. I am sorry that I don't remember much, but you will see why near the end of the story.

I am 18 years old, and I live in Spain. Yesterday, I was having a Spanish lesson from my friend Jen. She arrived at the gate, and I opened it. Her car drove in and I shut the gate.

We were going to have a barbeque night, so I had to have my lesson before everyone arrived. There were several people invited. Jen, her daughters Maria and Gemma, my best friend Chris, his sister Cassie and their parents, along with my brother and his girlfriend. The barbeque was being hosted to celebrate my brother finally getting his driver's license.

Jen stepped out of the car, along with her two daughters, Maria and Gemma. Maria is 10, and Gemma is 8. Both are quite overweight. In fact, they weigh almost as much as me. Maria was wearing shorts and a t-shirt along with a pair of orange and black flip-flops. Gemma is shorter and weighs more than Maria. She was wearing a short skirt, a t-shirt and a pair of pink flip-flops.

I have always wanted to be trampled by a female, but I don't care about the age. As long as she is heavy enough to cause moderate pain without any actual damage, I don't care. Maria and Gemma made perfect candidates. I had tricked my way into getting Cassie, my best friend's sister, to trample me regularly. She knows she's doing it, but she thinks it's just part of a game.

Anyway, back to Maria and Gemma. How to get them to trample me? They don't take to new things very quickly, and I didn't see them often. It would be hard to trick my way under their feet... I had to find out what they liked to do, and then improvise from there.

I went in for my Spanish lesson with Jen, and came back out. Jen sat and had a glass of wine and a cigarette, leaving me to take care of Maria and Gemma, who had been playing with the dog while I had my lesson. I approached the girls. "Okay." I said. "I've finished my lesson, and your mom wants me to look after you for a while. What do you girls like to do?" It wasn't obvious what I wanted. "Well, do you have Crash Bandicoot on your XBOX 360?" Asked Maria. Talking about XBOX 360s at her age. Train 'em young, I say.

"No, sorry." I replied. "I don't like Crash Bandicoot." I had to make sure I didn't get caught up in other topics if I wanted to get myself trampled. "How about Hide and Seek?" Suggested Gemma. I thought about it. I quickly ran through my house in my mind, trying to find ways to get myself trampled in a game of Hide and Seek. Then I remembered. I live with my older brother and his girlfriend. His girlfriend had only just moved in, and she wanted a room of her own, so my brother and I spent a lot of our time doing up a room for her.

Today, however, they were down at the beach. In my brother's girlfriend's room was a hole in the floor, about the same size as me. At some point we were planning to put a box in there as a place for my brother's girlfriend to put her shoes, because there wasn't enough space in the room for them. She has a large collection. The hole didn't currently have any shoes, or any boxes in it, and it was covered over by a thin mat. Perfect. I could lie down in that and be trampled as the girls searched for me.

Maria was to count first. Gemma ran off into my bedroom and chose a simple hiding place, behind the door. I went into my brother's girlfriend's room, lifted up the mat, got down in the hole and covered myself over. I could see through the mat because of the light, but the girls wouldn't be able to look down and see me. The hole was just the right depth too. My body was level with the floor. I would appear to be just a soft area of the floor.

I heard the cry of "Ready or not, here I come!" and prepared myself for the trampling to come. I waited for a couple of minutes, and I could hear Maria's feet outside the room. The door creaked and I held my breath. I could just see her walking into the room. She walked around the rug at first and looked under the bed that was in there. Then she got up, turned to face the closet that my brother and I had been installing and walked towards it. She had to walk straight over me.

Her foot pressed into my stomach and all her weight came down upon that foot. It was heaven for me. She continued towards the wardrobe, opened it, and found nothing. She then walked right into the centre of the room, which was roughly my face, and began to turn around in circles, scanning the room. I had to turn my face sideways so my nose wasn't crushed. I felt one of her feet press down upon my chest, and the other upon my cheek. Heaven again.

Apparently she didn't see anything, because she said "Humph!" and gave an angry stomp. As she raised the foot that was on my chest, I felt her full weight press down into my face. I heard my jaw click, then I felt the crushing pain come down upon my chest as she rammed her foot into it. I could barely breathe, and my ribs hurt like hell.

She walked out of the room and went in the direction of my room. I heard "Found you Gemma!" and knew that Gemma had indeed been detected. At that moment I heard the main door slide open, and a regular "Click clack" sound. Who could this be? "Hey girls!" said a familiar voice. It was my best friend's sister, Cassie. "ROB!" she called out. "CHRIS WILL BE HERE IN A MINUTE, HE HAS A BADMINTON TOURNAMENT!" That was good. It gave me time to have myself trampled by Cassie as well. Something I had not planned on.

"We're playing Hide and Seek, and Rob is hiding somewhere. You can play when we finish this round." I heard Maria say. "Where should I wait?" Asked Cassie. "Go and wait in that room. There's nobody in there, I have checked." Said Maria. That must mean the room I was in.

Sure enough, I saw Cassie and Maria in the doorway. Cassie looked a lot taller than she normally did... What was going on? "Stand on that mat there in the middle of the room. Once we're found we'll wait on the mat for the round to finish." Said Maria. I heard Gemma grunt her approval, and saw Cassie walking towards me. I heard the "Click clack" sound again. What was that sound?

As you have probably guessed, that sound was the sound of high heels hitting the floor. It had been Cassie's 14th birthday a week ago, but I was not able to attend. She must have gotten a pair of high heels as a present. I braced myself for the impending pain. Sure enough, pain came.

It wasn't bad at first. The flat part of Cassie's shoe was placed upon my stomach and pressure was applied. Nothing I wasn't used to. Then came the heel. It came down upon my stomach like a sharp knife. I could feel it denting my skin, even through my t-shirt and the mat. I was so painful, but it gave me so much pleasure. I was too busy enjoying this pleasure to see Joanne's other foot come down. This time it was upon my groin. Where, I might add, an erection was forming. I felt the flat of her shoe press my erection flat into my stomach, and the heel of her shoe apply a gentle pressure. Clearly she had most of her weight on the flat of her foot.

I couldn't believe this. I thought that I would be discovered after being trodden on, and then the game would end, but here I was. Having survived the large weight that is Maria, I was now being crushed by Cassie, who was slightly lighter. Then I remembered Maria's idea. Gemma had been found, and would be coming onto the mat in a few moments.

Sure enough, I felt Gemma, the heaviest girl of the three, step onto my leg. I was surprised she could balance. "Oh hi!" Said Cassie. "Do you like my new shoes? I got them for my birthday! Here, have a look!" Gemma got down to her knees, which hurt my leg, and took a closer look at Cassie's shoe. Cassie lifted her shoe up. My erection popped back up to it's normal place. However, her full weight was now pressing into my stomach. I couldn't take the pain from the heel of her shoe, and I grunted.

Thankfully, it was at that moment that Maria came into the room and declared that she had given up trying to find me. Gemma and Sonia stepped off of me and sat on the bed, where they began to talk about trivial, every-day matters which I will not mention in this story.

Eventually the girls walked out of the room, in their normal footwear again. I slid my hand out under the mat and grabbed onto the edge of the hole to pull myself out.However, I heard my brother and his girlfriend returning. My brother went into his room to change into his formal clothes for the barbeque, and his girlfriend came straight into hers to do the same.

She walked straight onto my hand, which was still under the mat. I winced. She was heavier than the other girls put together. Thank God she was only wearing trainers. I waited for a few minutes while she got changed and did her make-up. I then heard a pair of high heels clack across the floor towards me. I waited, and hoped she would walk round me, not over me. There was to be no such luck.

I saw the flat of her foot coming straight down for my forehead, and barely had time to shut my eyes before I felt her immense weight crash, hard, onto my forehead. I can remember feeling her foot press into my chest, then my groin, and then I blacked out.

I awoke several hours later. I know because I could no longer see light coming through the window in front of me. I also knew because I could hear my brother's girlfriend's deep breathing on the bed next to me. I moved the rug very carefully and got up. I put my hand on the door handle and started to pull the door open. It creaked and my brother's girlfriend stirred. It was too dangerous. I was going to have to sit out the night in here. Not in the hole, it was uncomfortable. I squinted around the room, and decided to go under the bed, where a spare blanket was being kept. I could sleep on top of that. I crawled under, moved her high heels out of the way and fell asleep.

I was to receive a rude awakening. My hand was sticking out, because I had been moving in the night. My brother's girlfriend awoke, and stood on my hand when she got out of bed. It hurt like hell. She got dressed, and eventually walked out of the room. I waited a few minutes for the main door to close, which meant she had gone to work, and then crawled out from under the bed.

I went into my room and came straight here, to my computer, where I am now typing this out for you all.

Sorry it was long and boring. I couldn't remember all the trampling parts so I waffled on a bit.

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Pokemon: Sabrina Interactive  139 story chapters Shrunk in a toy city  58 story chapters Enter the Video Game  21 story chapters Persona 4: Growth Edition  768 story chapters Cheating Death  377 story chapters Meteorite Giantess  120 story chapters Digital Downsizing  77 story chapters Video Game GTS Mild Vore  563 story chapters Shrunk By Kirlia (unaware)  38 story chapters Shipwrecked Giantess  145 story chapters 
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by Normalo in German, Translation by Squeezeme 

I always had a good relationship to my sister-in-law (or I'd better say to my former sister-in-law). Her marriage with my brother was happy till a few years ago, when my brother fell in love with another woman. I have never understood, because Conny was really a woman a man could dream of. Not only she had a perfect frame and a gorgeous look, she also was a charming person with her friendliness and whenever she smiled her ample red lips revealed a set of pearl white teeth. And her feet... Every summer I enjoyed the view of her naked feet, whenever she made the floor tremble under her sandals or open high-heels. That might have been the reason I visited my brother and her mostly in summertime...

Well, now she was single again and you could tell, she was frustrated and hated men - fortunately not me (so I thought), as we still had a good relationship and now I was even invited for her birthday celebration (she was getting 30).

I arrived at her house, alone. As always. I've never had luck in love, never had a chance to make such a lovely woman as Conny fall in love with me. My heart was beating wildly as I stood daydreaming about how she might hav
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