Cock Tattoos

Cock Tattoos


Cock Tattoos
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"The only other thing I’ve felt similar to it is getting shot with a taser."
Jaded Moon didn’t set out to become one of the world’s premiere penis tattoo artists, but fell into the role because of her gender. Back when she first started tattooing two decades ago, female tattoo artists were few and far between, and a lot of straight guys only felt comfortable getting a dick tattoo from a woman. “They want to be able to say they got their dick tattooed from a chick and not a dude,” Moon remembers.
It’s strange to think a man who wants his penis tatted would feel constrained by toxic masculinity (i.e., it’s “gay” to have a man touch your dick—even if they’re a professional tattooing it), yet apparently, it’s a thing. Moon isn’t complaining. It’s what’s allowed her to become an internationally recognized genital tattoo artist (she does taint and assholes, too)! Men from all across the country travel to get their dicks tattooed by her, often saying that they're wanted a dick tattoo for years, but struggled to find an artist.
“A lot of tattoo artists won't do a dick tattoo, which is fine,” Moon says. But that makes it challenging for men to find an artist. “You don’t want to go into a shop, say you want a dick tattoo, only for the artist to say, ‘Hell, no!’” It can be an embarrassing, if not traumatic, experience.
We know you probably have a lot of questions about penis tattoos, and we have answers! Here, Moon explains how tattooing a dick actually works, and three guys who have penis tattoos share their experiences of getting it done.
A popular misconception is that you’re erect the entire time. Moon has tattooed hundreds, if not thousands, of penises in her lifetime, and not once has a man been erect while getting a dick tattoo.
“Guys love to say to me over the phone, ‘Oh, I’ll probably have my dick hard the whole time,’” Moon says. “And I’m like, ‘Okay, bro.’” She actually tells them that she’ll give them a thousands dollars in cash if they’re able to stay hard the entire time. She carries it with her every single appointment. “I’ve never had a dude get anywhere near a boner during the whole process,” she says.
That said, guys do have to get hard for the stenciling portion of the tattoo, which comes before the ink. That was the hardest part (no pun intended) for Hugo Reynaga , 33, who has a shooting star on his penis.
“There were a lot of quick visits to the bathroom to jerk off just enough to get an erection that would start to go down as soon as I was walking back to the tattoo artist, with no pants on, in the middle of his studio,” Reynaga says. “My penis would get flaccid the moment he grabbed it to start drawing; it was really embarrassing.” Eventually, Reynaga was able to stay erect long enough so the artist could complete the stencil.
During the actual tattooing, either the artist or the person getting the tattoo holds their dick to stretch it out. A stretched out, flaccid dick is roughly the same length as an erect dick.
Guys have come up with some creative ways to stretch out their member for the inking process. Matthew Jordan, 33, who has a black heart on the side of his penis, says he was partially erect and “bent my penis around a wooden spoon to help stretch it out for the tattoo.”
Blew Velvet , 27, wrapped his dick around a soda can “like a bracelet.” Velvet has a few dick tattoos: There's a horse fly tatted on the head of his penis, the word ‘goddess’ spanning down the left side of his shaft, and his birth year, ‘1993,’ running down the right side. (For those interested, he actually has a video of one of his dick tattoo sessions on his OnlyFans . Link NSFW, obviously.)
It depends on the exact placement of the tattoo. If you’re getting it on your shaft, it seems pretty chill, all things considered. “It wasn’t as painful as I thought it was going to be,” Reynaga says. “So I was just sitting there, chit-chatting with the artist while he was injecting my flaccid penis with colorful ink.”
When Moon is tattooing the shaft, she says “most guys are like, 'Cool, no problem.'” But things get “dramatic” when she gets to the head. “It’s a whole 'nother thing,” she says.
Velvet—who has the horse fly on the tip of his penis—says the sensation is "hard to explain."
“It’s like an orgasm, in the sense that you feel it in your whole body, and it takes control of your breathing temporarily, except instead of it being pleasure that is rushing through your somatic floodgates, it’s pain,” he says. "The only other thing I’ve felt similar to it is getting shot with a taser."
The tattooing process is very personal. Guys get dick tattoos for the same reasons that they get a tattoo on their shoulders or legs. It can be funny, sentimental, symbolic, quirky, or alternative. But with dick tattoos—more so than other traditionally placed tattoos—there seems to be an element of shock value and peacocking.
“I got it because I thought it would be funny, unique, and a good conversation starter,” says Jordan. And that it is. Very few people can see a dick tattoo and not say anything about it. But that’s also one of its cons: if someone sees your dick tattoo, odds are, you are about to do something sexual. Stopping to talk about the tattoo process can be a boner killer.
“This one time, a guy realized I had a penis tattoo, and he stopped what he was doing and started asking a bunch of questions. He would just stare at my dick while holding it in his hands, analyzing my tattoo,” Reynaga says.
For Velvet, “Answering questions incessantly can sometimes be a [sexual] turn-off." But he's still happy to have his penis tattoos. “Allowing myself the autonomy to choose how my dick could or should look really helped me with circumcision dysphoria,” he says. He used to hate how his dick looked and wished for his foreskin back when he was younger. “I think that my tattoos have returned some significance to my dick’s appearance, and there’s a pride in its presentation I was lacking before.”

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Updated June 14, 2019 16.9k votes 5.4k voters 1.2m views
Vote up the most horrifyingly phallic tattoo fails ever inked.
Yep, there's something more horrifying than a misspelled tattoo. That's right, ladies and gentleman, real people have actually received penis tattoos! In some cases the recipient clearly wanted a wiener or two subtly incorporated into a design, but in a few instances it looks like these folks went down to the tattoo parlor with no plan to have a male genital permanently inked into their skin. That's what they ended up with, however.
Accidental "male organ" tattoos are the father of the mother of all tattoo fails. From the accidental nose to at least one crucifix gone horribly wrong, these pics are absolutely funny. Well, as long you as you aren't one of the people in these photos.

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Thinking of getting a tattoo on your ding-dong, willy, pecker, dick, penis, little mate, doodle or one eyed snake?
If so here’s some helpful information that might just help you to make up your mind about inking your member.
Whether its to complete/complement an overall design or body modification theme, or to add a cheeky or rebellious element to their body. Tattooing your penis is as individual a choice as tattooing any part of your body. You may want to do it to show off. It could hold a personal or sentimental attachment for you. It could be viewed as a right of passage or you might just think it to be a funny surprise to show your partner(s) new or old.
Ultimately the reasons for wanting to get any tattoo are yours and yours alone.
Just remember to “Think before you ink”
So you’ve made up your mind and you’ve got your heart set on getting your Johnson branded.
The first thing you’ll need to do is find an Artist that’s both willing to, and experienced at tattooing penises.
Some artists would charge a “handling fee” which could make this tattoo cost as much as twice the amount that it would cost if the exact same design was done anywhere else on the body.
Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable with having another man handling your junk.
If not you would most likely need to find a female artist to do the tattoo or you’ll need to come to terms the another bloke touching your rod.
Some artists might be willing to do the tattoo but they might not want to hold it so they’ll get you to hold it instead.
This might make it harder for the tattoo to be done as you’re more likely to pull it away once that needle makes contact with your skin.
Remember that both you are the artist must feel comfortable with tattooing such an intimate area.
Your personal pain tolerance will need to be considered.
If you’re the type to squirm when getting a tattoo, this could not only affect the quality of the end result. It could also lead to nerve damage which we will go into more later on.
If you’ve never had a tattoo before its best advised that you get one done somewhere else on your body first.
You need to feel what you’re going to be experiencing firsthand, before trying it on such a sensitive area.
The day before you get the tattoo done you should prepare for it by getting the area waxed to remove all of the pubic hair.
Don’t do it on the same day as you’ll need to let the skin recover before getting tattooed.
The artist will most likely still give it a quick shave to ensure that as much of the hair as possible has been removed.
Going in with a full bushel of hair would only make it more difficult to shave and the artist may outright refuse to do it until you’ll cleared the area beforehand.
Have a shower/bath before going in.
How would you feel if you had someones smelly crutch in your face while you tried to work?
Its best to clean yourself as much as possible prior to the appointment, especially during summer.
Be prepared to not being able to have sex for a while.
You wont be able to use your penis for any sexual acts until it heals. This includes oral sex and masturbation.
Depending on the follow up care and your personal healing factor. This could be as little as 1-2 weeks or up to 6 months.
You’ll need to wait for the “onion skin” and scabbing to go away to prevent infection and tearing of the skin around the new tattoo.
This might seem like an embarrassing question to ask but its a fair one to be asking.
No, you don’t need to be aroused to get the tattoo done. Nor would you need to take Viagra before hand.
As a matter of fact it would be unwise to use Viagra as this can not only make the artist uncomfortable, but could also lead to excessive bleeding or mask nerve damage.
If your penis does become erect during the procedure its nothing to be embarrassed about, as the vibration of the needle can affect each guy differently.
Its for this reason that being hard isn’t advised.
Most guys would struggle to maintain an erection while another guy is holding their penis and stabbing it with a needle.
If you do get hard try thinking about something else to take your mind off of the vibration. Climaxing would not be something most artists, male or female, would be tolerant of.
Your penis will most likely be tattooed by having your flaccid tool pulled taut.
It will either pulled straight or folded over a knuckle or block depending on the type of detail that the design requires.
First off. Are you a shower or grower?
Meaning. Does your penis grow when erect or are you the same length regardless of if you’re soft or hard?
Again this isn’t an embarrassing question to consider when it comes to your design.
If you’re a shower then the design will more or less look the same regardless of arousal level.
But if you’re a grower, then the design will deflate like the picture on a balloon.
This along with girth and overall length will impact on what designs would suit your shaft.
It may seem like a good idea at first or even a romantic gesture to have your partner’s name tattooed along your penis.
However if the relationship was to unfortunately break down.
There would be another needlessly painful experience to be had when covering or removing the name.
Aside for the general infection risks associated with improper tattooing practices.
There is also an increased risk of infection if proper hygiene practices aren’t followed during the post care.
Until the tattoo has healed, make sure to change your underwear daily. Wash your hands before handling yourself and NO INTERCOURSE .
Even wearing a condom can cause infection, just don’t risk it.
The skin of the penis is rather delicate, think of it as a thin sheet of tissue over hard muscle.
As such it can easily be torn if the the artist doesn’t know what they are doing.
This can lead to disfiguring scars or pulling of the skin surrounding the scar tissue.
Similar things can also occur if basic post tattoo care practices are not followed.
If the tattoo is allowed to dry out it could form heavy scabbing.
These scabs could also form scar tissue that can lead to the same sort of issues.
The penis relies on blood flow and nerves to regulate between flaccid and erect functions.
A condition known as Priaprism , occurs when blood is physically unable to exit the penis.
This results in a permanent to long lasting erections.
As fun as this sounds. It can actually cause painful engorgement (swelling) and potential nerve damage if left untreated.
Even without Priaprism occurring, nerve damage can still occur.
The nerves that facilitate erections, or even sensory nerves could be damaged.
Its for this reason that it is best to find someone experienced in doing penis tattoos.
As a small mistake can leave more then just an unsightly tattoo.
Who would do a snake penis tattoo in Melbourne or Ballarat
I have tattoo on penis and balls, it’s very cool!
Hey .. I have a elephant head and trunk tattooed on my penis … best thing I ever did .. it’s a great tat .. nothing daft .. we’ll design..
A gay man would embrace it for sure!
I have a few tattooed on my cock and my balls I want to have my balls completely done in different designs and a complete design on the shafts of my cock
what if u nut tho…. how tf do u not nut, doesnt the vibration do that?
I have a smallish cock cock so I figured if they were tattooed it would make them special, different. I had a tattoo machine that I tattooed my arm, legs and then my crotch. Would I do it again? Probably not.
I’m looking for a female tattoo artist who is comfortable to tattoo a penis, I have a design that needs completing, shaft and head. Anybody out there, UK based?
Just giving this a bump, is there a female (personal preference) who is comfortable with tattooing a penis and genital area, or does anybody know of anyone.
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